Source Control Management in Eclipse

In the previous chapter, we learned how to create simple web applications using JSP, JSF, and servlets. We also learned how to use Maven for build and project management.

In this chapter, we will learn how to integrate Eclipse with SVN and Git. The chapter covers the following topics:

  • Installing Eclipse plugins for SVN and Git
  • Performing source control tasks such as checking out files, committing changes, and so on from Eclipse
  • Synchronizing projects with remote repositories

Source Control Management (SCM) is an essential part of software development. By using SCM tools, you make sure that you have access to versions of your code at important milestones. SCM also helps to manage the source code when you are working in a team, by providing you with tools to make sure you do not overwrite the work done by others. Whether your project is small or large, whether you are working alone or in a large team, using SCM would benefit you.

Eclipse has had support for integrating various SCM tools for a long time—this includes support for CVS, Microsoft SourceSafe, Perforce, and Subversion (SVN). The recent versions of Eclipse have built-in support for Git too. 

We will start by learning how to use SVN from Eclipse.

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