
In this chapter, you learned how to perform end-to-end testing to verify the functionality of an Isomorphic Go web application. To ensure the quality of IGWEB, prior to website launch, we started out by gathering the set of baseline functionality to test for.

To verify server-side functionality, we implemented tests using Go's testing package from the standard library. We implemented tests that verified server-side routing/template rendering, the contact form's validation functionality, and the successful contact form submission scenario.

To verify client-side functionality, we implemented tests using CasperJS that verified multiple user interaction scenarios. We were able to perform automated user interaction testing using CasperJS, since it sits on top of PhantomJS, a headless web browser equipped with a JavaScript runtime. We implemented CasperJS tests to verify the client-side routing/template rendering, the contact form's client-side validation functionality, the successful contact form submission scenario on the client-side, the functionality of the shopping cart, and the functionality of the live chat feature. We also implemented CasperJS tests, to verify the functionality of the collection of cogs that we implemented in Chapter 9, Cogs – Reusable Components.

In Chapter 11Deploying an Isomorphic Go Web Application, you will learn how to deploy IGWEB to the cloud. We will first explore the procedure to release the website to a standalone server. After that, you'll learn how to utilize Docker, to release the website as a multi-container Docker application.

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