2.4. Reading a test dataset from an external source

One of the challenges I face when creating a new unit test (especially in test-driven development, as the test is created before the implementation code) is finding correct test input. For basic unit tests in which only a single class is tested, you might get away with trivial data created on the spot.

For integration tests, however, which test multiple code modules, your selection of test data needs more thought. Once you have enough tests for the happy paths of your code, it’s time to examine all corner cases and strange scenarios. Creating effective test data is a separate skill of its own, but a good source of such data can be found on an existing running system. Often, test data can also be obtained from issues reported by the users of the software. These types of data are as real as they get, so they’re excellent candidates for your unit tests.

Unfortunately, useful test data is often trapped in the transport medium (for example, XML files) that must be processed before they can be used directly in a unit test. Groovy comes with excellent facilities for extracting test data from external files, and you should take advantage of these techniques in your Spock tests. Using the Java approach will also work, but again in a much more verbose way.

2.4.1. Reading a text file

Reading a text file in Java usually requires a basic understanding of buffered readers or any other Java file API that was added with each new Java version.[11] Groovy does away with all the unneeded craft and allows you to read a file in the simplest way possible:


Or coming from an external library such as Apache Commons.

String testInput = new File("src/test/resources/quotes.txt").text

A normal file is opened. Groovy adds the .getText() method that reads its text. You could also specify the encoding if it’s not the default. This simplicity is handy because it can be used straight in a Spock test. The following listing shows an example.

Listing 2.21. Reading test data from a file in a Spock test

Notice the expressive code. It has no boilerplate for autoclosing streams or anything like that. I’ll show you more examples of file reading in chapter 5, where Groovy code is both shorter and easier to understand than the Java way. In chapter 5, I’ll show you data-driven Spock tests in which the same test is evaluated for multiple (similar) sets of input test data.

2.4.2. Reading an XML file

XML is the lingua franca of large enterprise applications. One of the original marketing points of Java was the handling of XML files. Business web services usually produce some sort of XML dialect, and several custom file formats are XML files under the hood. As with Java, Groovy supports several ways, but explaining them all is outside the scope of this chapter.

This section demonstrates the XmlSlurper way of reading XML files with Groovy. You can use this technique either when you want to read test data from an XML file, or when your Java class writes XML and you want to quickly verify its correctness.[12]


For more-complex XML verification cases, you can also use a dedicated XML diff library such as XMLUnit.

Let’s assume that your XML file is the following:

    <department name="sales">

The next listing provides the respective Groovy code.

Listing 2.22. Reading XML in Groovy

Here you can see the expressive Groovy power in all its glory. Reading the XML file is a single line. Then you use an XPath-like expression to retrieve XML content. I won’t even bother to write the Java code for the same example. XML reading (and writing) in Java has always contained boilerplate code, which is taken for granted by Java developers. Groovy discards all this and keeps only the substance.

2.4.3. Reading a JSON file

Groovy reads JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in a similar way to how it reads XML. XML might be dominant in legacy enterprise applications, but newer web services tend to use JSON. Groovy covers them both with ease.

Let’s assume that your JSON file is the following:

  "staff": {
    "department": {
      "name": "sales",
      "employee": [
          "firstName": "Orlando",
          "lastName": "Boren",
          "age": "24"
          "firstName": "Diana",
          "lastName": "Colgan",
          "age": "28"

The next listing presents the respective Groovy code (almost the same as the XML one).

Listing 2.23. Reading JSON in Groovy

With Groovy, obtaining test data from JSON is easy. The syntax is even simpler than XML in some ways.

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