Kernighan, Brian, 4

Key codes, virtual, 778, 792

KeyAdapter class, 795, 796

Keyboard events, handling, 790–794

KeyCombination class, 1171

keyCombination( ), 1171

KeyEvent class, 773, 775, 776, 778, 1068, 1069

KeyListener interface, 783, 784–785, 790–794, 795

keyPressed( ), 784–785, 790, 792

keyReleased( ), 784–785, 790

keys( ), 599, 600, 601

keySet( ), 561, 563, 602, 660, 763

keystore, 1237, 1240, 1241

KeyStroke class, 1069

keytool command-line tool, 1237, 1240, 1241

keyTyped( ), 784–785, 790, 792


context-sensitive, 36, 410

restricted, 410

table of Java, 35



AWT standard control, 830, 831–832

Swing, 1017, 1019, 1029–1031

used with break statement, 106–108

used with continue statement, 109

Label class

AWT, 803, 831

JavaFX, 1102, 1118

Label, JavaFX, 1102–1104

adding an image to a, 1118–1120

Labeled class, 1102, 1105

Lambda expression(s), 17, 379–396, 406–407, 556

as arguments, passing, 389–391

block, 380, 385–387

body, 380, 385, 386

and comparators, 576–577, 580

definition of, 379

and exceptions, 382, 392–393

and generics, 387

to handle action events, 836–837, 1023–1024, 1040, 1061, 1105, 1109, 1162, 1169

parameters, 380–381, 382, 383–385, 393

and the stream API, 955

target type, 380, 381, 382, 387, 389, 391, 393

and variable capture, 393–394

Lambda arrow operator (–>), 17, 63, 81, 380

last( ), 536, 862

lastElement( ), 594, 595

lastIndexOf( ), 450, 451–452, 464–465, 533, 534, 594, 595

lastKey( ), 565

Late binding, 186

launch( ), 1098, 1100

Layered pane, 1015–1016

Layout managers, AWT, 805, 829, 832, 854–869

default, 855

Layout panes, JavaFX, 1097, 1100, 1101, 1108–1109, 1168, 1177, 1186

LayoutManager interface, 855

Lazy behavior (stream API stream), 958

length instance variable of arrays, 149–151

length( ), 155, 442, 459, 522, 612

Lexer (lexical analyzer), 609

Libraries, class, 25, 36

Library, compact profiles of the API, 334

Lindholm, Tim, 6

LineNumberInputStream deprecated class, 670

LineNumberReader class, 308

lines( ), 705, 725, 959

LinkedBlockingDeque class, 933

LinkedBlockingQueue class, 933

LinkedHashMap class, 568, 571–572

LinkedHashSet class, 541, 547–548

LinkedList class, 541, 545–546

example program using the, 559–560

from a stream API stream, obtaining a, 975

LinkedTransferQueue class, 933


controls, 830, 844–847

event source, as an, 773, 777, 782, 845, 1104

pop-up, 841

List class (java.awt), 803, 844, 845

List interface (java.util), 530, 533–535, 541, 545, 546, 553, 554, 587, 593, 594, 1103, 1136, 1140, 1141, 1163

from a stream API stream, obtaining an instance of the, 972–974

methods, table of, 534

List, Swing, 1046–1049

List view, 1136–1141

change events, handling, 1137

multiple selections in a, enabling, 1140–1141

scroll bars, 1139–1140

list( ), 604, 725

and directories, 671, 673–675

list( ), ThreadGroup, 513, 515

listFiles( ), 675–676

ListIterator interface, 530, 551, 553–555, 556

methods, table of, 553

listIterator( ), 534, 553

ListModel interface, 1047

ListResourceBundle class, 660–662

ListSelectionEvent class, 1047, 1048, 1055

ListSelectionListener interface, 1047, 1048

ListSelectionModel interface, 1047, 1055

ListView class, 1136–1141

Literals, 34, 43–46

class, 288

regular expression, 983

string, 46, 442

load( ), 424–425, 429–430, 489, 496, 604, 606–608

LocalDate class, 1002, 1003, 1006, 1007

LocalDateTime class, 1002, 1003, 1006, 1007

Locale class, 456, 625–626, 998

Locale Data Markup Language (LDML), 626

Locale.Builder class, 626

Locale.IsoCountryCode, 626

LocalTime class, 1002, 1003, 1006, 1007

Lock interface, 907, 934, 935, 936

methods, table of, 934

lock( ), 907, 934, 935

Locks, 934–936

reentrant, 935, 936

Log, program, 499

log( )

