
In this book, you’ll find information about a set of libraries developed within the Jakarta Commons (also referred to as “Commons”). Commons ( is a set of small, popular components from the Apache Software Foundation’s Jakarta project. Ranging from the elementary to the complex, many would consider some of these libraries indispensable to any Java© project. These components are so widespread, they may already be on your classpath. If you develop an application using Jakarta Struts, Apache Tomcat, or Hibernate, you have Commons BeanUtils and Commons Logging in your classpath. If you just installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux with the default configuration, you’ve got Commons libraries somewhere in /usr. If you downloaded Sun’s J2EE 1.4 SDK, you will have also downloaded Commons Logging and Commons Launcher. While Jakarta Commons may be everywhere, many are still unaware of the capabilities these components provide.

This book uses Jakarta Commons to focus on tactical implementation details, answering such questions as: How do we parse XML? How do we serialize beans? Is there an easier way to work with Collections? How do we work with HTTP and keep track of cookies? The tactical is often sacrificed for the strategic. Consider a complex J2EE system with a solid, well-conceived architecture. The strategic (or high-level) design appears reasonable from 40,000 feet, but as soon as you drill into the details, you notice that every Servlet or JSP contains pages upon pages of unmaintainable and unnecessary code because the developers were not aware of some valuable time-saver like BeanUtils, Collections, or the Digester. Or, worse, the developer may have spent a week reimplementing most of the capabilities of Commons BeanUtils even though BeanUtils was already in the classpath. Knowing what Jakarta Commons has to offer often helps to inform decisions made at the lowest level.

Few application developers would consider writing a custom XML parser, but developers will frequently write custom components that duplicate freely available libraries. Take, as an example, a set of static utility methods that seems to pop up in almost every complex project. A common process such as reading a file to a String may be refactored into a CommonFileUtils class, or turning a DOM Document into a set of beans may be accomplished with a set of classes in some custom code. Jakarta Commons provides solutions to both of these problems and many more, and reading this book may help you to avoid unnecessary wheel reinvention.

Many people know of these components in a general sense, but few have the months or weeks necessary to sit down and read the relevant tutorials, FAQs, blogs, and archived mailing lists associated with each component. The amount of work involved in keeping up-to-date with an array of open source communities is not trivial. This is why I’ve tried to compact much of this information into easily accessible recipes. These recipes were written to provide the information you need to start using Commons in a few minutes, but the Discussion and See Also sections give you an opportunity to dig deeper into the motivation behind each Commons component if you need more information.

The tools introduced herein save you serious time and provide you with a set of alternatives you may not currently be aware of. I wish I had read a book like this five years ago; it would have accelerated my learning and helped me to avoid some costly design decisions. Use this text as you will; if you are only interested in Commons Collections, you should be able to quickly familiarize yourself with Collections by browsing Chapter 5. On the other hand, if you are looking for a survey of some of the major projects in Jakarta Commons, read this book from start to finish. Part structured reference, part prose, the cookbook format lets you customize your reading experience, and I hope this book is as interesting to read as it was to write.

What’s Inside

This book covers components from Jakarta Commons, a few projects from Jakarta, and one project outside of the Apache Software Foundation. This book covers the following components:

  • Jakarta Commons BeanUtils

  • Jakarta Commons Betwixt

  • Jakarta Commons CLI

  • Jakarta Commons Codec

  • Jakarta Commons Collections

  • Jakarta Commons Configuration

  • Jakarta Commons Digester

  • Jakarta Commons HttpClient

  • Jakarta Commons ID

  • Jakarta Commons IO

  • Jakarta Commons JEXL

  • Jakarta Commons JXPath

  • Jakarta Commons Lang

  • Jakarta Commons Logging

  • Jakarta Commons Math

  • Jakarta Commons Net

  • Apache Log4J

  • Jakarta Velocity

  • FreeMarker

  • Jakarta Lucene

  • Jakarta Slide

All of these projects are covered in detail in the following chapters. Here’s what’s in each chapter:

Chapter 1, Supplements to the Java 2 Platform

This chapter introduces Commons Lang. Automation of toString( ), working with arrays, formatting and rounding dates, working with enumerations, generating identifiers, and measuring time are some of the topics discussed in this chapter. This chapter also covers the generation of unique identifiers with Commons ID.

