



Part I Introducing Security Metrics

1 What Is a Security Metric?

Metrics and Measurement

Metrics Are a Result

Measurement Is an Activity

Security Metrics Today


Security Vulnerability and Incident Statistics

Annualized Loss Expectancy

Return on Investment

Total Cost of Ownership

The Dissatisfying State of Security Metrics: Lessons from Other Industries




Reassessing Our Ideas About Security Metrics

Thinking Locally

Thinking Analytically

Thinking Ahead


Further Reading

2 Designing Effective Security Metrics

Choosing Good Metrics

Defining Metrics and Measurement

Nothing Either Good or Bad, but Thinking Makes It So

What Do You Want to Know?


GQM for Better Security Metrics

What Is GQM?

Setting Goals

Asking Questions

Assigning Metrics

Putting It All Together

The Metrics Catalog

More Security Uses for GQM

Measuring Security Operations

Measuring Compliance to a Regulation or Standard

Measuring People and Culture

Applying GQM to Your Own Security Measurements


Further Reading

3 Understanding Data

What Are Data?

Definitions of Data

Data Types

Data Sources for Security Metrics

System Data

Process Data

Documentary Data

People Data

We Have Metrics and Data—Now What?


Further Reading

Case Study 1: In Search of Enterprise Metrics

Scenario One: Our New Vulnerability Management Program

Scenario Two: Who’s on First?

Scenario Three: The Value of a Slide

Scenario Four: The Monitoring Program

Scenario Five: What Cost, the Truth?


Part II Implementing Security Metrics

4 The Security Process Management Framework

Managing Security as a Business Process

Defining a Business Process

Security Processes

Process Management over Time

The SPM Framework

Security Metrics

Security Measurement Projects

The Security Improvement Program

Security Process Management

Before You Begin SPM

Getting Buy-in: Where’s the Forest?

The Security Research Program


Further Reading

5 Analyzing Security Metrics Data

The Most Important Step

Reasons for Analysis

What Do You Want to Accomplish?

Preparing for Data Analysis

Analysis Tools and Techniques

Descriptive Statistics

Inferential Statistics

Other Statistical Techniques

Qualitative and Mixed Method Analysis


Further Reading

6 Designing the Security Measurement Project

Before the Project Begins

Project Prerequisites

Deciding on a Project Type

Tying Projects Together

Getting Buy-in and Resources

Phase One: Build a Project Plan and Assemble the Team

The Project Plan

The Project Team

Phase Two: Gather the Metrics Data

Collecting Metrics Data

Storing and Protecting Metrics Data

Phase Three: Analyze the Metrics Data and Build Conclusions

Phase Four: Present the Results

Textual Presentations

Visual Presentations

Disseminating the Results

Phase Five: Reuse the Results

Project Management Tools


Further Reading

Case Study 2: Normalizing Tool Data in a Security Posture Assessment

Background: Overview of the SPA Service

SPA Tools

Data Structures

Objectives of the Case Study




PART III Exploring Security Measurement Projects

7 Measuring Security Operations

Sample Metrics for Security Operations

Sample Measurement Projects for Security Operations

SMP: General Risk Assessment

SMP: Internal Vulnerability Assessment

SMP: Inferential Analysis


Further Reading

8 Measuring Compliance and Conformance

The Challenges of Measuring Compliance

Confusion Among Related Standards

Auditing or Measuring?

Confusion Across Multiple Frameworks

Sample Measurement Projects for Compliance and Conformance

Creating a Rationalized Common Control Framework

Mapping Assessments to Compliance Frameworks

Analyzing the Readability of Security Policy Documents


Further Reading

9 Measuring Security Cost and Value

Sample Measurement Projects for Compliance and Conformance

Measuring the Likelihood of Reported Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Disclosures

Measuring the Cost Benefits of Outsourcing a Security Incident Monitoring Process

Measuring the Cost of Security Processes

The Importance of Data to Measuring Cost and Value


Further Reading

10 Measuring People, Organizations, and Culture

Sample Measurement Projects for People, Organizations, and Culture

Measuring the Security Orientation of Company Stakeholders

An Ethnography of Physical Security Practices


Further Reading

Case Study 3: Web Application Vulnerabilities

Source Data and Normalization

Outcomes, Timelines, Resources

Initial Reporting with “Dirty Data”

Ambiguous Data

Determining Which Source to Use

Working with Stakeholders to Perform Data Cleansing

Follow-up with Reports and Discussions with Stakeholders

Lesson Learned: Fix the Process, and Then Automate

Lesson Learned: Don’t Wait for Perfect Data Before Reporting


PART IV Beyond Security Metrics

11 The Security Improvement Program

Moving from Projects to Programs

Managing Security Measurement with a Security Improvement Program

Governance of Security Measurement

The SIP: It’s Still about the Data

Requirements for a SIP

Before You Begin

Documenting Your Security Measurement Projects

Sharing Your Security Measurement Results

Collaborating Across Projects and Over Time

Measuring the SIP

Security Improvement Is Habit Forming

Is the SIP Working?

Is Security Improving?

Case Study: A SIP for Insider Threat Measurement


Further Reading

12 Learning Security: Different Contexts for Security Process Management

Organizational Learning

Three Learning Styles for IT Security Metrics

Standardized Testing: Measurement in ISO/IEC 27004

The School of Life: Basili’s Experience Factory

Mindfulness: Karl Weick and the High-Reliability Organization

Final Thoughts


Further Reading

Case Study 4: Getting Management Buy-in for the Security Metrics Program

The CISO Hacked My Computer

What Is Buy-in?

Corporations vs. Higher Ed: Who’s Crazier?

Higher Education Case Study

Project Overview



Key Points

Influence and Organizational Change



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