Synchronizing with an SVN repository

To synchronize your local project with the remote repository, right-click on the project and select TeamSynchronize with Repository. This will update the project with files in the remote repository, show files that are new in the local folder, and also show the changed files:

Figure 3.13: The Synchronize view

You can filter the list as incoming mode (changes from the remote repository), outgoing mode (changes in your working directory), or both. As you can see in Figure 3.13, we have two files that are changed in the working directory; one modified and one new. To commit the changes, right-click on the project and select Commit.... If you want to commit from Navigator or Package Explorer, then right-click on the project and select Team | Commit.... Enter the check-in comment and click OK. To update the project (receive all the changes from the remote repository), right-click on the project and select Team | Update.

To see the revision history of the file or folder, right-click Navigator or Package Explorer and select Team | Show History:

Figure 3.14: SVN file revision history
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