Chapter 1. Introduction

We’re writing this book for people who are in the same situation now as we were when we first adopted Kotlin.

We expect you’re an experienced programmer who knows Java and the Java ecosystem well. You probably have experience in a number of other languages. You’ve learned the basics of Kotlin, and you recognise that to get the best out of the language you will need to design your systems differently. Some designs that are cumbersome in Java are much easier to achieve in Kotlin. Conversely, Kotlin deliberately removes some features of Java (such as checked exceptions) and de-emphasizes others (such as reflection). You don’t want to end up merely writing Java code in Kotlin syntax.

You have skin in the game. Maybe you’re in a technical leadership position and/or have successfully convinced your team to adopt Kotlin. You’ve spent some political capital to get Kotlin into the project. Now you need to ensure that the transition goes smoothly and doesn’t destabilise the existing, business critical Java code you are responsible for.

This book is not an introduction to Kotlin language features. Instead, we explore how to adapt your design approach to take advantage of those features, and how you can do so safely in a mixed codebase by gradually migrating from Java to Kotlin.

The Grain of a Programming Language

Every programming language has a grain — if you work with the grain, things go smoothly; if you go against the grain, things are more difficult.

For example, it has always been possible to write Java code in a functional style, but few programmers did before Java 8 — for good reasons. Look what was required in Java 1 to do something as simple as calculating the sum of a list of numbers by reducing them with the addition operator.

Java 1 did not have first-class functions, so we would have had to define our own interfaces for function types:

public interface Function2 {
    Object apply(Object arg1, Object arg2);

Then we would have had to write the reduce higher-order function, hiding the iteration and mutation required by the Vector class. (The Java standard library didn’t include the collections framework yet).

public class Vectors {
    public static Object reduce(Vector l, Object initial, Function2 f) {
        Object result = initial;
        for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
            result = f.apply(result, l.get(i));
        return result;

    // ... and other operations on vectors

We would have had to define a separate class for every function you wanted to pass to our reduce function. The addition operator couldn’t be passed around as a value, and the language had no method references, lambdas or closures back then, not even inner classes. Nor did Java 1 have generics or autoboxing — we would have had to cast the arguments to the expected type and write the boxing between reference types and primitives.

public class AddIntegers implements Function2 {
    public Object apply(Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        int i1 = ((Integer) arg1).intValue();
        int i2 = ((Integer) arg2).intValue();
        return new Integer(i1 + i2);

And finally we could use all that to calculate the sum:

int sum = ((Integer) Vectors.reduce(counts, new Integer(0), new AddIntegers()))

That’s a lot of effort for what can be achieved with a single expression in a modern language, but that’s not the end of it. Because Java had no standard function types, we couldn’t easily combine different libraries written in a functional style. We had to write adapter classes to map between the function types defined in different libraries. And because the virtual machine had no JIT and a simple garbage collector, functional code would have worse performance than the imperative alternative.

There was just not enough pay-off. Java programmers found it easier to write imperative code that iterated over collections and mutated state.

int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < counts.size(); i++) {
    sum += ((Integer)counts.get(i)).intValue();

Writing functional code went against the grain of Java.

Every programming language has a grain. It’s easier to work with the grain of a language. Going against the grain involves constant effort with an uncertain pay-off. A language’s grain forms over time as its designers and users build a common understanding of how language features interact, and encode their understanding and preferences in libraries that others build upon. The grain influences the way that programmers write code in the language, which influences the evolution of the language, its libraries and programming tools, changing the grain, altering the way that programmers write code in the language, on and on in a continual cycle of mutual feedback and evolution.

For example, Java 1.1 added anonymous inner classes to the language, and Java 2 added the collections framework to the standard library. Anonymous inner classes meant that we wouldn’t need to write a named class for each function we wanted to pass to our reduce function, but the resulting code would arguably be harder to read.

int sum = ((Integer) Lists.reduce(counts, new Integer(0),
    new Function2() {
        public Object apply(Object arg1, Object arg2) {
            int i1 = ((Integer) arg1).intValue();
            int i2 = ((Integer) arg2).intValue();
            return new Integer(i1 + i2);

Functional idioms still went against the grain of Java 2.