math method, 506

servlet method, 1208, 1210

Logical operators

bitwise, 69–71

Boolean, 77–79

long, 37, 38, 39–40, 43

and automatic type conversion, 50

and automatic type promotion, 52

literal, 44

Long class, 277, 278. 467, 473, 480, 481

methods, table of, 478–480

LongAccumulator class, 937

LongAdder class, 937

LongBuffer class, 719

longs( ), 628

LongStream interface, 958, 959

longValue( ), 278, 468, 470, 472, 474, 475, 476, 479

Look and feels, 1012–1013

lookup( ), 995

Loop(s), 83

Boolean object to control, using a, 283

continue statement and, 108–109

do-while, 92–95

for. See for loop

infinite, 98–99, 105

nested, 103–104, 106, 107–108

with polling, event, 238, 255

while, 81–92

Low surrogate char, 485


main (default name of main thread), 242

main( ), 27–28, 111, 112, 114, 144, 147

and applets, 1256

and the java application launcher, 27

and a JavaFX application, 1100

and command-line arguments, 27, 156–157

and Swing programs, 1020

major( ), 492

makeGUI( ), 1262

MalformedURLException, 757

Map interface, 561–564, 565, 568, 572, 599, 600, 602

methods, table of, 562–564

map( ), 615, 616, 721, 732, 733, 736

and stream API streams, 957, 968–972

Map(s), 529, 560–572

classes, 568–572

collection-view of a, obtaining a, 529, 560, 561

flat, 972

interfaces, 561–567

and stream API streams, 968–972

submaps of, 564–565

Map.Entry interface, 561, 565, 569

methods, table of non-static, 567

MapMode.PRIVATE, 732, 733

MapMode.READ_ONLY, 732, 733

MapMode.READ_WRITE, 732, 733, 736

MappedByteBuffer class, 719, 733

mapToDouble( ), 957, 971

mapToInt( ), 957, 971–972

mapToLong( ), 957, 971

mark( ), 679, 680, 685, 689, 692, 699, 705, 719

markSupported( ), 679, 680, 689, 692, 699, 705

Matcher class, 981, 982–983, 984, 985, 988, 989

matcher( ), 982

matches( ), 457, 982, 986, 989

Math class, 47, 133, 505–509

exponential functions, methods for, 506

miscellaneous methods, table of, 508

rounding methods, table of, 506–507

and static import example, 329–331

trigonometric functions, methods, for, 505

max( ), 400–402, 470, 472, 476, 479, 507, 957, 962, 963

algorithm defined by Collections, 583, 586


MAX_PRIORITY, 250–251, 510


MAX_VALUE, 469, 480, 482

MediaTracker class, 803

Member, class, 21, 112

access and inheritance, 165–166

access, table of, 193

controlling access to a, 143–146, 192–196

static, 147–148

Member interface, 526, 990


allocation using new, 54, 55, 115–116

deallocation, 127

leaks, 314, 319, 677

management, in Java, 13, 127

and the Runtime class, 487–488, 490

MemoryImageSource class, 885–887, 890

Menu bars and AWT menus, 829, 869–874

action command string of, 870

and events, 870

Menu, Choice control as a form of, 841

Menu class

AWT, 803, 869, 870, 874

JavaFX, 1164, 1163, 1164, 1165, 1169, 1171

Menu item as an event source, AWT, 773, 777, 782, 870

Menu(s), JavaFX, 1161–1186

accelerator keys, 1161, 1170–1171

check menu items, 1162, 1173–1175

classes, table of core, 1162

context, 1161, 1162–1163, 1175–1178

demonstration program, 1181–1186

events, handling, 1162, 1165, 1169–1170

and images, 1164, 1172–1173

items, 1161, 1162, 1164–1165

main, creating a, 1162, 1163–1164, 1165–1170

menu bar, 1161, 1163–1164, 1165, 1168, 1169

mnemonics, 1161, 1170, 1171

popup, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1175

radio menu items, 1162, 1173–1175

and separators, 1162, 1164, 1169

standard, 1161

and submenus, 1161, 1162, 1164, 1169

and toolbars, 1161, 1163, 1179–1180

and tooltips, 1179

Menu(s), Swing, 1059–1091

accelerator keys, 1059, 1068, 1069–1070, 1083

action command string, 1060–1061, 1068

action to manage multiple components of a, using an, 1059, 1079–1084

and check boxes, 1071, 1072–1073

classes, interaction of core, 1060–1061

demonstration program, 1085–1091

events, 1060–1061, 1063, 1064, 1067–1068, 1071, 1072, 1074, 1075–1076

and images, 1070–1071

item as an event source, 772, 777, 782

main, creating a, 1064–1068

menu bar, 1059, 1061–1062, 1064, 1067, 1075, 1077

mnemonics, 1059, 1063, 1068, 1069–1070, 1083–1084

popup, 1059, 1060, 1073–1076

and radio buttons, 1071, 1072–1073

and submenus, 1060, 1062, 1063, 1064

and toolbars, 1059, 1060, 1077–1079

and tooltips, 1071, 1077, 1078, 1079

MenuBar class

AWT, 803, 869, 870

JavaFX, 1162, 1163–1164, 1165

MenuDragMouseEvent, 1061

MenuEvent, 1061

MenuItem class

AWT, 803, 869–870

JavaFX, 1162, 1163, 1164–1165, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1173, 1176

MenuKeyEvent, 1061

MenuListener, 1061

Metadata, 279, 284. See also Annotation(s)

Metal look and feel, 1013

Method class, 287, 290, 291, 526, 990, 992, 1196

Method reference(s), 379, 394–402

and the Collections Framework, 400–402

and generics, 399–402

to instance methods, 395–399

to static methods, 394–395

to a superclass version of a method, 399

Method(s), 21, 112, 117–123

abstract. See Abstract method(s)

and annotations, 285, 304

and autoboxing/unboxing, 280–281

bridge, 372–373

calling, 119, 120

collector, 972

default interface, 17, 18, 199, 209–213, 379, 381

dispatch, dynamic, 180–183

and the dot (.) operator, 113, 119

factory, 265–266, 751

final, 149, 186

general form, 117–118

generic, 336, 348, 354–357, 375

getter, 1190–1191

hidden, using super to access, 172–173, 178

inlining, 186

interface. See Interface methods

and Java Bean introspection, 1192

and JShell, 1248–1249

lookup, dynamic, 201

native, 326

overloading, 131–136, 160–162, 179, 373–374

overriding. See Overriding, method

and parameters, 118, 121–123

passing an object to, 139–140

recursive, 141–143

reference. See Method reference(s)

resolution, dynamic, 198, 201, 202, 206

returning an object from, 140–141

returning a value from, 118, 120–121

scope defined by, 48–50

setter, 1190–1191

static, 147–148, 213–214, 329–331, 394–395

subclasser responsibility, 184

synchronized, 240, 251–253, 907, 954

synthetic, 1246

type inference and, 356, 370–371

varargs. See Varargs

variable-arity, 157

MethodDescriptor class, 1192, 1195, 1196

MethodHandle class, 525

methodModifiers( ), 993

MethodType class, 525

Microsoft, 8

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type, 1201, 1205

min( ), 470, 472, 476, 479, 507, 958, 961, 962, 963

algorithm defined by Collections, 583, 586

minimumLayoutSize( ), 855

minor( ), 492



MIN_PRIORITY, 250–251, 510


MIN_VALUE, 469, 480, 482

mismatch( ), 591

mkdir( ), 676

mkdirs( ), 676

Model-Delegate component architecture, 1014

Model-View-Controller (MVC) component architecture, 1013–1014, 1096

Modifier class, 990, 992, 993

“is” methods, table of, 992

Module class, 518–519

module keyword, 35, 410

module statement, 410, 416, 433

Module(s), 18, 409–436

and access control, 144, 409, 410, 416, 418–419, 433

automatic, 436

and compact profiles, 334

compiling and running code based on, 414–415

creating code based on, 410–414

declaration, 409–410

definition of the term, 409

description, 410

graph, 432–433

Java API library packages and, 18, 409, 417

layers, 436

and legacy code, 417–418

and multi-module compilation mode, 419, 423

naming conventions, 411

open, 433

and packages, 191

path, 191, 414, 415, 418, 434

platform, 417, 435

and services and service providers, example application demonstrating, 425–432

unnamed, 417

module-info.java file, 410, 414, 415, 416

and javadoc, 1228

ModuleDescriptor class, 519, 525

ModuleFinder interface, 525

ModuleLayer class, 519

ModuleLayer.Controller class, 519

ModuleReader interface, 525

ModuleReference class, 525

Modulus operator (%), 63, 65

Monitor, 240, 251, 254, 255, 261

Mouse events, handling, 787–790

MouseAdapter class, 794, 795, 799, 1074, 1075–1076, 1197

mouseClicked( ), 785, 794, 1074

mouseDragged( ), 785, 794, 884

mouseEntered( ), 785, 1074

MouseEvent class, 773, 775, 776, 779–780, 1074

mouseExited( ), 785, 1074

MouseListener interface, 783, 785, 787–790, 795, 796, 1074, 1075–1076

MouseMotionAdapter class, 794, 795

MouseMotionListener interface, 771, 783, 785, 787–790, 794, 795, 796

mouseMoved( ), 785, 794, 884

mousePressed( ), 785, 797, 1074, 1076, 1197

mouseReleased( ), 785, 1074, 1076

MouseWheelEvent class, 773, 780–781

MouseWheelListener interface, 783, 785, 787, 795, 796

mouseWheelMoved( ), 785

Multicore systems, 16–17, 238, 266, 905, 906, 938, 942, 945, 965

MultipleSelectionModel class, 1137, 1139

Multitasking, 237

preemptive, 239

process-based versus thread-based, 237

Multithreaded programming, 8, 13, 237–266, 509

and context switching. See Context switching

effectively using, 266

and multicore versus single-core systems, 238

and spurious wakeup, 256

and StringBuilder class, 465

and synchronization. See Synchronization

and threads. See Thread(s)

versus the concurrency utilities, traditional, 905, 954

and parallel programming, 938

versus single-threaded system, 238

MutableComboBoxModel, 1050

MutableTreeNode interface, 1052

MVC (Model-View-Controller) component architecture, 1013–1014, 1096


Namespace collisions

between instance variables and local variables, 127

packages and, 189, 197, 331

and static import, 331

Naming class, 994, 995

NaN, 469, 472

nanoTime( ), 496, 497, 946

@Native built-in annotation, 295

native modifier, 326

Natural ordering, 522, 572

naturalOrder( ), 573

Naughton, Patrick, 6

NavigableMap interface, 561, 565, 570

methods, table of, 566–567

NavigableSet interface, 530, 537–538, 548, 549

methods, table of, 537

Negative numbers in Java, representation of, 68–69


NegativeArraySizeException, 230, 588

.NET Framework, 8

NetBeans, 1102, 1202, 1203

Networking, 749–767

basics, 749–750

classes and interfaces, list of, 750–751

new, 54, 55, 115–116, 123, 125, 127, 141, 184, 226, 227

constructor reference and, 402, 406

and enumerations, 268, 271

and type inference, 370–371

NEW, 264

New I/O. See NIO

newByteChannel( ), 721, 724, 729, 731, 732, 733, 734, 736

newCachedThreadPool( ), 927

newCondition( ), 934, 935

newDirectoryStream( ), 724, 742, 744–745

newFileSystem( ), 728

newFixedThreadPool( ), 927–928

newInputStream( ), 725, 738–739

Newline, inserting a, 639

newOutputStream( ), 725, 738, 739–740

newScheduledThreadPool( ), 927, 928

next( ), 552, 553, 556, 650, 862, 976, 977

nextBoolean( ), 626, 627, 650

nextBytes( ), 626, 627

nextDouble( ), 208, 626, 627, 650, 652, 655

nextElement( ), 593, 610, 693

nextFloat( ), 626, 627, 650

nextGaussian( ), 626–628

nextInt( ), 626, 627, 650, 655

nextLong( ), 626, 627, 650

nextToken( ), 610

nextX( ) Scanner methods, 648, 650–651, 652, 655

table of, 650

NIO, 669, 717–748

buffers, 718–720

channels, 718, 720–721

charsets, 722

and directories, 742–748

packages, list of, 717

for path and file system operations, using, 740–748

selectors, 722

and the stream API, 725

for stream-based I/O, using, 728, 738–740

NIO and channel-based I/O

copying a file using, 737–738

reading a file using, 729–733

writing to a file using, 733–737

NIO.2, 16, 717, 728, 740

Node class, 1097, 1101, 1105, 1109, 1116, 1118, 1150, 1155, 1156, 1160, 1162, 1163, 1177

