A.5. How to use the source code of this book

All the source code is located at https://github.com/kkapelon/java-testing-with-spock. Each chapter is an independent Maven project. You can check out any chapter by itself and run the command mvn test (or mvn verify) to run all Spock/JUnit tests. You need an active internet connection so that all dependencies are downloaded. You can obtain the code in multiple ways:

Feel free to import any chapter into your favorite IDE (as a Maven project) to examine the code more thoroughly. All code listings of the book are shown in the GitHub repository; figure A.7 shows an example. You can click any of them, and you’ll be transferred directly to the respective source file.

Figure A.7. Code listings with links in the home page of the GitHub repository

I’ve set up continuous integration on the GitHub page. Seeing the current status of the code at the front page is easy.

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