JAX-RS providers

The JAX-RS 2.0 specification now standardizes extensions to the runtime that allow developers to write portable authentication, encoding and decoding, and logging without the vendor lock-in of proprietary code. JAX-RS provides an interceptor framework to handle advanced situations. The specification describes two styles of intercepted JAX-RS communication, namely, filtering and entity interceptors.

Filters are strikingly similar in concept to Java Servlet filters, especially in the way they can modify or process the incoming REST request and the response. Filters predominantly take care of HTTP Header information and they execute before and after request and response resource processing.

On the other hand, Entity Interceptors are designed for the manipulation of the payload data. They can be written to encrypt and decrypt the message body of a JAX-RS REST message. (If you have an Enterprise Messaging background, then the penny has already started to drop.)

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