Node(s), JavaFX, 1097, 1100, 1101, 1103, 1108, 1109, 1113

disabling, 1160

effects and transforms to alter the look of, using, 1154–1160. See also Effects; Transforms

hierarchy, 1097

root, 1097, 1100, 1101, 1103, 1105, 1108, 1177, 1178

scrolling capabilities to, adding, 1147–1149

text, 1160

tree, 1150–1151, 1154

noneMatch( ), 980


NoSuchElementException, 536, 538, 540, 564, 593, 615, 651, 657

NoSuchMethodException, 231, 287

NOT operator

bitwise unary (~), 68, 69, 70–71

Boolean logical unary (!), 77, 78

NotDirectoryException, 742

notepad, 491, 494–495

notify( ), 187, 188, 255–256, 258–259, 262–264, 499, 905, 935, 954

notifyAll( ), 187, 188, 255–256, 499

NotSerializableException, 715

now( ), 1002–1003

null, 36, 125

alternative to using, 614

Null statement, 92

NullPointerException, 227, 230, 532, 533, 536, 538, 540, 551, 561, 564, 565, 588, 600, 658, 693

using Optional to prevent a, 614, 616

nullsFirst( ), 573–574

nullsLast( ), 573–574

Number class, 278, 345, 467, 468

NumberFormatException, 230, 278


formatting, 635–636, 639–645

pseudorandom, 626


Oak, 6

Object class, 187–188, 255, 336, 338, 371, 499–501

as a data type, problems with using the, 340–342

Object class methods

and functional interfaces, 380

table of, 187, 499

Object reference variables

and abstract classes, 184–185, 186

and argument passing, 138, 139–140

assigning, 116–117

declaring, 115

and cloning, 500

and dynamic method dispatch, 180–183

to superclass reference variable, assigning subclass, 168, 172, 180

OBJECT tag, HTML, 1256

Object-oriented programming (OOP), 5, 6, 19–25, 111

model in Java, 12

Object(s), 21, 111, 116

creating/declaring, 113, 115–116

exact copy (clone) of, 499–500

initialization with a constructor, 123–126

to a method, passing, 139–140

monitor, implicit, 240, 254

as parameters, 136–138

returning, 140–141

serialization of. See Serialization

type at run time, determining, 323–325

Object.notify( ). See notify( )

Object.wait( ). See wait( )

ObjectInput interface, 713

methods defined by, table of, 713

ObjectInputFilter, 714

ObjectInputFilter.Config, 714

ObjectInputFilter.FilterInfo, 714

ObjectInputFilter.Status, 714

ObjectInputStream class, 307, 713–714

methods defined by, table of, 714

ObjectOutput interface, 711–712

methods defined by, table of, 711

ObjectOutputStream class, 307, 712–713

methods defined by, table of, 712

Objects class, 662

Observable class, 609

observableArrayList( ), 1136, 1139, 1141

ObservableList, 1103, 1104, 1136, 1139, 1140, 1141, 1163

ObservableValue, 1129

Observer interface, 609

Octals, 43

as character values, 45

and string literals, 46

of( ), 533, 534, 535–536, 551, 552, 561, 563, 564, 615, 616, 933, 980

offer( ), 538, 550

offerFirst( ), 539, 540, 545

offerLast( ), 539, 540, 545

offsetByCodePoints( ), 457, 464

ofLocalizedDate( ), 1003, 1004

ofLocalizedDateTime( ), 1003

ofLocalizedTime( ), 1003

ofNullable( ), 615, 616

ofPattern( ), 1004–1006

pattern letters, 1005

onAdvance( ), 923–924, 926


keyword, 35, 410

modifier, 433

open( ), 721

openConnection( ), 758, 760–761

OpenOption interface, 725


keyword, 35, 410

statement, 433


arithmetic, 63–68

assignment. See Assignment operator(s)

bitwise, 68–76

Boolean logical, 77–79

conditional-and, 79

conditional-or, 79

diamond (<>), 370–371

parentheses and, 43, 81

precedence, table of, 81

relational, 30, 42, 43, 76–77

ternary if-then-else (?:), 78, 80

Optional class, 614–616, 961, 962, 963

methods, table of, 614–615

optional( ), 492

OptionalDouble class, 614, 616

OptionalInt class, 614, 616

OptionalLong class, 614, 616

OR operator

bitwise (|), 68, 69, 70–71

bitwise exclusive (^), 68, 69, 70–71

Boolean logical (|), 77, 78

Boolean logical exclusive (^), 77, 78

OR operator, short-circuit (||) Boolean logical, 77, 79

or( ), 615, 616

Oracle, 16, 1202

Ordinal value, enumeration constant’s, 273, 274

ordinal( ), 273, 274–275, 521

orElse( ), 615

Orientation, 1179

out output stream, 28, 36, 308, 309, 312, 313, 492, 495. See also System.out

out( ), 633, 635

OutputStream class, 306, 307, 312, 678, 679, 682, 688, 690, 694, 696, 708, 712, 716, 739, 1210

methods, table of, 681

OutputStreamWriter class, 308

Overloading methods, 131–136, 160–162, 179, 373–374

@Override, built-in annotation, 295, 297

Overriding, method, 177–183

and abstract classes, 183–186

and bridge methods, 372–373

and dynamic method dispatch, 180–183

final to prevent, using, 186

in a generic class, 369–370

and run-time polymorphism, 180, 181, 183


Package(s), 144, 189–198, 215

access to classes contained in, 192–196, 197

built-in standard Java classes and, 196, 197

the default, 190, 196

defining, 190

finding, 190–191

importing, 196–198

and JShell, 1252–1253

and modules, 191

Swing, 1016

Package class, 291, 517–518

methods, table of, 517–518

package statement, 190, 196

Paint class, 1111

Paint mode, setting the, 818–819

paint( ), 787, 790, 807, 808, 810, 884, 1024–1025, 1198, 1258, 1259, 1260

lightweight AWT components and overriding, 878

Paintable area, computing, 1025–1026

paintBorder( ), 1024–1025

paintChildren( ), 1024–1025

paintComponent( ), 1024–1025, 1028, 1260

Painting in Swing, 1024–1028

Panel class, 803, 804, 805, 861, 1257

Panes, Swing container, 1015–1016. See also Content pane

Parallel processing, 17, 379, 556, 558

of a stream API stream, 955, 958, 959, 965–967, 974, 977, 979

Parallel programming. See Programming, parallel

parallel( ), 956, 965–966

parallelPrefix( ), 590

parallelSetAll( ), 590

parallelSort( ), 589–590

parallelStream( ), 531, 533, 959, 965, 966

Parameter(s), 27, 118, 121–123

and constructors, 125–126

final, 149

and lambda expressions, 380–381, 382, 383–385, 393

names and instance variable names, 127

objects as, 136–138

and overloaded constructors, 134–135

and overloaded methods, 131, 179

and the scope of a method, 48

servlet, reading, 1210–1212

type. See Type parameter(s)

