
If you are new to Go, it is well worth your time to undertake tour of Go, available at https://tour.golang.org.

Before you can proceed further, you need to have Go installed on your system. In this section, we will provide a high-level overview of installing Go, and setting up your Go workspace. If you need further help, you can access the detailed instructions to install Go at https://golang.org/doc/install.

Let's make our way to the Go website, available at https://golang.org:

Figure 2.2: The Go Website

Click on the Download Go link, shown in Figure 2.2, to get to the Downloads page (https://golang.org/dl/), shown in Figure 2.3:

Figure 2.3: The Downloads page on the Go Website

As you can see, Go is available for all the major operating systems. We will be using a Mac while walking you through the installation and configuration process. Information on installing Go for other operating systems can be found in the Getting Started document available on the Go website, at https://golang.org/doc/install.

On the Downloads page, click on the link to download the distribution of Go for your operating system. I clicked on the link to download the Apple macOS installer. 

Getting your system up and running with Go will consist of the following steps:

  1. Installing Go
  2. Setting up your Go workspace
  3. Building and running programs
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