

sslsetup command line tool to setup keystore and environment for SSL communication.


						sslsetup ss-certs

Creates keystore and truststore for client and server programs with self-signed certificates.

						sslsetup cs-certs

Creates keystore and truststore for client and server programs with CA signed certificates. The assumption is that a CA has been setup using the JSTK tool certtool.

						sslsetup server-env

Sets environment variable JSTK_OPTS so that appropriate system properties are passed to the JVM on invoking "ssltool server" command.

						sslsetup client-env

Sets environment variable JSTK_OPTS so that appropriate system properties are passed to the JVM on invoking "ssltool client" command.


The tool sslsetup is a simple script to automate a long sequence of keytool and certtool commands to create keystore and truststore files for client and server programs, and to set environment variable JSTK_OPTS with proper system property definitions. In this regard, sslsetup is nothing but a convenient shortcut to save typing. Look at the script file in the bin directory of JSTK distribution for what it really does under the hood.

Files created by “sslsetup ss-certs" or "sslsetup cs-certs" command:

server.ks: Stores the server's certificate with the corresponding private key.

client.ks: Stores the client's certificate with the corresponding private key.

server.ts: Stores the client's or issuer's (in case of CA signed) certificate.

client.ks: Stores the server's or issuer's (in case of CA signed) certificate.

All files are JCEKS type keystore files with password changeit.

Value of JSTK_OPTS set by “sslsetup server-env" command: 

Value of JSTK_OPTS set by “sslsetup server-env" command: 


It is not possible to specify the signature algorithm (RSA or DSA) and keysize during certificate generation.

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