variable-length (varargs), 159, 535

Parameterized types, 336, 338

parameterModifiers( ), 993

Parent class, 1097, 1101, 1105

parse( ), 492, 1006

parseByte( ), 474, 480

parseDouble( ), 472

parseFloat( ), 470

parseInt( ), 477, 480–481

parseLong( ), 479, 480

parseShort( ), 475, 480

Parsing, definition of, 609

Pascal, 4

PasswordField class, 1146

Passwords, reading, 710

Path interface, 671, 673, 722–723, 729, 740, 741, 742–743, 746

converting a File object into an instance of the, 673, 722, 740

instance for stream-based I/O, using a, 738–740

methods, table of a sampling of, 723

obtaining an instance of the, 725–726, 729, 731, 732, 733, 734, 736

Paths class, 725–726, 729, 731

Pattern class, 981, 982, 985, 988, 989

Pattern matching, regular expressions, 983–989

PatternSyntaxException, 983

Payne, Jonathan, 6

peek( ), 538, 597, 598

peekFirst( ), 539, 545

peekLast( ), 539, 545

Peers, native, 878, 1011–1012

Period class, 1007

Persistence (Java Beans), 1193

Phaser class, 906, 908, 920–927

compatability with fork/join, 954

PI (Math constant), 505

PIPE, 494

Pipeline for actions on stream API streams, 17, 379, 958, 970–971

PipedInputStream class, 307

PipedOutputStream class, 307

PipedReader class, 308

PipedWriter class, 308

PixelGrabber class, 887–890

Platform class, 1170

Platform.exit( ), 1170

Pluggable look and feel (PLAF), 1012–1013, 1014

Plug-in and pluggable application architecture, 424, 426

PNG file format, 880

Point class, 779, 780, 803

poll( ), 538, 550

pollFirst( ), 537, 539, 545

Polling, 238, 255

pollLast( ), 537, 539, 545

Polygon class, 803, 812

Polymorphism, 5, 20, 23–25

and dynamic method dispatch, 180–183, 184

and interfaces, 198, 201, 206

and overloaded methods, 131, 133, 134

pop( ), 539, 540, 597, 598

Popup trigger, 1074, 1076

PopupControl class, 1163, 1175

PopupMenu class, 803, 874

PopupMenuEvent, 1061

Port, 749, 750, 757

Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), 727

Portability problem, 6–7, 8, 9–10, 11, 12, 13, 18

and data types, 38

and thread context switching, 239

Pos enumeration, 1109


PosixFileAttributes class, 726, 727, 742

PosixFileAttributeView interface, 728

Possessive behavior (regular expression pattern matching), 987

postVisitDirectory( ), 746

pow( ), 329–331, 506

pre( ), 492

Predicate<T> predefined functional interface, 407, 666, 962

preferredLayoutSize( ), 855

previous( ), 553, 862

preVisitDirectory( ), 746

PrimitiveIterator interface, 529, 976

PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble interface, 529, 976

PrimitiveIterator.OfInt interface, 976

PrimitiveIterator.OfLong interface, 976

print( ), 29, 36, 312, 313, 444, 694, 708, 1210

printf( )

function, C/C++, 632, 694

method, Java, 157, 647, 694–696, 708, 709

println( ), 28, 29, 36, 188, 312, 313, 444–445, 635, 694, 708, 1210

and Boolean output, 43

and String objects, 61

PrintStream class, 307, 309, 312, 647, 693–696

PrintWriter class, 308, 312–313, 647, 707–708, 1205

PriorityBlockingQueue class, 933

PriorityQueue class, 541, 549–550

private access modifier, 27, 144–146, 192–193

and inheritance, 165–166

Process class, 485–486, 491, 492

methods, table of, 488

Process, definition of, 237, 485

Process-based versus thread-based multitasking, 237

ProcessBuilder class, 485, 492–495

methods, table of, 493–494

ProcessBuilder.Redirect class, 494

ProcessBuilder.Redirect.Type enumeration, 494

ProcessHandle class, 485–486

ProcessHandle.Info, 485

Program log, 499


multithreaded. See Multithreaded programming

object-oriented. See Object-oriented programming

process-oriented, 19, 20, 24

structured, 4, 5

Programming, parallel, 16–17, 239, 556, 906, 907, 938, 965

and the level of parallelism, 941

and specifying the level of parallelism, 941, 945–948, 954

Project Coin, 16

Properties class, 528, 592, 603–608

methods, table of, 604

Properties, environment, 498

Property, Java Bean, 1190, 1198

boolean, 1191

bound and constrained, 1193, 1196

design patterns for, 1190–1191, 1193

PropertyChangeEvent, 1193

PropertyChangeListener interface, 1193, 1194

PropertyDescriptor class, 1192, 1195, 1196, 1198

PropertyPermission class, 662

PropertyResourceBundle class, 660

PropertyVetoException, 1193

protected access modifier, 144, 192–193

Protocols, overview of networking, 749–750


keyword, 35, 410

statement, 425, 532

Pseudorandom numbers, 626

public access modifier, 27, 144–146, 192–193

Push buttons, AWT, 830, 833–837

action command string of, 833, 835, 836, 1033–1044

Push buttons, JavaFX, 1105–1109

adding an image to, 1120–1123

Push buttons, Swing, 1021–1024, 1033–1035

action command string of, 1033–1034

push( ), 540, 597, 598

Pushback, 690–692

PushbackInputStream, 307, 688, 690–692

PushbackReader class, 308, 706–707

put( ), 561, 563, 568, 570, 572, 599, 600, 601

and buffers, 719, 720, 735

putAll( ), 563, 572

PutField inner class, 712–713

putValue( ), 1080–1081, 1082


Query string, 1218

Queue, double-ended, 539–540

Queue interface, 530, 538, 539, 545, 549, 550

methods, table of, 538

quietlyInvoke( ), 953

quietlyJoin( ), 953


Race condition, 253

Radio buttons, 839

JavaFX, 1125–1128, 1129–1132

Swing, 1039–1041

and Swing menus, 1072–1073

RadioButton class, 1125, 1126, 1132

RadioMenuItem class, 1162, 1173

Radix, 473

radix( ), 657

Random class, 208, 626–628

methods, table of core, 627

RandomAccess interface, 530, 560

RandomAccessFile class, 698, 721

range( ), 551, 552

Raw types, 360–362

READ, 494

read( ), 95, 307, 308, 309–310, 314–315, 524, 680, 689, 691, 699, 707, 713, 714, 721, 730, 731, 738, 880–881

Readable interface, 524, 647, 653, 699

ReadableByteChannel interface, 647

readAttributes( ), 725, 727, 741–742

readBoolean( ), 697, 714

readDouble( ), 697, 714

Reader class, 307–308, 309, 678, 679, 699, 700, 702, 711

methods defined by, table of, 699

readExternal( ), 711

readInt( ), 697, 714

readLine( ), 310–312, 480, 709, 1210, 1257

readObject( ), 713, 714, 715

readPassword( ), 709, 710

ReadWriteLock interface, 936

Real numbers, 40

rebind( ), 994–995

receive( ), 765

Recursion, 141–143

and the Fork/Join Framework divide-and-conquer strategy, 942

RecursiveAction class, 907, 938, 940, 942, 943, 944, 948

RecursiveTask class, 907, 938, 940, 942

example program using, 948–951

Redirect class, 494

reduce( ), 958, 963–965, 966–967, 968–969

Reduction operations, 963–965

mutable, 975

ReentrantLock, 935

ReentrantReadWriteLock, 936

Reflection, 286, 433, 525–526, 981, 990–993

and annotations, 286–291

Region class, 1097, 1105

regionMatches( ), 447–448

register( ), 920

Regular expressions, 458, 609, 647, 655, 667, 981–989

definition of the term, 981

syntax, 983

wildcards and quantifiers, 981, 983, 985–987

reinitialize( ), 952

Relational operators, 30, 42, 43, 76–77

Relative index, 645–646

release( ), 908–911

Reluctant behavior (regular expression pattern matching), 986–987

Remote interface, 994

Remote method invocation (RMI), 14, 710, 981, 994–997

RemoteException, 994

remove( ), 531, 532, 534, 538, 546, 551, 552, 553, 563, 599, 600, 601, 830, 1020, 1061, 1063, 1104, 1156, 1163, 1164

removeActionListener( ), 1023

removeAll( ), 531, 532, 830

removeAttribute( ), 1215, 1222

removeEldestEntry( ), 572

removeElement( ), 594, 595

removeElementAt( ), 594, 595

removeFirst( ), 540, 545

removeIf( ), 531, 532

removeKeyListener( ), 771

removeLast( ), 540, 545

removeTListener( ), 1192

removeTypeListener( ), 771

renameTo( ), 672

repaint( ), 787, 790, 795, 796, 797, 808–809, 1025, 1109, 1198, 1259

@Repeatable annotation, 295, 302, 303

REPL (read-evaluate-print loop) execution, 1245

replace( ), 435, 463, 563

replaceAll( ), 457, 533, 534, 563, 983, 988

replaceRange( ), 853

ReplicateScaleFilter class, 890

requires keyword, 35, 410

requires statement, 410, 416, 417

using static with a, 433, 434

using transitive with a, 420–424

reset( ), 657, 679, 680, 685, 687, 689–690, 692, 699, 705, 719

resolve( ), 722, 723

Resource bundles, 657–662

ResourceBundle class, 657–660

methods, table of, 658–660

and modules, 660

ResourceBundle.Control class, 658

resume( ), 14, 262, 510, 512

retainAll( ), 531, 532

@Retention built-in annotation, 286, 295

RetentionPolicy enumeration, 286, 525

return statement, 109–110, 118

in a lambda expression, 386

reverse( )