Java 5 was the next release that significantly changed the language. It added generics and autoboxing, which improved type safety and reduced boilerplate code:

public interface Function2<A,B,R> {
    R apply(A arg1, B arg2);
int sum = Lists.reduce(counts, 0,
    new Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
        public Integer apply(Integer arg1, Integer arg2) {
            return arg1 + arg2;

Google’s Guava library included some common higher-order functions over collections, although reduce was not among them. Even the authors of Guava recommended writing imperative code where possible, because it had better performance and was usually easier to read.

Functional programming still went largely against the grain of Java 5, but we could see the start of a trend.

Java 8 added anonymous functions (aka “lambda expressions”) and method references to the language, and the Streams API to the standard library. The compiler and virtual machine optimised lambdas to avoid the performance overhead of anonymous inner classes. The Streams API fully embraced functional idioms.

int sum =, Integer::sum);

Still, it wasn’t entirely plain sailing. We still could not pass the addition operator as a parameter to our reduce function, but we now had have the standard library function Integer::sum that did the same thing. Java’s type system still created awkward edge cases because of its distinction between reference and primitive types. The Streams API was missing some common higher-order functions that we would expect to find if coming from a functional language (or even Ruby). Checked exceptions didn’t play well with the Streams API and functional programming in general. And making immutable classes with value semantics still involved a lot of boilerplate code. But with Java 8, Java had fundamentally changed to make a functional style work, if not completely with the grain, at least not against it.

In the case of Java, the grain of the language, and the way programmers adapted to it, evolved through several distinct programming styles. Kotlin has features designed specifically to simplify interoperability with code written in these styles.

An Opinionated History of Java Programming Style

Like ancient poets, we divide the development of Java programming style into four distinct ages: the Primeval Age, the Beans Age, the Enterprise Age, and the Modern Age. We’ll use these names as a convenient shorthand when discussing Kotlin’s interop features.

Primeval Style

Originally intended for use in domestic appliances and interactive TV, Java only took off when Netscape adopted Java applets in their hugely popular Navigator browser. Sun released the Java development kit 1.0, Microsoft included Java in Internet Explorer, and suddenly everyone with a web browser had a Java runtime environment. Interest in Java as a programming language exploded.

The fundamentals of Java were in place by this time: the Java virtual machine and its bytecode and classfile format; primitive and reference types; null references; garbage collection; classes and interfaces; methods and control flow statements; checked exceptions for error handling; the abstract windowing toolkit; classes for networking with Internet and web protocols; and the loading and linking of code at runtime, sandboxed by a security manager. However, Java wasn’t yet ready for general purpose programming: the JVM was slow, and the standard library sparse.

Java looked like a cross between C++ and Smalltalk, and those two languages influenced the Java programming style of the time. The “getFoo/setFoo” and “AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean” conventions that programmers of other languages poke fun at were not yet widespread.

One of Java’s unsung innovations was an official coding convention that spelled out how programmers should name packages, classes, methods, and variables. C and C++ programmers followed a seemingly infinite variety of coding conventions, and code that combined multiple libraries ended up looking like a right dog’s dinner somewhat inconsistent. Java’s one true coding convention meant that Java programmers could seamlessly integrate strangers’ libraries into their programs, and encouraged widespread use of open source libraries in the Java community.

Bean Style

After its initial success, Sun set out to make Java a practical tool for building applications. Java 1.1 (1996) added to the language (most notably inner classes), improved the runtime (most notably just-in-time compilation and reflection), and extended the standard library. Java 1.2 (1998) added a standard collections API and the Swing cross-platform GUI framework, which ensured Java applications looked and felt equally awkward on every desktop operating system.

At this time, Sun was eyeing Microsoft and Borland’s domination of corporate software development. Java had the potential to be a strong competitor to Visual Basic and Delphi. Sun added a slew of APIs that were heavily inspired by Microsoft APIs: JDBC for data base access (equivalent to Microsoft’s ODBC); Swing for desktop GUI programming (equivalent to Microsoft’s MFC); and the model that had the greatest influence on Java programming style: Java Beans.

Java Beans was Sun’s attempt to compete with Microsoft’s ActiveX component model for low-code, graphical, drag-and-drop programming. Programmers could use ActiveX components in their Visual Basic programs, or embed them in office documents, or in web pages on their corporate intranet. It was notoriously difficult to write an ActiveX component. Java Beans were much easier: you merely had to follow some additional coding conventions for your class to be considered a “bean” that could be instantiated and configured in a graphical designer.

