
This book would have been impossible to write were it not for the support and inspiration of a number of colleagues, friends, and family.

Thanks to Brett McLaughlin, my editor, who had a huge impact on the quality, structure, and content of the book. His feedback and advice over the course of the past year has been immeasurably valuable. Thanks also to Karen Tegtmeyer for reviewing this book.

Primary credit should first go to the Jakarta community and the various individuals who give hours upon hours of time to cut releases and maintain infrastructure. In the face of constant challenge, Jakarta has remained a well spring of innovation.

Thanks to Michael Podrazik, Stefan Winz, Bob Hartlaub, Gautam Guliani, Jarret Rackoff, Robert Sorkin, and Federico Hatoum, and Grassroots Technologies in New York, NY. Stefan originally introduced me to the Commons in the form of the Digester.

Thanks to various colleagues: Tim Beynart, Mike Smith, Felix Sheng, Julian Bleecker, Jim Buswell, Peter Costa, Rich Angeletti, David Winterfeldt, Ray Krueger, Chris Bobbitt, Tom Bergerson, Alex Wolfe, David Navin, Mark Snell, Bill Martens, Sultan Meghji, Daniel Summers, Greg Sandell, Dan Waite, and Benjamin Burton.

Mad props to Dave and Nicola, Rock, Patrick, Kat and Jay, Mike, Kelcey, John, Heather, Nick, Jessica, Marc, Krys, Joan, Jim, Zach, Sarah, and Mickey. Much respect to John Bicknell, Karen Brunssen, Kit Bridges and the Trinity Episcopal Church Choir. Endless thanks to Andrea and Klaus.

Thanks to my family, Chris, Kriste, Charlotte, Lily, Sean, Amy, Lucy, Kathy, Toby, Julie, Taylor, the Gilmores, Janey, all the O’Briens, and my parents Margaret and Michael. Thanks to the Paynes: Becky, James, Heather, Chris, Jeannette, Matt, Susette and Tom, Grandma Barbee and James Sr.

Most of all, I would like to thank my wife, Susan O’Brien, for being perfect. Happy Halloween.

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