algorithm defined by Collections, 583

StrinBuffer method, 462

reversed( ), 573, 576

reverseOrder( )

collection algorithm, 583, 585–586

Comparator method, 573

rewind( ), 719, 731, 734, 735

RGB (red-green-blue) color model, 815

default, 885

RGBImageFilter class, 890, 892–893

example program demonstrating the, 893–904

RGBtoHSB( ), 816

Richards, Martin, 4

Ritchie, Dennis, 4, 5

rmi protocol, 995

RMI (Remote Method Invocation), 14, 710, 981, 994–997, 1202

rmic compiler, 996

rmiregistry (RMI registry), 996, 997

Rotate class, 1156–1157

program demonstrating, 1157–1160


system, Java,10. See also Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

type information, 14, 323, 366–368, 504

run( ), 240, 243, 244, 380, 509, 511, 629, 952, 1020

overriding, 245, 246, 629

using a flag variable with, 262–264


Runnable interface, 240, 242, 380, 509, 628, 629, 905, 951, 952, 1020

implementing the, 243–244, 246

Runtime class, 485, 486–492, 948

executing other programs and, 491–492

memory management and, 487–488, 490

methods, table of some, 489

RUNTIME retention policy, 285–286, 287, 290

Runtime.exec( ), 485, 489, 491–492

Runtime.Version class, 492

Runtime.version( ), 489, 492

RuntimeException class, 218, 219, 227, 230, 234

RuntimePermission class, 519


@SafeVarargs built-in annotation, 295, 297

SAM (Single Abstract Method) type, 380

Sanbox, 10, 1236

save( ), 603

Scale class, 1156, 1157

program demonstrating, 1157–1160

Scanner, 609

Scanner class, 647–657

closing an instance of the, 653

constructors, 647, 648

delimiters, 647, 655–656

demonstration programs, 651–655

hasNextX( ) methods, table of, 649

how to use, 647–648, 650–651

methods, miscellaneous, 656–657

nextX( ) methods, table of, 650

Scene class, 1096, 1097, 1100, 1101

schedule( ), 629, 630

ScheduledExecutorService interface, 927

ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor class, 907, 927

Scientific notation, 44, 635–636

Scopes in Java, 47–50

nested, 48–49, 152

Scroll bars, 830, 847–850, 1044, 1045, 1139–1140, 1147–1149, 1150

as an event source, 774, 782, 848

Scroll pane, 1044–1046, 1147–1149

Scrollbar class, 803, 847

ScrollPane class, 803, 1147–1149

search( ), 597, 598

Security manager, 314, 495, 519, 677, 694, 997, 1202

Security problem, 8, 9, 10, 12, 18

and servlets, 1202

security( ), 492

SecurityException, 230, 314, 487, 495, 677, 694, 742, 746

SecurityManager class, 519

seek( ), 698

SeekableByteChannel interface, 721, 729, 732, 734

select( ), 842, 845, 850–851, 853

selectedItemProperty( ), 1137, 1139, 1150

selectedToggleProperty( ), 1129

Selection statements, 83–91

SelectionMode, 1140

SelectionModel class, 1137

Selectors, 722

Semaphore, 905, 906, 908–913, 954

and setting initial synchronization state, 913

Semaphore class, 906, 908

send( ), 765

Separable Model architecture, 1014

Separator class, 1132

SeparatorMenuItem class, 1162, 1164

Separators, 35

SequenceInputStream class, 307, 692–693

sequential( ), 956, 967

Serializable interface, 711, 715, 953, 1193

Serialization, 710–716

example program, 715–716

and Java Beans, 1193

and static variables, 711

and transient variables, 711, 715

serialVersionUID constant, 716

Server process, 749, 763

ServerSocket class, 721, 753, 763–764

service( ), 1202, 1205, 1207, 1211, 1217

ServiceLoader class, 424, 622

Services and service providers, 424–432

definition of the terms, 424

module-based example application demonstrating, 425–432

and modules, 425

Servlet interface, 1206, 1207, 1210

methods, table of, 1207

Servlet(s), 11, 1201–1223

advantages of, 1202

API, 1206

development options, 1202–1204

example program for a simple, 1204–1206

life cycle of, 1202

parameters, reading, 1210–1212

and portability, 11

and security, 1202

and session tracking, 1222–1223

using Tomcat to develop, 1202, 1203–1206

ServletConfig interface, 1206, 1208, 1210

ServletContext interface, 1206, 1208

methods, table of various, 1208

ServletException class, 1207, 1210

ServletInputStream class, 1207, 1210

ServletOutputStream class, 1207, 1210

ServletRequest interface, 1205, 1206, 1208, 1210

methods, table of various, 1209

ServletResponse interface, 1205, 1206, 1208

methods, table of various, 1209

Session tracking, HTTP, 1222, 1223

Set interface, 530, 535–536, 546, 551, 561, 565

from a stream API stream, obtaining an instance of the, 972–974

Set-view, obtaining, 569, 602

set( ), 533, 534, 546, 553, 612, 619, 937

setAccelerator( ), 1069, 1171

setActionCommand( ), 836, 870, 1033–1034, 1040

setAlignment( ), 831, 1108–1109

setAll( ), 590

setAllowIndeterminate( ), 1135

setAngle( ), 1156–1157

setAttribute( ), 1208, 1215, 1222

setBackground( ), 807, 815

setBlockIncrement( ), 848

setBorder( ), 1028

setBounds( ), 805, 855

setCharAt( ), 460

setColor( ), 816

setConstraints( ), 864

setContent( ), 1147

setContentDisplay( ), 1119–1120, 1122–1123, 1180

setContentType( ), 1205, 1209

setContextMenu( ), 1176

setDefault( ), 624, 625

setDefaultCloseOperation( ), 1018–1019

setDisable( ), 1160, 1165

setDisabledIcon( ), 1033, 1071

setDisplayedMnemonicIndex( ), 1068

setEchoChar( ), 851

setEditable( ), 851, 853, 1143–1144

setEffect( ), 1155

setEnabled( ), 869, 1063, 1081

setFill( ), 1110–1111

setFont( ), 822, 1110

setForeground( ), 807, 815

setForkJoinTaskTag( ), 953

setGraphic( ), 1120, 1164, 1173

setHorizontalTextPosition( ), 1071

setHvalue( ), 1147–1148

setIcon( ), 1030, 1070–1071

setJMenuBar( ), 1062, 1064

setLabel( ), 833, 837, 869–870

setLastModified( ), 673

setLayout( ), 832, 855, 1020

setLength( ), 459–460, 698

setLevel( ), 1155

setLocation( ), 805

setMaxAge( ), 1216, 1222

setMnemonic( ), 1068

setMnemonicParsing( ), 1171

setN( ) setter method design pattern, 1190, 1191

setName( ), 241, 242, 512

setObjectInputFiller( ), 714

setOnAction( ), 1106, 1108, 1109, 1165

setOnContextMenuRequested( ), 1177–1178

setOrientation( ), 1179

setPaintMode( ), 818

setPannable( ), 1147

setPivotX( ), 1156–1157

setPivotY( ), 1156–1157

setPrefColumnCount( ), 1144

setPreferredSize( ), 805, 848

setPrefHeight( ), 1137

setPrefSize( ), 1137

setPrefViewportHeight( ), 1147

setPrefViewportWidth( ), 1147

setPrefWidth( ), 1132, 1137

setPressedIcon( ), 1033

setPriority( ), 250–251, 512

setPromptText( ), 1144

setReadOnly( ), 673

setRolloverIcon( ), 1033

setRotate( ), 1156

setScaleX( ), 1156

setScaleY( ), 1156

setScene( ), 1101

setSelected( ), 1126, 1129, 1173

setSelectedCheckbox( ), 840

setSelectedIcon( ), 1033

setSelectionMode( ), 1047, 1140

setSize( ), 595, 805, 806, 810, 1018

setState( ), 837, 870

setStroke( ), 1110–1111

setText( ), 831, 850, 853, 1030, 1033, 1108, 1144, 1164

setTitle( ), 806, 1100

