Chapter 5. Using Databases and Transactions with JDBC and JTA

In this chapter:

  • How to build database connectivity in WebLogic Server applications

  • Sample database access using JDBC

  • Best practices for using JDBC in WebLogic Server

  • Using JDBC in transactions

  • Sample JTA use

  • Prepared statements, metadata, and batch database operations

  • Coding database access in the WebAuction application

This chapter focuses on designing and coding database access for your applications, using WebLogic Server Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and the Java Transaction API (JTA). JDBC technology provides the basic APIs for connecting your client application to a database and submitting Structured Query Language (SQL) commands to select or modify data. JTA technology and other advanced WebLogic Server/Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) features support transactions, which provide a safe and structured environment for executing multi-statement or even multi-database operations.


This chapter assumes a basic knowledge of relational databases and SQL. If you need more information on these topics, consult an appropriate resource such as C. J. Date's An Introduction to Database Systems (Addison-Wesley, 1999).

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