For a class to be a Java Bean, it had to have a constructor that took no arguments, be serializable, and expose an interface made up of public properties that could be read and optionally written, methods that could be invoked, and events that objects of the class would emit. In an application designer, programmers could instantiate beans, set their properties, and connect a bean’s events to the methods of other beans. By default, the Beans API defined properties by methods with names that started with “get” and “set”. This default could be overridden, but doing so required additional classes of boilerplate code. Programmers usually went to the effort when retrofitting existing classes to act as Java Beans. In new code, it was much easier to go with the grain.

The drawback of Beans style is that it relies heavily on mutable state, and requires more of that state to be public than plain old Java objects because you cannot pass parameters to an object’s constructor. Object state must be mutable so that it can be set after construction and objects must often be instantiated in an invalid state — with required properties initialised to null, for example — and then put into a valid state by setting their public properties. User interface components work well as beans, because they can safely be initialised with default content and styling and adjusted after construction. When we have classes that have no reasonable defaults treating them in the same way is error prone, because the type checker can’t tell us when we have provided all the required values. The Beans conventions make writing correct code harder and changes in dependencies can silently break client code.

In the end, graphical composition of Java beans never became mainstream, but the coding conventions stuck. Java programmers followed the Java Bean conventions even when they had no intention of their class being used as a Java Bean. Beans had an enormous, lasting, and not entirely positive, influence on Java programming style.

Enterprise Style

Java did eventually spread through the enterprise. It didn’t replace Visual Basic on the corporate desktop as expected, but unseated C++ as the server-side language of choice. In 1998, Sun released Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE, later rebranded as JavaEE), a suite of standard APIs for programming server-side, transaction processing systems.

The J2EE APIs suffer from abstraction inversion. The Java Beans and applets APIs also suffer from abstraction inversion — they both disallow passing parameters to constructors, for example — but it is far more severe in J2EE. J2EE applications don’t have a single entry point. They are composed of many small components whose lifetime is managed by an “application container”, and are exposed to one another through a JNDI name service. Applications need a lot of boilerplate code and mutable state to look up and store the resources they depend on. Programmers responded by inventing dependency injection (DI) frameworks that did all the resource look up and binding and managed lifetimes. The most successful of these is Spring. It builds upon the Java Beans coding conventions, and uses reflection to compose applications from Bean-like objects.

In terms of programming style, DI encourages programmers to avoid direct use of the new keyword, and rely on the DI framework to instantiate objects. (We count Android APIs in these as well: they also exhibit abstraction inversion, and Android programmers also turn to DI frameworks to help them write to the APIs). DI frameworks focus on mechanism over domain modelling lead to “enterprisey” class names, such as Spring’s infamous AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean.

On the plus side, though, 1999 saw the release of Java 5, which added generics and autoboxing to the language, the most significant change to date. This era also saw a massive uptake of Open Source libraries in the Java community, powered by the Maven packaging conventions and central package repository. The availability of top-notch open source libraries fueled the adoption of Java for business critical application development, and led to more open source libraries, in a virtuous circle. This was followed by best in class development tools, including IntelliJ which we use in this book.

Modern Style

Java 8 brought the next big change to the language — lambdas — and significant additions to the standard library to take advantage of them. The Streams API encouraged a functional programming style, in which processing is performed by transforming streams of immutable values rather than changing the state of mutable objects. A new date/time API ignored Java Beans coding conventions for property accessors, and followed coding conventions common to the Primeval Style.

The growth of the cloud platforms meant that programmers didn’t need to deploy their servers into JavaEE application containers. Lightweight web application frameworks let programmers write a main function to compose their applications. Many server-side programmers stopped using DI frameworks — function and object composition were good enough — and DI frameworks released greatly simplified APIs to stay relevant. With no DI framework or mutable state, there’s less need to follow Java Bean coding conventions. Within a single codebase, exposing fields of immutable values works fine, because the IDE can encapsulate a field behind accessors in an instant if they’re needed.

Java 11 introduced modules, but so far they have not seen widespread adoption outside the JDK itself. The most exciting thing about recent Java releases has been the modularisation of the JDK and removal of seldom-used modules, such as CORBA, from the JDK into optional extensions.