setToggleGroup( ), 1126

setTooltip( ), 1160, 1179

setToolTipText( ), 1071

setTranslateX( ), 1156

setTranslateY( ), 1156

setUnitIncrement( ), 848

setValue( ), 567, 847–848, 1142, 1216

setValues( ), 847

setVvalue( ), 1147–1148

setVisible( ), 806, 809, 810, 1020

setX( ), 1157

setXORMode( ), 818–819

setY, 1157

Shear class, 1156

Sheridan, Mike, 6

Shift operators, bitwise, 68, 71–75

Short class, 277, 278, 467, 473, 480, 481

methods defined by, table of, 475

short data type, 37, 38, 39, 43

and automatic type conversion, 50

and automatic type promotion, 52, 71

ShortBuffer class, 719

shortValue( ), 278, 468, 470, 472, 474, 475, 477, 479

show( ), 862, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1101, 1178

shuffle( ) algorithm defined by Collections, 583, 584, 586

shutdown( ), 927, 929, 942, 953–954

shutdownNow( ), 953–954

Sign extension, 71, 73–74, 74–75

signal( ), 935

SimpleBeanInfo class, 1193, 1198, 1199

SimpleDateFormat class, 626, 999–1001, 1005

formatting string symbols, table of, 1000

SimpleFileVisitor class, 747, 748

SimpleTimeZone class, 624–625

sin( ), 40, 505

SingleSelectionModel, 1042

SIZE, 469, 480

size( ), 531, 532, 546, 564, 595, 599, 600, 601, 612, 725, 727, 733, 1163, 1164

skip( ), 657, 680–682, 689, 699, 713


SKIP_SUBTREE, 746, 747

sleep( ), 240, 241–242, 247, 512, 933

slice( ), 720

Slider box, 847

Snippet, code, 1245, 1247, 1248, 1250, 1253

Socket class, 721, 753–756, 763, 764


datagram, 764–765, 767

overview, 749–750

and servlets, 1202

TCP/IP client, 753–756

TCP/IP server, 753, 763–764

SocketAddress class, 765

SocketChannel class, 721

SocketException, 765

sort( ), 533, 534, 589

algorithm defined by Collections, 584

sorted( ), 958, 962

SortedMap interface, 561, 564–565

methods, table of, 565

SortedSet interface, 530, 536, 537

methods, table of, 536

Source code file, naming a, 25

SOURCE retention policy, 285–286

split( ), 457, 458, 988–989

Spliterator, 523, 529, 533, 556–558

and arrays, 590

characteristics, 558

Spliterator interface, 523, 529, 530, 551, 556–558

methods declared by, table of, 557

and streamAPI streams, 976, 977–979

spliterator( ), 523, 531, 533, 590, 956

Spliterator.OfDouble interface, 558

Spliterator.OfInt interface, 558

Spliterator.OfLong interface, 558

Spliterator.OfPrimitive interface, 558

sqrt( ), 40, 47, 329–331, 506


definition of, 23, 128

frame, 520

trace, 219–220, 226, 520

walking, 521

ways to implement a, 203

Stack class, 528, 541, 592, 597–599

methods, table of, 598

StackTraceElement class, 232, 520

methods, table of, 520

StackWalker class, 521

StackWalker.StackFrame interface, 521

Stage class, 1096, 1097, 1100, 1101

StampedLock interface, 936

StandardCopyOption values, partial list of, 737

StandardOpenOption class, 725, 738, 739

enumeration, table of values for the, 726

StandardOpenOption.CREATE, 726, 734, 739

StandardOpenOption.READ, 726, 736, 738

StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, 726, 739

StandardOpenOption.WRITE, 726, 734, 739

Standard Template Library (STL), 529

start( ), 240, 243, 244, 245, 485, 494–495, 512, 982–983, 985

and applets, 1235, 1257, 1259, 1260, 1262

and JavaFX, 1097, 1098, 1100, 1101, 1102

startsWith( ), 448, 723

State enumeration, 264

Statements, 28

null, 92

Statements, control, 29, 42

iteration, 83, 91–102

jump, 83, 102–110

selection, 83–91

static, 27, 147–148, 151, 329

member restrictions, 375

used in a requires statement, 434

Static import, 15, 329–331

stop( ), 14, 262, 510, 512

and applets, 1235, 1257, 1259, 1260

and JavaFX, 1097, 1098, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1170

store( ), 603, 604, 606–608

str( ), 285

Stream API, 17, 955–980

and collections, 608, 955, 956, 959, 961, 974

interfaces, 956–959

and lambda expressions, 955

and NIO, 725

Stream interface, 533, 590, 705, 725, 957–958, 979, 980

methods, table of some, 957–958

and primitive types, 958, 959

Stream, intermediate operations on a stream API, 958

to create a pipeline of actions, 958, 970–971

lazy behavior of, 958

stateless versus stateful, 958

Stream, stream API

and accumulator operations, 963, 964, 966–967, 975

collection from a, obtaining a, 972–975

and combiner operations, 966–967, 969, 975

definition of the term, 955–956

iterators and a, 976–979

mapping a, 968–972

obtaining a, 959

operations on a, terminal versus intermediate, 958

ordered versus unordered, 967

parallel processing of a, 955, 958, 959, 965–967, 974, 977, 979

parallel, using a, 965–967, 979

reduction operations, 963–965

stream( ), 532, 533, 590, 612, 615, 959, 961, 966, 971

Stream(s), byte, 306–307, 309, 313, 679–698

buffered, 688–692

classes in java.io, table of, 307

filtered, 688

Stream(s), character, 306, 307–308, 309, 313, 679, 699–708

classes in java.io, table of, 308

Stream(s), I/O

benefits, 716

buffered, 688–692, 704–707

classes, top-level, 678–679

closing, 677–678

concatenating input to, 692–693

definition of the term, 306, 699

filtered, 688, 716

flushing, 676

and NIO, 728, 738–740

predefined, 308–309

reactive, 907

variables, predefined, 308–309

versus stream API streams, 956

strictfp, 325

StrictMath class, 509

String class, 27, 60–61, 154–156, 439, 458, 522, 647, 982

constructors, 440–442

methods, table of some, 457–458


arrays of, 61, 156

changing case of characters in, 455–456, 482–484

comparison, 155, 446–450

concatenating, 29, 154–155, 443–444, 453, 456–457, 461

constants, 61, 154

converting data into a, 444–445, 454–455

creating, 154, 440–442

extracting characters from, 445–446

formatted, creating a, 633–635

formatting a, 635, 641

immutability of, 154, 439, 452, 458

joining, 456–457

length of a, obtaining the, 155, 442

literals, 46, 442

modifiable, creating and working with, 458–465

modifying, 452–454

numbers to and from, converting, 480–482

as objects, 46, 61, 154, 439

parsing a formatted input, 609–611

reading, 310–312

searching, 450–452

StringBuffer class, 154, 439, 441, 452, 458–465, 522

methods, table of some, 464

StringBufferInputStream deprecated class, 670

StringBuilder class, 154, 439, 441, 452, 465, 522, 632, 633

and synchronization, 465

StringJoiner class, 662

StringReader class, 308

StringTokenizer class, 609–611

methods, table of, 610

stringWidth( ), 826, 827

StringWriter class, 308

strokeLine( ), 1110

strokeOval( ), 1110

strokeRect( ), 1110

strokeText( ), 1110

Stroustrup, Bjarne, 6

Stubs (RMI), 996

Subclass, 22, 163–166, 181

generic, 362–366

subList( ), 533, 534

subMap( ), 564, 565, 567

submit( ), 930

subSequence( ), 458, 464, 522

subSet( ), 536, 537, 549

substring( ), 452–453, 463

Sun Microsystems, 6, 14, 15, 16

super, 147, 169

