S.M.A.R.T. goals don’t work!

They work for companies but not for people, because we are emotional creatures. That’s why I think S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timeframe) goals are dead. The idea is so 1980s! It’s time for a new way to set goals for the different times we live in, and for the different ways we can all achieve what is important to us.

The reason I believe the S.M.A.R.T. idea is past its use-by date is that you and I experience a vast range of feelings and emotions. There are over 130 different emotions we can all experience.

After 25 years of working with people and their goals, I believe the missing piece of the puzzle is the emotional connection, the true goal alignment that comes when you know how you want to feel, you think about what you want to achieve and then you do what’s necessary to make it come true.

Why would logical, intelligent people set a goal that is important to them, that will bring them a better result, only to procrastinate over taking the action, and have to negotiate with themselves each step of the way?

Traditionally people approach goals like this: they set the goal, take action to achieve the goal, achieve a result, then experience a feeling — joy, success, satisfaction or accomplishment. It looks like this:

  1. Goal: I want to lose 10 kilos.
  2. Action: I exercise more, eat less, take vitamin supplements and limit alcohol consumption over the next two months.
  3. Result: I do this for long enough and consistently enough to lose the 10 kilos.
  4. Feeling: I feel more energised, have more confidence and experience a sense of success.
Image has a pyramid with four layers showing goal at the top, followed by action, results and feeling at the bottom.

Now this is logical. However, a logical connection does not compel us to take action. It validates the action, but it doesn’t motivate us. The challenge is that because we don’t achieve immediate success or we make only limited progress, we begin to question the benefit of making the effort. Our subconscious plants seeds of doubt because our focus is on losing 10 kilos, not the feeling we can experience moment by moment, day by day. We fall into the trap of focusing on the goal or outcome, rather than the activity that carries us towards the goal.

So why don’t we invert this model and start with how we want to feel? Each of us is driven at any one time by one to three emotions.

Let’s start with how you want to feel, whether that is across your lifetime, this year, this week or just today. Then let’s determine what action you have to take today to achieve that feeling. From there you gain a result that leads, step by step, towards the achievement of your overall goal.

Image has an inverted pyramid with four layers: Feeling at the top, followed by action, results and goal at the bottom.


Let’s look at it in real-life terms. Let’s say you want to feel energised. It is important to you to feel you have the vitality to achieve all the things that are important to you and still have energy to burn. You have determined that being energised is one of your driving emotions. Later I will show you how to determine your top three driving emotions — it is such a simple yet profound process.


You decide that to feel energised today you need to drink two litres of water, exercise for an hour, meditate for 15 minutes, eat the healthiest food option for you (whether that is a protein breakfast, three serves of vegetables, or fruit and nuts for snacks during the day), and achieve three personal or career objectives each day.


By taking this action you achieve two results: you have a sense of achievement today because you have completed all five tasks (or most of them); and you feel more energised. How could you not feel better and more energised if you have completed these five tasks?


Let’s say you were able to complete these five tasks six days out of seven for two months. Do you think you would be closer to your goal of losing 10 kilos? Would you have created greater forward momentum along the way? Would you enjoy greater self-confidence and a greater sense of self-worth? Would you have greater energy? Would you feel more inclined to keep up this ritual because you are making progress towards your goal?

The real value is that you have stopped focusing on what you are not achieving, letting go of the pressure that an unfulfilled goal can create in your mind, and started to focus on what you can do today. We all feel better when we feel like we are making progress!

Think progress, not perfection.


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