Greater search engine discoverability

The second primary advantage of the classic web application architecture is that this architecture is search engine friendly, since the web application serves up web page responses, in HTML, that can be readily consumed by search engine bots. In addition to this, the server-side route-handler allows for the creation of search engine friendly URLs, that can be associated with a specific server-side controller.

A key factor to making a website friendly to search engines is discoverability. Besides having great content, a search engine friendly website also needs permalinks – web links that are intended to remain in service permanently. Descriptive and well-named URLs can be registered as routes with the server-side's router. These routes end up serving as permalinks, which the search engine bot crawlers can easily index while crawling through the website.

The goal is to have pretty website URLs that can contain meaningful information, which can be easily indexed by a search engine's bot crawler, such as:

The aforementioned permalink is much more easily indexed by a search engine and understood by a human rather than the following one:

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