Advantages of a microservices architecture

Developing an application as a series of microservices offers several advantages over traditionally designed applications:

  • Smaller code bases: since each microservice is a small, standalone unit, code bases for microservices tend to be smaller and easier to manage than traditionally designed applications.
  • Microservices encourage good coding practices: a microservices architecture encourages loose coupling and high cohesion.
  • Greater resilience: traditionally designed applications act as a single point of failure; if any component of the application is down or unavailable, the whole application is unavailable. Since microservices are independent modules, one component (that is, one microservice) being down does not necessarily make the whole application unavailable.
  • Scalability: since applications developed as a series of microservices are composed of a number of different modules, scalability becomes easier; we can focus only on those services that may need scaling, without having to waste effort on parts of the application that do not need to be scaled.
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