Installing GopherJS

We can install GopherJS by issuing the following go get command:

$ go get -u

To find out the current version of gopherjs installed on your system, use the gopherjs version command:

$ gopherjs version
GopherJS 1.9-1</strong>
The major versions of Go and GopherJS must match on your system. We will be using version 1.9.1 of Go and version 1.9-1 of GopherJS in this book.

You can type gopherjs help to get yourself acquainted with the various commands that come with GopherJS:

$ gopherjs
GopherJS is a tool for compiling Go source code to JavaScript.

gopherjs [command]

Available Commands:
build compile packages and dependencies
doc display documentation for the requested, package, method or symbol
get download and install packages and dependencies
install compile and install packages and dependencies
run compile and run Go program
serve compile on-the-fly and serve
test test packages
version print GopherJS compiler version

--color colored output (default true)
--localmap use local paths for sourcemap
-m, --minify minify generated code
-q, --quiet suppress non-fatal warnings
--tags string a list of build tags to consider satisfied during the build
-v, --verbose print the names of packages as they are compiled
-w, --watch watch for changes to the source files

Use "gopherjs [command] --help" for more information about a command.
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