Evolution of Java

As a platform, Java is continuously evolving. New APIs get added, existing APIs gain new capabilities and in some cases, old features get depreciated. On regular intervals, the definition of the platform itself gets revised to include new or modified APIs.

How does all this happen? Who develops these API specifications? Who implements them? How is the compliance to specification ensured? How do they become part of the Java platform?

In the initial days of Java, it was mostly Sun Microsystems who performed these functions. Now these tasks are performed as per JCP (Java Community Process) by a group of companies. Here is an introduction to JCP from its website http://www.jcp.org:

JCP is the way the Java platform evolves. It's an open organization of international Java developers and licensees whose charter is to develop and revise Java technology specifications, reference implementations, and technology compatibility kits. Both Java technology and the JCP were originally created by Sun Microsystems, however, the JCP has evolved from the informal process that Sun used beginning in 1995, to a formalized process overseen by representatives from many organizations across the Java community.

The formal process of developing a new specification for a new API, modifying an existing API, creating a new revision of a Java platform or amending the JCP itself, starts with a JCP member introducing a JSR (Java Specification Request). JCP defines this process of turning a JSR into an approved specification involving submission of a JSR, its approval, formation of an Expert Group, development of the specification, its review and final voting by JCP Executive Committee. For tracking purposes, a number is assigned to each JSR and it is a common practice to refer to a specification by its JSR number. You can find more and current information about the JCP and the various JSRs at JCP's website.

At the time of writing this book, i.e., during the second half of 2002 and first half of 2003, J2SE v1.4 and J2EE v1.3 are the latest Java platforms available. J2EE v1.4 specification has been completed and work is in progress for specifying J2SE v1.5 through JSR 176. A notable aspect of J2EE v1.4 and J2SE v1.5 is inclusion of a number of XML and Web services related APIs. We talk about some of these later in the chapter.

This book is about J2EE security, and because J2EE includes J2SE, this book is essentially about security offered by both the platforms.

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