Chapter 8. Java Wrappers for your JasperReports

In this chapter, you will learn:

  • Creating a Java wrapper for your report
  • Compiling and viewing your report in a Java Swing application
  • Printing the hardcopy of your report using a Java Swing application
  • Creating an Excel report from a Java Swing application
  • Creating a JasperReport on the fly in a Java web application


This chapter is about developing Java applications that use the functionality of JasperReports. The recipes in this chapter demonstrate how you can integrate JasperReports as a reporting tool directly into your Java applications.

The recipes of this chapter teach you the following aspects of integrating JasperReports:

  • Developing a wrapper Java class that can wrap JasperReports and expose its common functionality using a simple interface.
  • Integrating JasperReports into desktop as well as web applications.
  • Demonstrating how to write Java code to compile your JRXML files, how to supply application data to JasperReports, and how to save reports in PDF and Excel format.
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