Adding Maven dependencies

The archetype that we selected for the project does not include some of the dependencies required for a JEE web project. Therefore, you might see error markers in index.jsp. We will fix this by adding dependencies for the JEE libraries:

  1. With pom.xml open in the editor, click on the Dependencies tab.
  2. Click the Add button. This opens the Select Dependency dialog.
  3. In the filter box, type javax.servlet (we want to use servlet APIs in the project).
  1. Select the latest version of the API and click the OK button.
Figure 2.32: Adding servlet API dependency

However, we need JAR files for servlet APIs only at the compile time; at runtime, these APIs are provided by Tomcat. We can indicate this by specifying the scope of the dependency; in this case, setting it to provided, which tells Maven to evaluate this dependency for compilation only and not to package it in the WAR file. See for more information on dependency scopes.

  1. To set scope of the dependency, select dependency from the Dependencies tab of the POM editor.
  2. Click the Properties button. Then, select the provided scope from the drop-down list:
Figure 2.33: Setting the Maven dependency scope
  1. Now we need to add dependencies for JSF APIs and their implementation. Click the Add button again and type jsf in the search box.
  1. From the list, select jsf-api with Group Id com.sun.faces and click the OK button:
Figure 2.34: Adding Maven dependencies for JSF
  1. Similarly, add a dependency for jsf-impl with Group Id com.sun.facesThe dependencies section in your pom.xml should look as follows:

If Tomcat throws an exception for not finding javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet
then you may have to download jsf-api-2.2.16.jar ( and jsf-impl-2.2.16.jar ( and copy them to the <tomcat-install-folder>/lib folder.
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