and bounded wildcard arguments, 354

and interface default methods, 213

and method references, 399

and methods or instance variables, 172–173, 178

super( ), 333

and superclass constructors, 169–172, 176, 246

Superclass, 22, 163–166, 181, 189

abstract, 183–186

generic, 362–364

Supplemental character, definition of, 484

Supplier<T> predefined functional interface, 407, 666, 975

@SuppressWarnings built-in annotation, 295, 297

suspend( ), 14, 262, 510, 512

Swing, 14, 17, 305, 786–787, 829, 1011–1057, 1095

applet, 1016

application, example of a simple, 1016–1021

and the AWT, 801, 829, 1011–1012

component classes, list of, 1014–1015

components. See Components, Swing

containers. See Container(s), Swing

event handling, 1020–1024

history of, 1011–1012

and Java Web Start, 1235–1236, 1239

and JavaFX, 1095, 1096, 1109

menus. See Menu(s), Swing

and MVC architecture, 1013–1014

packages, list of, 1016

and painting, 1024–1028

threading issues, 1020, 1024

Swing: A Beginner’s Guide (Schildt), 1011

SwingConstants interface, 1030

SwingUtilities class, 1020

switch statement, 86–91, 106

and auto-unboxing, 282

nested, 90

using enumeration constants to control a, 87, 268–270

using a String to control a, 16, 87, 89–90

versus the if statement, 90–91

Synchronization, 13, 239–240, 251–255

and atomic operations, 936–937

and collections, 540, 585, 592

and deadlock, 260–261

and interprocess communication, 255–260

objects, using, 908–927

race condition and, 253

and StringBuilder class, 465

via synchronized block, 253–255, 585

via synchronized method, 240, 251–252

versus concurrency utilities, traditional, 905, 954

synchronized modifier, 251, 905, 934, 954

used with a method, 251–253

used with an object, 253–255

synchronizedList( ), 584, 585

synchronizedSet( ), 584, 585

Synchronizers, 905, 906–907

SynchronousQueue class, 933

System class, 28, 36, 308, 495–498

methods, table of, 495–496

System.console( ), 495, 709

System.err standard error stream, 308, 309, 495

System.exit( ), 495, 787, 790, 807, 809, 1068, 1170

System.getProperties( ), 496, 603

System.getProperty( ), 496, 498

System.in standard input stream, 308, 309, 492, 495, 647, 708

System.in.read( ), 95

System.Logger interface, 499

System.LoggerFinder class, 499

System.nanoTime( ), 496, 497, 946

System.out standard output stream, 28, 36, 308, 309, 312, 313, 492, 495, 647, 693, 695, 708

and static import, 331


Tabbed panes, 1042–1044

Table, Swing, 1055–1057

TableColumnModel, 1055

TableModel, 1055

TableModelEvent class, 1055

tailMap( ), 564, 565, 567

tailSet( ), 536, 537

@Target built-in annotation, 295, 296, 298

TCP/IP, 14, 750

client sockets, 753–756

disadvantages of, 764

server sockets, 753, 763–764

See also Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

TemporalAccessor, 637

TERMINATE, 746, 747


Ternary if-then-else operator (?:), 78, 80

test( ), 407, 664, 665, 666, 962–963


area, 781, 785, 853–854

components as an event source, 781, 782

editing controls, 830, 850–854

formatting using java.text classes, 981, 997–1002

output using font metrics, managing, 825–828

Text class, 1160

Text fields, 781

AWT, 850–852

JavaFX, 1144–1146, 1176–1177

Swing, 1031–1033

TextArea class

AWT, 804, 853–854

JavaFX, 1146

TextComponent class, 804, 850, 853

TextEvent class, 773, 781, 853

TextField class

AWT, 804, 850–851

JavaFX, 1144–1146

TexInputControl, 1144

TextInputDialog, 1146

TextListener interface, 783, 785

textValueChanged( ), 785

thenComparing( ), 574, 579–580

thenComparingDouble( ), 574

thenComparingInt( ), 574

thenComparingLong( ), 574

this, 126–127, 147

and lambda expressions, 393

and type annotations, 297, 298, 301

this( ), 331–333

Thompson, Ken, 4

Thread class, 14, 240, 241, 246, 262, 264, 509, 510–512, 628, 905, 938

constructors, 243, 246, 510

extending, 245–246

methods, table of, 510–512

Thread pool, 905, 927–239, 939, 940–942, 945, 948, 953–954

common, 939, 940, 941, 942, 945, 948, 954


communication among, 255–260

creating, 242–247

creating and starting a, 265–266

daemon, 629, 942, 951

and deadlock, 260–261, 512, 1020

definition of the term, 237

executors to manage, using, 907, 927–929

group, 242, 512–516

JavaFX, 1102

local variables, 517

main, 240–242, 244, 246, 247, 248, 1020

messaging, 240

priorities, 239, 250–251, 510

race condition of, 253

resuming, 262–264, 512, 514–516

return a value, that, 929–932

and spurious wakeup, 256

states of, possible, 239, 264–265

stopping, 262

suspending, 240, 242, 262–264, 512, 514–516

and Swing, event dispatching, 1020, 1024, 1260

synchronization. See Synchronization

Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler interface, 524

ThreadGroup class, 509, 512–516, 524

methods, table of, 513–514

ThreadLocal class, 517

ThreadPoolExecutor class, 907, 927

throw, 217, 226–227, 236

Throwable class, 218, 219, 222, 226, 227, 231, 234, 322, 377, 519, 520

methods defined by, table of, 232

obtaining an object of the, 226–227

throws, 217, 227–228, 230

Thumb, 847

time Calendar class instance variable, 618

Time and date

formatting, 637–638, 981, 997–1001, 1003–1006

java.util classes that deal with, 616–626

strings, parsing, 1006–1007

Time and Date API, 618, 981, 997, 1001–1007

packages, list of, 1001

timedJoin( ), 933

timedWait( ), 933


Timer class, 628–630

methods, table of, 630

TimerTask class, 628–630

methods, table of, 629

Timestamp, event, 773

TimeUnit enumeration, 907, 914, 930, 932–933

TimeZone class, 623–624

methods defined by, table of some, 623–624


keyword, 35, 410

clause, 419, 433

to( ), 494

toAbsolutePath( ), 723, 740

toArray( ), 532, 543–544, 958

toBinaryString( ), 477, 479, 480, 481–482

toCharArray( ), 446

toChronoUnit( ), 933

toDays( ), 933

toDegrees( ), 508, 509

ToDoubleFunction functional interface, 666, 971

toFile( ), 722

Toggle button, JavaFX, 1123–1125

adding an image to a, 1123

Toggle button, Swing, 1035–1037

Toggle interface, 1123, 1125, 1132

Toggle group, 1125, 1126, 1128

handling change events in a, 1128–1129

and RadioMenuItems, 1173

ToggleButton class, 1123–1125, 1126

ToggleGroup class, 1126, 1128, 1132

toHexString( ), 471, 472, 477, 480, 481–482

toHours( ), 933

Tokens, 609, 647, 655

tokens( ), 657

toLanguageTag( ), 626

toList( ), 972, 974

toLocalDate( ), 1003

toLocalTime( ), 1003

toLowerCase( ), 455–456, 483, 485

Tomcat, 1202, 1203–1206

toMicros( ), 933

toMillis( ), 933

toMinutes( ), 933

toNanos( ), 933

toOctalString( ), 477, 480, 481–482

Toolbar class, 1163, 1179

Toolbars, 1059, 1060, 1077–1079, 1161, 1163, 1179–1180

undocked, 1077

Tooltip class, 1115, 1160

Tooltips, 1071, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1115, 1160, 1179–1180