Chapter 2, Manipulating Text

While Java does not have the extensive text manipulation capabilities of a scripting language like Perl, Commons Lang’s StringUtils has a number of utility methods that can be used to manipulate text. This chapter deals with StringUtils, WordUtils, and Commons Codec.

Chapter 3, JavaBeans

Beans appear throughout Java; from Jakarta Struts to Hibernate, beans are a unit of information in an object model. This chapter introduces Commons BeanUtils, one of the most widely used components from Jakarta Commons.

Chapter 4, Functors

Functors are a fundamental way of thinking about programming as a set of functional objects. Commons Collections introduced predicates, transformers, and closures, and functors, which can be used to model control structures and loops. This chapter demonstrates how one would apply functors to any program.

Chapter 5, Collections

Iterators, filtering with predicates, buffers, queues, bidirectional maps, type-safe collections, constraining collections, lazy maps, and set operations are a few of the topics introduced in this chapter. This chapter deals with Commons Collections, new collection types introduced, and the application of functors to various collections.

Chapter 6, XML

If you are constantly parsing or creating XML documents, this chapter introduces some alternatives to the standard parser APIs (SAX, DOM, and JDOM). This chapter introduces Commons Digester, Commons Betwixt, and Commons JXPath.

Chapter 7, Application Infrastructure

Commons Configuration is introduced as a way to parse properties files and XML configuration files. Other recipes in this chapter show how Commons CLI can be used to parse a complex set of required and optional command-line options. This chapter also details the configuration and use of Commons Logging and Apache Log4J.

Chapter 8, Math

This chapter focuses on simple mathematical capabilities in both Commons Lang and Commons Math. This chapter introduces classes to work with fractions, complex numbers, matrices, and simple univariate statistics.

Chapter 9, Templating

This chapter deals with simple expression languages such as Commons JEXL to more complex templating engines such as Jakarta Velocity and FreeMarker. This chapter also demonstrates the integration of both Velocity and FreeMarker with a J2EE servlet container such as Jakarta Tomcat.

Chapter 10, I/O and Networking

This chapter introduces Commons IO, which contains a number of utilities for working with streams and files, and Commons Net, which contains simple clients for the FTP, POP, and SMTP protocols.

Chapter 11, HTTP and WebDAV

If you need to communicate with anything over HTTP, read this chapter, which deals with Jakarta HttpClient and the WebDAV client library from Jakarta Slide.

Chapter 12, Searching and Filtering

Commons JXPath can be used to apply XPath expressions to collections and object graphs. Jakarta Lucene is a fully functional search engine that can index any structured document. This chapter demonstrates the use of Lucene with Commons Digester.

Limited time and resources forced me to make some decisions about which projects to include in this text. Projects like Velocity, FreeMarker, and Log4J, while not Commons components, were included because they fit the mold of a small, easily reusable component. Other Commons components were not included in this book because they were still being developed at the time of writing, or because a short recipe would have been impossible without a detailed 30-page introduction. Commons DbUtils, DBCP, Discovery, Jelly, Launcher, Modeler, Pool, Primitives, Chain, and promising sandbox components could fill another entire volume. Some projects, such as Jakarta HiveMind, started as components in the Commons Sandbox only to be promoted directly to subproject status of the Jakarta project. Classification of projects and components in Jakarta can also be somewhat arbitrary; Jakarta ORO and Jakarta RegExp would both seem to be prime candidates for the Jakarta Commons, but they are both subprojects of Jakarta. Other projects, such as Jakarta Commons HttpClient, have recently been promoted to be subprojects of Jakarta, leaving the Commons entirely. Think of this book as focusing on Jakarta Commons with some other projects thrown in to liven up the discussion. I apologize in advance if I left your favorite project out.

Writing a book about a series of frequently released components is reminiscent of a game called whack-a-mole. Just when you finish updating a chapter for a new release, another component has a release. On average, one commons component is released every one or two weeks; therefore, a few of the versions in this book may be obsolete as soon as this book hits the shelves. In general, Jakarta Commons makes a concerted effort to preserve backward compatibility and keep a stable public interface. Lessons learned on Commons BeanUtils 1.6 should remain applicable to Commons BeanUtils 1.7. If you find that a more recent version of a component has been released, you should download that more recent version and check the O’Reilly site for updates related to this book.

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