55. Switch expressions

Before we have a brief overview of the switch expressions introduced in JDK 12, let's see a typical old-school example wrapped in a method:

private static Player createPlayer(PlayerTypes playerType) {

switch (playerType) {

case TENNIS:
return new TennisPlayer();
return new FootballPlayer();
return new SnookerPlayer();
throw new UnknownPlayerException("Player type is unknown");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid player type: " + playerType);


If we forget about default, then the code will not compile.

Obviously, the preceding example is acceptable. In the worst-case scenario, we can add a spurious variable (for example, player), some cluttering break statements, and get no complaints if default is missing. So, the following code is an old-school, extremely ugly switch:

private static Player createPlayerSwitch(PlayerTypes playerType) {

Player player = null;

switch (playerType) {
case TENNIS:
player = new TennisPlayer();
player = new FootballPlayer();
player = new SnookerPlayer();
throw new UnknownPlayerException(
"Player type is unknown");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid player type: " + playerType);

return player;

If we forget about default, then there will be no complaints from the compiler side. In this case, a missing default case may result in a null player.

However, since JDK 12, we have been able to rely on the switch expressions. Before JDK 12, switch was a statement, a construct meant to control the flow (for example, as an if statement) without representing the result. On the other hand, an expression is evaluated to a result. Therefore, a switch expression can have a result.

The preceding switch expression can be written in the style of JDK 12 as follows:

private static Player createPlayer(PlayerTypes playerType) {

return switch (playerType) {
case TENNIS ->
new TennisPlayer();
case FOOTBALL ->
new FootballPlayer();
case SNOOKER ->
new SnookerPlayer();
case UNKNOWN ->
throw new UnknownPlayerException(
"Player type is unknown");
// default is not mandatory
default ->
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid player type: " + playerType);

This time, default is not mandatory. We can skip it.

The JDK 12 switch is smart enough to signal if switch doesn't cover all possible input values. This is very useful in the case of Java enum values. The JDK 12 switch can detect whether all the enum values are covered, and doesn't force a useless default if they aren't. For example, if we remove default and add a new entry to PlayerTypes enum (for example, GOLF), then the compiler will signal it via a message, as in the following screenshot (this is from NetBeans):

Notice that between the label and execution, we've replaced the colon with an arrow (the lambda-style syntax). The main role of this arrow is to prevent fall-through, which means that only the block of code from its right will be executed. There is no need to use break.

Do not conclude that the arrow turns the switch statement into a switch expression. A switch expression can be used with a colon and break as well, as follows:

private static Player createPlayer(PlayerTypes playerType) {

return switch (playerType) {
case TENNIS:
break new TennisPlayer();
break new FootballPlayer();
break new SnookerPlayer();
throw new UnknownPlayerException(
"Player type is unknown");
// default is not mandatory
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid player type: " + playerType);
Our example posts switch over enum, but the JDK 12 switch can also be used over int, Integer, short, Short, byte, Byte, char, Character, and String.

Notice that JDK 12 brings the switch expressions as a preview feature. This means that it is prone to changes in the next few releases, and it needs to be unlocked via the --enable-preview command-line option at compiling and runtime.
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