About the Reviewers

Peter Johnson has over 32 years' enterprise computing experience. He has been working with Java since the past 15 years, and for the last 10 years, has been heavily involved with Java performance tuning. He is a frequent speaker on Java performance topics at various conferences, including the Computer Measurement Group annual conference, JBoss World, and Linux World. He is a moderator for the build tools and JBoss forums at Java Ranch. He is also the co-author of the book JBoss in Action, First Edition, Manning Publications, and has been a reviewer on numerous books on topics ranging from Java to Windows PowerShell.

Martin Večeřa is a JBoss Quality Assurance Manager within a division of Red Hat. He is interested in bleeding-edge projects and technologies. His main area of interest is Java middleware and SOA, in which he has almost 10 years' experience. Previously, he has developed information systems for power plants and medical companies. He publishes articles on Java middleware to various international and local web magazines.

He is the co-author of a blog on the PerfCake Performance Testing Framework.

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