Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again,
this time more intelligently.

Henry Ford, automotive industrialist and innovator


Through all my achievements and success, I never forget where I came from.

Joe Girard’s 13 Rules—the Real Deal

Well, you’ve done it! Congratulations! You’re now ready to take that critical next step—to launch the new YOU. You’re already a WINNER for choosing the path of prosperity instead of the road to nowhere by doing nothing. By the way, you’ll be pleased to know that most people don’t do what you’ve decided to do. They don’t want anything to do with something that pushes them off their sofa and into action. That’s why the world is filled with ordinary people achieving ordinary results and living ordinary lives. But that is not you. You see the value in My 13 Rules. You’ve decided to embrace them. They are now an inseparable part of your life. YOU ARE THE 13 RULES.

Anyone can write a light, fluffy book filled with empty ideas that sound good in a textbook. But the test is when you put them into action on the front lines; then it’s a whole different thing. That’s where experience and firsthand knowledge come into play.

Welcome to the World of Joe Girard

Although I was in automotive retail sales, My 13 Rules are just as relevant in the insurance business, real estate, the medical profession, the construction industry, teaching, building a happy home, or anything else. No matter what you do, whether you’re in sales, service, a teacher, a technician, a designer, a decorator, a doctor, or a homemaker—I don’t care—you name it and My 13 Rules will form the foundation and roadmap to accomplish anything you set your sights on. That’s the beauty of them. You decide where you want them to take you. If you want to get to the TOP OF THE HEAP and become NUMERO UNO in your world, on the job and at home, this is the place to start!

When I decided to write My 13 Rules, I made up my mind that I wanted to create a book that was more than a one-time read. I wanted to give you the gift of a lifetime, something that would be filled with specifics, things you could do that would really help you. THIS IS THE REAL DEAL.

I didn’t want my name on something that was filled with a bunch of empty theories that sound good but don’t give you anything specific you can actually do. I wanted this book to have some teeth in it—real approaches that work. I wanted to help you build a foundation. I believe My 13 Rules have succeeded admirably in accomplishing that.

You now have in your possession a very thorough yet practical guide to help you get ready for both the professional and personal challenges life throws at you. Every rule has been carefully thought through to give you just what you need to survive and succeed in today’s world. You’re now armed and ready to take on whatever life throws in your path. If you feel a weak moment along the way, you know the drill: reach for My 13 Rules to light the way and give you the strength and determination to stay the course.

From the moment you get up in the morning to “take on the world,” you’ll know exactly what to do. If you’re smart, you’ll reread the chapters of this book over and over again until all 13 rules become permanently encased in your heart.

To be successful in life, you’ve gotta be at the top of your game whenever someone comes in contact with you. Concentrate on how you can apply My 13 Rules to your everyday routines. Meditate on them. Make them the foundation of WHO YOU ARE.

Pushing Your Way Forward—Give It All You’ve Got

I’m sure there are some of you who felt that I pushed you pretty hard throughout this book at times. Some of you may even have been a little bit offended at how I said some of the things I said. If you’re looking for an apology, don’t hold your breath. I warned you up front that I was going to get your attention, and I was going to “tell it like it is”—no pulling any punches. Why do I have such a hard-line attitude about hanging tough? There is only one reason I take this approach: I am so absolutely passionate about winning that, if you don’t catch my fever here, you aren’t going to have enough gasoline in your engine to make it across the finish line. What I’m talking about is high-octane efforts for high-octane results. I want you to be as passionate as I am!

Yes, there are a few quitters out there who couldn’t take it. Clearly, they didn’t have what it really takes to make the grade. As a result, they never got far enough into the book to read this. That’s okay, because while I wrote it for everybody, it’s not for everybody! Only the select few who have their heads screwed on right will get something out of it. My 13 Rules will separate the strong from the weak (as they should). We don’t want any second-rate players on our team. This book is for positive-minded people who know that being positive and having determination are the most important factors all successful people count on to smash through life’s obstacles.

If you really want to be successful, and if you really are ready to make a change for the better, you have to knuckle down and push, push, push yourself. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR THIS. You must take this approach. And I’m here to push you every time you open this book.