The Future

The future of Java promises more features to make Modern Style easier to apply: records, pattern matching, user defined value types, and eventually the unification of primitive and reference types into a uniform type system.

However, this is a challenging effort that will take many years to complete. Java started off with some deep-seated inconsistencies and edge cases that are hard to unify into clean abstractions while staying backwards-compatible. Kotlin has the benefit of 25 years of hindsight, and a clean slate from which to start afresh.

The Grain of Kotlin

Kotlin is a young language, but it clearly has a different grain to Java.

The “Why Kotlin” section of lists four design goals: “Concise”, “Safe”, “Interoperable”, and “Tool-friendly”. The designers of the language and its standard library also encoded implicit preferences that contribute to these design goals.

Kotlin prefers the transformation of immutable data to mutation of state.

Data classes make it easy to define new types with value semantics. The standard library makes it easier and more concise to transform collections of immutable data than iterate and mutate data in place.

Kotlin prefers behaviour to be explicit.

For example, there is no implicit coercion between types, even from smaller to larger range. Java implicitly converts int values to long values, because there is no loss of precision. In Kotlin you have to explicitly call Int.toLong(). The preference for explicitness is especially strong when it comes to control flow. Although you can overload arithmetic and comparison operators for your own types, you cannot overload the shortcut logical operators (&& and ||), because that would allow you to define different control flow. Polymorphism is opt-in, not opt-out.

Kotlin prefers static over dynamic binding.

Kotlin encourages a type-safe, compositional coding style. Extension functions are bound statically. By default, classes are not extensible and methods are not polymorphic. You must explicitly opt in to polymorphism and inheritance. If you want to use reflection, you have to add a platform-specific library dependency. Kotlin is designed from the outset to be used with a language aware editor that statically analyses the code to guide the programmer automate navigation and automate program transformation.

Kotlin doesn’t like special cases.

Compared to Java, Kotlin has fewer special cases that interact in unpredictable ways. There is no distinction between primitive and reference types. There is no void type for functions that return but do not return a value — functions in Kotlin either return a value, or never return at all. Extension functions allow you to add new operations to existing types that look the same at the call point. You can write new control structures as inline functions and the break, continue and return statements act the same as they do in built-in control structures.

Kotlin breaks its own rules to make migration easier.

The Kotlin language has features to allow idiomatic Java and Kotlin code to coexist in the same codebase. Some of those features remove guarantees provided by type checker, and should only be used to interop with legacy Java. For example, lateinit opens a hole in the type system so that Java dependency injection frameworks that initialise objects by reflection can inject values through the encapsulation boundaries that are normally enforced by the compiler. If you declare a property as lateinit var, it’s up to you to ensure the code initialises the property before reading it — the compiler will not catch your mistakes.

Adapting to Kotlin’s Grain

When we look back on the earliest code we wrote in Kotlin, it tends to look like Java dressed in Kotlin syntax. We came to Kotlin after years writing a lot of Java, and had ingrained habits that affected how we wrote Kotlin code. We wrote unnecessary boilerplate, didn’t make good use of the standard library, and avoided using null because we weren’t yet used to the type checker enforcing null safety. The Scala programmers on our team went too far the other way — their code looked like Kotlin cosplaying as Scala cosplaying as Haskell. None of us had yet found the sweet spot that comes with working with the grain of Kotlin.

The path to idiomatic Kotlin is complicated by the Java code we have to keep working along the way. In practice, it is not enough to just learn Kotlin. We have to work with the different grains of Java and Kotlin, being sympathetic to both as we gradually transition from one to the other.

Refactoring to Kotlin

When we started our journey to Kotlin we were responsible for maintaining and enhancing business-critical systems. So we were never able to focus only on converting our Java codebase to Kotlin. We always had to migrate code to Kotlin at the same time as changing the system to meet new business needs, maintaining a mixed Java/Kotlin codebase as we did so. We managed the risk by working in small changes, making each easy to understand, and cheap to discard if we found out it broke something. Our process was to first convert Java code to Kotlin, giving us a Java-esque design in Kotlin syntax. We then incrementally applied Kotlin language features to make the code increasingly easier to understand, more type safe, more concise, and with a more compositional structure that is easier to change without unpleasant surprises.

Small, safe, reversible changes that improved the design: we refactored from idiomatic Java to idiomatic Kotlin.

