Walking up the ladder

At this point, you have got a lot of information that will rocket your start as an enterprise Java developer. You have got a base knowledge that you can build on. There is a long way to become a professional Java developer. There is a lot of documentation to read, a lot of code to scan and understand, and also a lot of code to write till you can claim to be a professional Java developer. You may probably face many years of continuous education. The good thing is that even after that, you can continue your journey and you can educate yourself, as being a professional Java developer is rarely a job people retire from. No, no! Not because they die while at it! Rather, professional software developers gaining experience start to code less and less and support the development process in different ways, which leverages more of their experience. They can become business analysts, project managers, test engineers, subject-matter experts, architects, scrum masters, automation engineers, and so on. Is it a familiar list? Yes, these are the people you will work with as a developer. Many of them may have started as a developer themselves.
The following diagram shows the relative position of these roles:

Let's take a bit more detailed look into what these roles perform in enterprise development:

  • Business analysts work with the client and create the documents, specifications, use cases, and user stories needed by the developers to develop the code.
  • Project managers administer the projects and help the team in getting things done in cooperation with other teams, caring for all the project matters that developers cannot attend to or would unnecessarily burn their time that they should have devoted to coding.
  • Subject-matter experts are more advanced in knowing the business needs, so it is a bit rare for a developer to become one, but in case the industry you work in is technology oriented, it may not be incredible to become one.
  • Test engineers control the QA process and understand not only the test methodologies and requirements of testing but also the development process so that they can support bug fixes and not only identify them, which would be poor.
  • Architects work with BAs and design a high-level structure of the applications and code, and document it in a way that helps the developers to focus on the actual tasks they have to perform. Architects are also responsible for the solution to use technologies, solutions, and structures which fit the purpose, are future proof, affordable, and so on.
  • Scrum mates help the development team to follow the agile methodology and help the team in controlling the administration and resolving problems.

There are many ways to go as a software developer and I only listed some of the positions that you can find in an enterprise today. As technology develops, I can imagine that in 20 years from today, software developers will teach and curate artificial intelligence systems and that will be what we refer to as programming today. Who can tell?

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