Further Reading

A good introduction to EJB technology can be found in the O'Reilly book Enterprise JavaBeans, third edition, by Richard Monson-Haefel. Richard is also the author of an open source EJB implementation, OpenEJB with homepage at http://openejb.sourceforge.net. You can also refer to the EJB 2.0 specification, available from http://java.sun.com, for comprehensive information on the standard. However, keep in mind that the standard leaves a number of aspects as unspecified. These aspects are handled differently by different vendor products. For BEA WebLogic Server 7.0, the product used in this chapter, you should refer to the online documentation available at http://edocs.bea.com/platform/docs70/index.html.

Surprisingly, not much literature is available on EJB security alone. The EJB specification has a chapter on security covering declarative and programmatic security support and the chapter on deployment descriptor covers the schema of security related-elements, along with others.

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