These days most projects are multilingual. A “Java” web app, for example, will involve code written in Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, at least one templating language, maybe more if you have templating on the server and in the browser, JSX if you’re using React, and one or more query languages (SQL, etc). It’s common to refactor logic between these languages: persistence logic from Java into a query language or vice versa, browser-side presentation between Javascript code and CSS rules or HTML elements as browsers evolve, or between JavaScript code manipulating the DOM and browser-side templating; server-side presentation between the template language and functions or objects in the host language; and so on.

Refactoring between languages is usually harder than refactoring within a single language because refactoring tools do not work well across the boundaries between the languages, if they work at all. Porting logic from one language to another must be done manually, which takes longer and introduces more risk. Once multiple languages are in use, the language boundary impedes refactoring because when you refactor code in one language, the IDE does not update dependent code written in other languages to be compatible.

What makes the combination of Java and Kotlin unique is how seamless is the boundary between the two languages. Thanks to the design of the Kotlin language, the way it is mapped to the JVM platform, and JetBrains’ investment in developer tooling, refactoring Java to Kotlin and refactoring a combined Java/Kotlin codebase is almost as easy as refactoring in a single codebase.

Our experience has been that we can refactor Java to Kotlin without impacting productivity, and that as more of the codebase is converted to Kotlin, productivity accelerates.

We Minimise Text Edits

When the IDE does not have distinct user-interface actions for a large-scale transformation we wish to do, we have to perform it as a sequence of more granular refactorings. We use the IDE’s automatic refactoring whenever we can, and fall back on text editing when the IDE does not automate a transformation we need.

It’s tedious and error prone to refactor by editing text. To reduce the risk, and our boredom, we minimise the amount of text editing we have to do. If we must edit text, we prefer that edit to affect a single expression. So, we use automatic refactorings to transform the code so that is possible, edit one expression, and then use automatic refactorings to tidy back up to the final state we’re aiming for.

The first time we describe a large-scale refactoring we’ll go through it step by step, and show how the code changes at each step. This takes quite a lot of space on the page, and will take a bit of reading time to follow. In practice, however, these large refactorings are quick to apply. They typically take a few seconds, a few minutes at most.

We Assume Good Test Coverage

If you want to refactor, the essential precondition is having solid tests.

Martin Fowler, Refactoring (1999)

Good test coverage ensures that the code transformations we want to merely improve design have not inadvertently changed our system’s behaviour. In this book, we assume that you have good test coverage. We do not cover how to write automated tests. Other authors have addressed these topics in more detail than we could in the book. For example: [Freeman and Pryce], [Beck]. However, we do show how to apply Kotlin features to simplify JUnit tests.

As we walk through multi-step code transformations, we do not always state when we run the tests. Assume we run our tests after every change, no matter how small.

If your system does not already have good test coverage it can be difficult (and expensive) to retrofit tests to the code because the logic you want to test is entangled with other aspects of the system. You’re in a chicken and egg situation: you have refactor so that you can improve test coverage so that you can refactor. We do not cover how to retrofit tests to existing code. Again, other authors have addressed these topics in more detail than we could. For example: [Feathers].

We Commit For Git Bisect

Just as we don’t explicitly state when we run our tests, nor do we explicitly state when we commit our changes. Assume we commit our changes whenever they have added value to the code, no matter how small.

We know our test suite isn’t perfect. If we do, by accident, break something that is not caught by our tests, we want to find the commit that introduced the fault and fix it as quick as we can.

The git bisect command automates that search. We write a new test that demonstrates the error and git bisect does a binary search of the history to find the first commit that makes that test fail.

If the commits in our history are large, and contain a mish-mash of unrelated changes, git bisect won’t help as much as it could. It cannot tell which of the source changes within a commit introduced the error. If commits mix refactoring and changes to behaviour, reverting a bad refactoring step is likely to break other behaviour in the system.

Therefore, we commit small, focused changes that separate refactorings from each other, and from changes to behaviour, to make it easy to understand what changed and fix any erroneous change.

What Are We Working On?

In the chapters that follow we demonstrate refactorings from Java to Kotlin in the codebase of Travelator, a (fictional) application for planning and booking international, overland travel. Our users plan routes by sea, rail, and road; search for places to stay and sights to see; compare their options by price, time and spectacle; book their trips; and share photos and writings from their travels.