TooManyListenersException, 1192

toPath( ), 673, 722, 740

toRadians( ), 508, 509

toSeconds( ), 933

toSet( ), 972, 974

toString( ), 187, 188, 222, 231, 232, 278, 285, 291, 313, 444, 455, 471, 472, 474, 475, 477, 480, 481, 487, 499, 503, 512, 514, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 543, 590, 595, 601, 612, 613, 615, 617, 631, 633, 635, 694, 708, 722, 723, 753, 772, 820, 826, 953, 990, 1052

advantages to overriding, 188, 444–445

totalCPUDuration( ), 485

totalMemory( ), 488, 489, 490

toUpperCase( ), 455–456, 483

toZonedDateTime( ), 622

Transform class, 1156

Transforms, 1156–1157

program demonstrating, 1157–1160

transient modifier, 322–323, 1193

transitive keyword, 35, 410, 420–424

Translate class, 1156

translatePoint( ), 779

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

definition of, 749

and stream-based I/O, 750

See also TCP/IP

TreeExpansionEvent class, 1052

TreeExpansionListener interface, 1052

TreeItem class, 1150, 1151, 1154

TreeMap class, 568, 570–571, 572, 608

example using a comparator, 577–580

TreeModel, 1052

TreeModelEvent class, 1052

TreeModelListener interface, 1052

TreeNode interface, 1052

TreePath class, 1052


JavaFX, 1150–1154

Swing, 1051–1054

TreeSelectionEvent class, 1052

TreeSelectionListener interface, 1052, 1053

TreeSelectionModel, 1052

TreeSet class, 541, 547, 548–549, 572, 608

example using a comparator for sorting an instance of the, 575–577

TreeView class, 1150–1154

trim( ), 454

trimToSize( ), 464, 543, 595

true, 36, 42, 43, 45, 77, 78, 79

TRUE, 485

True and false in Java, 45, 77

Truncation, 51–52

try block(s), 217, 218, 220–226, 227–229, 236

nested, 224–226

try-with-resources statement, 16, 218, 235, 314, 319–322, 524, 646, 653, 676, 677–678, 684, 720, 722, 729, 743, 754, 756, 765, 956

advantages to using, 319, 321, 678

tryAdvance( ), 556–558, 977

tryLock( ), 907, 934–935

trySplit( ), 978–979

tryUnfork( ), 953

Two’s complement, 68–69

TYPE, 469, 480, 482, 485

Type argument(s), 338, 340, 344

and bounded types, 345–347

and generic class hierarchies, 362

and generic interface implementation, 360

and type inference, 356, 370–371

Type conversion

automatic, 37, 50, 132–133

narrowing, 50

widening, 50

Type enumeration, 494

Type interface, 526

Type parameter(s)

and bounded types, 344–347, 359–360

cannot create an instance of a, 375

and class hierarchies, 363–366

and erasure, 339, 371

and primitive types, 340

and static members, 375

and type safety, 340

used with a class, 338, 343–345 347

used with a method, 338, 354–357

and wildcard arguments, 347–356

Type safety

and collections, 585

and generic methods, 357

and generics, 335, 336, 339, 340–342

and raw types, 360–362

and wildcard arguments, 347–350, 351

type( ), 494

Type(s), 29

annotations, 17, 297–302

bounded, 345–347

casting, 50–52

checking, 13, 16, 37, 339, 340, 361, 377

class as a data, 111, 113, 115, 116, 117, 128

inference, 356, 370–371, 381, 384, 387, 393

non-reifiable, 297

parameterized, 336, 338

promotion, 39, 52–53, 71–73

raw, 360–362

SAM (Single Abstract Method), 380

simple, 37

Types, primitive (simple), 37–38, 116, 138, 276, 340, 468

autoboxing/unboxing and, 279–282, 284, 544

and collections, 544

iterators for, 529

to a string representation, converting, 443, 444, 454–455

to or from a sequence of bytes, converting, 696–698

wrappers for, 276–279, 284, 340, 468–485

Typesafe view of a collection, obtaining a dynamically, 585


UDP protocol, 750, 764

UI delegate, 1014

ulp( ), 506, 507

UnaryOperator<T> functional interface, 407, 666

UnavailableException, 1207, 1210

Unboxing, 279

UncaughtExceptionHandler interface, 524

method uncaughtException( ), 524

Unchecked warnings and raw types, 362

UnicastRemoteObject, 994

Unicode, 41, 42, 45, 306, 307, 441, 442, 446, 484, 699

code points, table of some Character methods providing support for, 486

support for 32-bit, 484–485

Unicode Technical Standard (UTS) 35, 626

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), 763

Uniform Resource Locator (URL). See URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

UNIX, 5, 749

UnknownHostException, 752

unlock( ), 907, 934, 935

unmodifiable… collections methods, 584–585

unordered( ), 956, 967

Unreachable code, 110, 223

unread( ), 691, 706–707

UnsupportedOperationException, 212, 230, 530, 532, 533, 551, 561, 585, 727

update( ), 808, 809, 810

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), 763

URI class, 763

URL (Uniform Resource Locator), 757, 763, 1201, 1202

query string, 1218

specification format, 757

URL class, 757–758, 760, 761

URLConnection class, 758–761, 763

methods, list of some, 759

useDelimiter( ), 655–656

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 750, 764

useRadix( ), 657


keyword, 35, 410

statement, 425, 431, 432

UTS 35, 626

UUID class, 662


val( ), 285

value (annotation member name), 294, 295

valueChanged( ), 1047, 1048, 1052, 1053

valueOf( ), 270–271, 277, 278, 444, 454–455, 469, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 478, 480, 482, 485, 487, 521, 612

values( ), 270–271, 561, 564

van Hoff, Arthur, 6

Varargs, 15, 157–162

and ambiguity, 161–162

methods, overloading, 160–161

and Java’s printf( ), 157

parameter, 159, 535

Variable(s), 46–50

capture, 393–394

declaration, 29, 31, 46–47, 48–50

definition of the term, 28, 46

dynamic initialization of, 47

effectively final, 393–394

enumeration, 268

final, 149, 267

instance. See Instance variables

interface, 199, 206–208

interface reference, 200–202, 206

and JShell, 1246–1247

loop control, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99

member, 21

object reference. See Object reference variables

scope and lifetime of, 47–50

temporary, 1252

volatile, 323

VBox layout, 1168, 1186

Vector class, 528, 541, 560, 592, 593–597

legacy methods, table of, 594–595

Version information, obtaining, 492

version( ), 489, 492

VetoableChangeListener interface, 1193, 1194

Viewport, scroll pane, 1044, 1045, 1147

visitFile( ), 746, 748

void, 27, 117

Void class, 485

volatile modifier, 322, 323


wait( ), 187, 188, 255–256, 258–259, 262–264, 499, 905, 933, 935, 954

waitFor( ), 448, 492



walk( ), 725

walkFileTree( ), 746–748

Warth, Chris, 6

Watchable interface, 722

WeakHashMap class, 568

Web. See World Wide Web

Web browser, 757, 1201, 1202, 1205, 1206

executing applet in, 8, 11

Web server and servlets, 1202

Web Start. See Java Web Start

WebView class, 1186

weightx constraint field, 865, 866

weighty constraint field, 865, 866

while loop, 91–92

and break, 105

Whitespace, 34, 84

characters, 609

from a string, removing, 454

with keyword, 35, 410, 425

whois, 750, 754–756, 757

Wildcard arguments, 347–354, 368

bounded, 350–354

used in creating an array, 377

Window, AWT-based

class hierarchy, 804–805

close event, 787, 790, 795, 807

as an event source, 781, 782

frame. See Frame window

and graphics, 810

paint mode, setting the, 818–819

top-level, 805

Window class, 782, 804, 805, 807, 874

Window, Swing JFrame, 1018

windowActivated( ), 786

WindowAdapter class, 794, 795

windowClosed( ), 786

windowClosing( ), 786, 790, 794, 807, 809

WindowConstants interface, 1019

windowDeactivated( ), 786

windowDeiconified( ), 786

WindowEvent class, 773, 775, 781–782

WindowFocusListener interface, 783, 785, 795

windowGainedFocus( ), 785

windowIconified( ), 786

WindowListener interface, 783, 786, 790, 794, 795, 807, 809

windowLostFocus( ), 785

windowOpened( ), 786

Windows look and feel, 1013

WindowStateListener interface, 795

Work stealing, 941, 953

World Wide Web (WWW), 6, 7, 12, 18, 757

wrap( ), 720

Wrappers, primitive type, 276–279, 284, 340, 468–485

WRITE, 494

write( ), 307, 308, 312, 318–319, 681, 700, 711, 712, 721, 734, 735, 739

writeBoolean( ), 696, 712

writeDouble( ), 696, 712

Writer class, 307–308, 678, 679, 700, 701, 711

methods defined by, table of, 700

writeExternal( ), 711

writeInt( ), 696, 712

writeObject( ), 711, 712, 715

writeTo( ), 688


XOR (exclusive OR) operator (^)

bitwise, 68, 69, 70–71

Boolean logical, 77, 78

XOR paint mode, 818–819


Yellin, Frank, 6


Zero crossing, 69

ZIP file format, 667

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