Recommended reading

So now I assume that you have read this book. I hope you enjoyed it and explored Java EE 7. Where to go next? This is my recommended reading list.

  • Arquillian Testing Guide by John D Ament, Packt Publishing, 2013: This is a nice book that goes far more into the details of the open source tool Arquillian, which I used throughout the development of code and also write about in my book. It covers Arquillian Extensions such as Persistence and Transactions. I recommend Ament's book particularly if you want to pursue the topic further.
  • Gradle Effective Implementation Guide by Hubert Klein Ikkink, Packt Publishing: Gradle has made sufficient advances in the Java world and wider community, in particular Google's Android platform is standardizing on this build framework and tool. I recommend Ikkink's book for learning Gradle; it was one of the first books that I read that covered areas such as WAR, EAR, and configuration very well.
  • Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices by Adam Bien, who is a fellow Java Champion, Adam Bien Press, 2012: This is a great book for advanced J2EE and intermediate Java EE developers who face the prospect of upgrading legacy systems and want a refresher in the more recent way of developing Java Enterprise applications.
  • Responsive Web Design with HTML 5 and CSS 3 by Ben Fria, Packt Publishing, 2012: I recommend this book for those Java developers who need to brush up on the latest adaptive and response web design, especially for those people who work extensively with content management, creative, and adaptive teams. This book is a companion to the Java development on the server side and is more about the User Interface Engineering.
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