Travelator has web and mobile front-ends that invoke web services via HTTP.

Each chapter pulls an informative example from a different part of the Travelator system, but they share common domain concepts: money, currency conversion, journeys, itineraries, bookings, and so on.

We hope that, like our Travelator application, this book will help you plan your journey from Java to Kotlin.

How This Book is Organised

This book is about how to transition from Java to Kotlin, mainly focused on code, but touching on projects and organisations. The chapters each address an aspect of this transition, looking at some aspect of typical Java projects that can be improved on the journey. They are named in the pattern Java Way to Kotlin Way, where we recommend that you prefer the latter over the former. Maybe Kotlin makes easier an approach that was difficult in Java, or Kotlin discourages an approach that is common in Java, to guide design in a direction that is less error prone, more concise, and more tool-friendly.

We don’t just recommend you adopt the Kotlin way though; the chapters also show how to make the transformation. Not by just re-writing the Java, but by gradually refactoring it to Kotlin it in a way that is safe and allows us to maintain a mixed language codebase.

How did we choose the topics? We looked for places where the grain of Kotlin and Java differ significantly. The topics are not exhaustive: we cannot cover every way in which the languages differ. We cover the areas that we found most notable as we adopted Kotlin. We also favour transformations that result in code that is less complex.


How should we judge the internal quality of our software? Assuming that it does what our customers want or need it to do, how can we compare two potential implementations, or decide whether a change makes one better or worse? The answer that your authors choose is complexity. Other things being equal, we favour simple designs that yield predictable behaviour.

Of course to some extent simplicity and complexity are in the eye of the beholder. Even your authors sometimes disagree over whether one implementation or another is better. Where we disagree, we sometimes discuss it in the relevant chapter. We do though have a shared belief in the power of functional programming to reduce the complexity of our systems, especially when combined with object-oriented message passing.

Java has been moving in this direction over the years. Scala ran full-tilt towards functional programming but away from OO. We have found that the grain of Kotlin allows the mixing of functional and object programming in a way that reduces complexity and allows the writing of high-quality software by mere mortal developers.

Code Conventions

Our code follows (our interpretation of) the standard coding conventions of Java and Kotlin where possible.

We have though had to split more lines than we might usually to make the code fit horizontally in the pages of the book. Where our production Kotlin would usually have up to 4 or 5 parameters to a function definition, or arguments to a function call, on one line; to fit in the book we will often move to one item per line after only 3. That said, we find that Kotlin feels natural taking more vertical space than Java, and scrolling sideways is almost as inconvenient in an IDE as a book - so maybe our production style will move to be more like that you see here.

We will sometimes hide code that isn’t relevant to the discussion. A line comment that starts with an ellipsis of three dots indicates that we have omitted some code for clarity or brevity. For example, in the following code, the comment is not part of the example, but indicates that we have omitted overloads of the Money function that are not relevant to the text.

fun Money(amount: String, currency: Currency) =
    Money(BigDecimal(amount), currency)

// ... and other convenience overloads

Directions in Code

There are lots of places in this book where we show how to move code, or some aspect of code, from one place to another. For example in Chapter 3, we talk about moving the mutability in an interaction from a mutable class to a mutable property. We’d like to have a shorthand for the direction of these changes, but there are many ways to think about the orientation of code: base or super classes, layer diagrams, onion architecture, hexagaonal architecture etc. In some cases our execution paths are top-down, some bottom up, some outside in, some outside to inside to outside to inside to outside.

Unless stated otherwise, we will refer to direction in terms of dependencies, with the entry points (main and event handlers) at the top of the system. This top-level code should be at the highest level of abstraction, and will be built with types and functions provided by lower-level code, which will eventually depend on the core Kotlin and Java runtimes, until at the bottom we reach code provided by the operating system and chipset.

Unless we are specifically writing a library to be depended on by other systems, we are usually writing the top-level code in a system, and some of the layers beneath it. We are only able to refactor within the layers that we are able to change. If we say that we are moving some aspect of code (functionality or mutability or IO or error handling) up, it means towards the top of the call-stack and hence the entry point - in the direction of the code with the most dependencies.

The reality of software is that this metaphor will sometimes fail us. In these cases we hope to make ourselves clear in context.

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