
Java platform offers many benefits for enterprise application development. These benefits include reduced development time, instant portability, more robust code, choice of platform vendor, and more maintainable and extensible architecture. Due to these reasons, the Java platform has attracted a large number of organizations for enterprise application development.

Java platform offers security at multiple levels. The language offers many safety features that result in safer programs. Some of these are enforced at compile-time, some at class loading time and some at runtime, depending on the nature of enforcement.

J2SE platform defines the security architecture and includes the basic Security APIs. The basic security architecture checks for permission to carry out privileged operations and the permissions could be granted based on code origin, code signer, the user running the code or any combination of these. Security APIs allow cryptographic operations, support Public Key Infrastructure and include support for secure communication protocol SSL/TLS.

J2EE platform is best suited for developing enterprise applications. J2EE platform is well suited for development of scalable, robust and highly available enterprise applications with its support for Servlet, Web services and EJB-based application development frameworks. These frameworks and their respective containers promote declarative security to ease application development, allowing finer granularity of control with programmatic APIs.

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