Creating session beans using remote business interface

If the session bean that you create is going to be accessed by a client object that is not in the same JVM as the bean, then the bean needs to implement a remote business interface. You create a remote business interface by annotating the class with @Remote:

import java.util.List; 
import javax.ejb.Remote; 
public interface StudentRemote { 
  public List<CourseDTO> getCourses(); 

The EJB implementing the remote interface is also annotated with @Remote:

public class Student implements StudentRemote { 
  public List<CourseDTO> getCourses() { 
    //get courses are return 

Remote EJBs can be injected into managed objects in the same application using the @EJB annotation. For example, a JSF bean can access the previously mentioned student bean (in the same application) as follows:

import javax.ejb.EJB; 
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; 
public class StudentJSFBean { 
  private StudentRemote student; 
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