No one’s perfect. We all need encouragement and want to know we’re making progress and that what we do counts for something. However, you don’t get better by having someone “stroke your ego” when you continue to make mistakes. You want someone to step up to the plate and tell it like it is. Right? Only a true friend will tell you what’s really happening. Never forget that in decision making there are two kinds of pain—the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. What’s your choice?

Remember, you want to be where no one else is: AT THE TOP. This book is your ticket to the “big dance.” Are you ready to show off your moves?

When someone asks you what you did with your life, wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to look back at them, smile, and say, “I exhausted all possibilities of what I could have achieved.” What will your response be?

Only you will ever know the truthful answer to that question. You never want your life to be about what you could have or should have done. Let it be only about what you’re glad you did!

My 13 Rules will show you how to live a purposeful life so you can answer the question of what you did in life with pride and a sense of accomplishment.

Even though we may achieve the goals we set for ourselves in life, that isn’t to say that any of us quite reaches the point where there’s nothing left to live for. That would really be a tragedy. If you really think there’s nothing left to be done, let me remind you of what the great Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw once said: “Life is no brief candle for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment. I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” Now that’s living life to the fullest. And he did—94 years’ worth.

May YOUR TORCH burn as bright as a star-filled night! And keep it lit; there’s lots of living to do!

At the end of the day, it’s all about managing to achieve and experience a rich and satisfying life that is shared with those who are special to you. You will not get there with a half-baked effort either. You can’t fake success. You have to give it all you’ve got; otherwise you’ll fall short of the mark every time. And don’t put it off. If you lack the courage to start, you have already finished. Replace some day and one day with today. Hit the bricks running. Make each day, each hour, and each minute special. Live for today.

In all likelihood, in the beginning you won’t hit your goals on the first, the second, or maybe even the third try. Don’t be disappointed. It may take years to finally get to where you want to be. That’s all part of the journey. It’s all part of the experience. It took me more than three years of tireless work to finally become number one in the world. But once I did, I never looked back. I stayed on top of the world for the next 12 years, unchallenged, until I finally retired from active retail selling to pursue motivational speaking and sharing my experiences with others.

Through it all, I was patient. I never gave up on myself. Remember, there is no such thing as failure. There is only success and quitting. Those who are the very best at what they do move on from failure, and that’s the measure of a true champion. (Remember Joe Louis getting up from the mat.) If you wallow in self-pity, you cannot move forward.

I’ve said this many times: “You are in control until you have no mind left.” So give it all you’ve got because winning is closer than you think.

Have No Regrets

Albert Schweitzer, the noted philosopher and missionary physician, once said, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” He had the right idea. You see, only if you actually do have a great life can you then say I had a great life. So have a great life, then you won’t have to wish for a thing because you did it.

How complete a life are you living?

Any regrets?

Are you truly content?

Are you satisfied?

Are you happy?

Happiness alone will give you the chase of a lifetime! And that “chase” is the next step.

So take what you have learned about My 13 Rules and commit to putting them into action—today. And if this is a second chance for you, even better; grab it with all the gusto you can. It’s never too late to become what you might have been!

When you look back on what you did in your life for yourself, for your family, and for your community, HAVE NO REGRETS. I know in my own case, even with all of life’s shortcomings and left turns, I wouldn’t change a single thing about what I did because, taken all together, my total life’s experiences are what made me what I became—and I continue to add to that every day!

Let me leave you with some words of wisdom to put on your nightstand; better yet, memorize them. After you’ve said a prayer and kissed your spouse goodnight, let this be the last thing you recite before calling it a day.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.

So love the people who treat you right.

Forget about the ones who don’t.

Believe everything happens for a reason.

If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it.

Nobody said life would be easy.

They just promised it would be worth it.

If you follow My 13 Rules just like I’ve laid them out in this book, you’ll quickly get yourself on the right track to success and avoid the mistakes and pitfalls I fell into during the early part of my life. Believe me, if you do that, you’ll save more than just a few years and a few bucks. I think My 13 Rules will probably turn out to be one of the wisest investments you ever made. And nothing could make me any happier than that.

May you succeed in conquering the summits of every mountain in your path.

My best wishes to you and those you love.


I did it MY WAY.

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