

certtool Command line tool to setup a simple CA and issue, show, revoke and verify certificates.


						command (help | [command-options])

Executes certtool with the specified command.

						certtool help

Displays all the commands available with certtool.


Displays all the command-options available with the command.

						certtool setupca [setupca-options]

Sets up a file-based simple CA..

						certtool issue [issue-options]

Issues a certificate and updates the CA files.

						certtool show [show-options]

Displays the contents of a certificate, certification path or CRL.

						certtool revoke [revoke-options]

Revokes a previously issued certificate.

						certtool crl [crl-options]

Generates a CRL file of all the revoked certificates.

						certtool validate [validate-options]

Validates a certificate.


The tool certtool is a command line utility to set up a minimal CA. During setup, it can either generate a self-signed certificate or use a certificate signed by another CA. After setup, certtool can be used to issue signed certificates taking a CSR as input, revoke a previously issued certificate, generate a CRL (Certificate Revocation List) and so on. All information related to the certtool-based CA is stored in flat files within a directory tree rooted at the directory specified during the setup.

OPTIONS for certtool setupca

-cadir dirDirectory to store internal data. Default: cadir.
-dn dnDistinguished Name of the CA. Default:[CN=JSTK Test Root CA, OU=JSTK Operations, O=JSTK Inc, C=US].
-capath pathlenMaximum permissible depth of the CA hierarchy rooted at this CA. Default: 2.
-serial serialnoSerial no. of the CA certificate. Default: 100
-keyalg algAlgorithm for key-pair generation. Default: RSA. Other possible value is DSA.
-keysize keyszKey size in bits. Default: 2048.
-sigalg sigalgSignature algorithm. Should match the key algorithm. Default: SHA1WithRSA.
-password passwdPassword for CA keystore. This is mandatory and there is no default for it.

OPTIONS for certtool issue

-cadir dircerttool CA directory. Default: cadir.
-caFlag to indicate that the issued certificate is a CA certificate
-capath pathlenMaximum permissible depth of the CA hierarchy rooted at this CA. Default: 0.
-csrfile csrfileInput file with the Certificate Signing Request.
-cerfile cerfileOutput file to store the certificate.
-cpfmt cpfmtCertification path format for the output file. Default: PKCS7. Other possible values are PKIPATH and X509.
-keyalg algAlgorithm for key-pair generation. Default: RSA. Other possible value is DSA.
-keysize keyszKey size in bits. Default: 2048.
-sigalg sigalgSignature algorithm. Should match the key algorithm. Default: SHA1WithRSA.
-password passwdPassword specified at the time of CA setup. This is mandatory and there is no default for it.

OPTIONS for certtool revoke

-cadir dircerttool CA directory. Default: cadir.
-cerfile cerfileinput file having the certificate to be revoked.
-password passwdPassword specified at the time of CA setup. This is mandatory and there is no default for it.

OPTIONS for certtool crl

-cadir dircerttool CA directory. Default: cadir.
-crlfile crlfileOutput file to store the CRL of all the revoked certificates.
-password passwdPassword specified at the time of CA setup. This is mandatory and there is no default for it.

OPTIONS for certtool show

-infile infileInput file.


						certtool setupca –password changeit

Sets up the files for a simple file-based CA. Directory cadir is created to hold all the files and subdirectories for maintaining information about the CA. The self-signed certificate for the CA and its private key are stored in keystore cadirca.ks, protected by password changeit and within cakey entry.

						keytool -genkey -keystore test.ks -storepass changeit
						keytool -certreq -file test.csr -keystore test.ks 
						-storepass changeit
						certtool issue -csrfile test.csr -password hello

The first keytool command creates keystore test.ks with a self-signed certificate for the identity information supplied. The second keytool command generates a CSR from this self-signed certificate. This CSR is used to issue a CA-signed certificate by the utility certtool. The issued certificate is stored in file my.cer.

						certtool show –infile my.cer

Displays the contents of the issued certificate.

						certtool setupca -cadir cadir1 -password hello
						keytool -certreq -file ca1.csr -keystore cadir1ca.ks 
						-storepass hello -alias cakey -storetype JCEKS
						certtool issue -csrfile ca1.csr -cerfile ca1.cer 
						-password hello
						keytool -import -file ca1.cer -keystore cadir1ca.ks 
						-storepass hello -alias cakey -storetype JCEKS

Creates a sub-CA in subdirectory cadir1. The basic mechanism to setup a CA with CA directory cadir1: generates a CSR from its keystore, issues a certificate as per this CSR using the super-CA and then imports the issued certificate to the original keystore.

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