
In this chapter, we learned about two types of cloud deployment services provided by Amazon and Google. One is IaaS and the other is PaaS. PaaS lets you deploy your application in a pre-configured environment, while IaaS gives you complete control over deployment configuration. The IaaS offering from Amazon is called EC2 and the one from Google is called Compute Engine. The PaaS offering from Amazon is called Elastic Beanstalk and the one from Google is called App Engine.

We deployed the CourseManagement EJB application in the GlassFish Server in an instance of Amazon EC2. We then deployed the CourseManagementREST service in Elastic Beanstalk.

Then, we deployed a Docker container with the CourseManagement service in an instance of Google Compute Engine. Lastly, we deployed the CourseManagementREST service in Google App Engine.

In the next chapter, we will learn how to secure JEE applications.

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