You are a great investment

I’m not sure if there is such a thing as mental malnutrition, but I do see a lot of people who walk around in a trance, zombie-like, starved of professional or personal growth. They go through their day-to-day roles without any real energy.

If food gives us fuel then personal growth activity gives us hope and confidence. It gives us greater belief in our abilities, the capacity to be better, do better and achieve better results. When was the last time you sat down to a feast of personal growth and development material? Which book are you currently reading? What learning environment are you going to engage with in the next 90 days?

There are no calories in personal and professional food so go ahead and consume as much as you like. You should become the number one investor in your own dreams and development. I love the quote …

‘If you don’t invest in yourself, you are a poor judge of a good investment.’

What does that mean to you? You need to invest time, energy, effort and money in yourself. Yes, even money. What is it worth to you to achieve your goals and dreams more quickly or with less effort by working smarter?

I have many opportunities to chat with people about their goals, passions and dreams, and I can always tell how committed they are by what they are willing to invest in right now to pursue their goals. Your investment could be taking the time to research online to discover what is available, putting the energy into taking action, making the effort to learn a new skill, enrolling in a workshop or seeking out knowledge from people who have walked the path before you on the journey you want to take.

Here are some ideas from previous chapters summarised for your review. The first step is to pick the opportunities that appeal most to you …

  • Enrol in a short course at a community college.
  • Study for a university degree.
  • Go on weekend retreats.
  • Sign up for one-day programs.
  • Attend a half-day workshop.
  • Enrol in a series of evening courses.
  • Explore company development programs.
  • Participate in webinars.
  • Listen to podcasts.
  • Watch web TV shows.
  • Watch YouTube educational videos.
  • Enrol in iTunesU.
  • Send out Google Alerts.
  • Subscribe to blogs.
  • Listen to digital audio recordings.
  • Join or start networking groups.
  • Join associations and community-based organisations.
  • Join online communities and forums.
  • Create your own group of like-minded people — a mastermind group.
  • Buy a paper journal.
  • Download a voice recording app for your smartphone.
  • Create a digital ideas document on your electronic device.
  • Buy a book — digital or paper version.
  • Use a digital e-reader app or device.
  • Read book abstracts (short 4 to 10 page summaries) of recommended books.
  • Be still for 15 minutes a day.
  • Learn to meditate.
  • Create a weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual refocus retreat.
  • Take a sabbatical from what you do.
  • Find a mentor and learn from their experiences.
  • Invest in a coach to work with you.
  • Create your own study tour.
  • Go and experience the role you desire before you commit to it.
  • Volunteer to work for free in the type of business you desire to create.

John Wooden, the great basketball coach, when asked about his regular daily routine, responded simply …

‘I worked on me being a better me! … so what do you work on each day in your life?’

I know we all have to-do lists, project lists, shopping lists, must-do lists, have-to lists and should-do lists. I want you to create a YOU list.

Choose ideas you could explore for your own personal and professional development. Create a three-month personal and professional list — your growth plan. This is where you record what action you are going to take each week over the next three months to improve yourself. It could look something like this …

This image includes three-month personal and professional list — your growth plan — each month comprising four weeks. This planner is used to list out the plans you have for the next three months.

I meet some amazing people as I travel the world, but one person stands out for me as a lifelong learner — Bob Roth. I met Bob in 2012 at a National Geographic photography retreat in New York. Bob and I share the same passion for photography and love for learning. We became friends and met up again later in 2012 in his home state of California, where he took me and an Australian mate of mine based in California flying in his light aircraft for the day. Bob has had six different legal careers, including specialising in commercial law, property law and criminal law. He learned how to fly a plane in his retirement. He is a keen pro-am photographer and scuba diver, a grandfather, married more than 45 years, and at the tender age of 73 is still taking courses at UCLA.

Invest in yourself and you will reap the rewards throughout your life.

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