Measurable benefits

The methodology to develop an isomorphic web application using Go, that is presented in this book, has proven, measurable benefits with regard to providing an enhanced user experience.

We can use the Google PageSpeed Insights tool ( to evaluate the performance of IGWEB's home page. The tool measures how well a web page delivers a good user experience, on a scale of 0 to 100, based on various criteria, namely the organization of web page content, size of static assets, and time taken to render the web page:

Figure 1.10: The result of running the IGWEB home page through the Google PageSpeed Insights tool

Figure 1.10 is a screenshot that shows the result of evaluating the desktop edition of IGWEB. At the time of writing, IGWEB scores 97/100 for the desktop browsing experience, and 91/100 for the mobile browsing experience. According to the tool, the 90+ score attained for both the desktop and mobile editions indicates that the IGWEB home page applies most performance best practices and should deliver a good user experience.

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