Go's testing framework

We will use Go's built-in testing framework to write a set of tests that exercise IGWEB's server-side functionality. All server-side tests are stored in the tests folder.

If you are new to Go's built-in testing framework, provided through the testing package, you can read more about it at this link: https://golang.org/pkg/testing/.

Prior to running the go test command to execute all the tests, you must start up the Redis server instance and IGWEB (each preferably in their own dedicated Terminal window or tab).

You can start the Redis server instance with the following command:

$ redis-server

You can start the IGWEB instance with the following command, inside the $IGWEB_APP_ROOT folder:

$ go run igweb.go

To run all the tests in the suite, we simply need to run the go test command within the tests folder:

$ go test
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