Mental context shifts

When it comes to developer productivity, we have now introduced a mental context shift (also known as a cognitive switch) assuming that the back-end server-side language is not JavaScript. For example, let's consider that our back-end application is implemented in Go and the front-end application is implemented in JavaScript. Now, the developer will have to be fluent in both the server-side language (Go) and the client-side language (JavaScript) which apart from syntactical differences may have a different set of guiding philosophies and idioms.

This causes a mental context shift for the full stack developer that is tasked with maintaining the client side and the server side of the codebase. One way for organizations to immediately address the issue of mental context shifts is to reach into the pocketbooks. If the organization can afford to do this, it could take the hit in increased operating costs and dedicate at least one developer to the front-end and one developer to the back-end.

Wish list item #2: To increase maintainability, there should be a single, unified, project codebase, which is implemented in a single programming language.
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