
As I found out, getting a book like this out the door is no small feat. It involves a bunch of people in front of (and behind) the camera who work tirelessly to turn my ramblings into the beautiful pages that you are about see. To everyone at Pearson who made this possible, thank you!

With that said, there are a few people I’d like to explicitly call out. First, I’d like to thank Mark Taber for giving me this opportunity, Chris Zahn for patiently answering my numerous questions, and Loretta Yates for helping make the connections that made all of this happen. The technical content of this book has been reviewed in great detail by my long-time friends and online collaborators, Kyle Murray and Trevor McCauley. I can’t thank them enough for their thorough (and occasionally, humorous!) feedback.

Lastly, I’d like to thank my parents for having always encouraged me to pursue creative hobbies like painting, writing, playing video games, and writing code. I wouldn’t be half the rugged indoorsman I am today without you both. Image

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