Follow-up test

Practical Wisdom

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_9n_000100 Do you create sufficient times for quiet and calm, reflective thinking on what you are doing and what you could be doing?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_9n_000100 Are you a master of time management?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_9n_000100 Are you aware when people are making claims to knowledge that they don’t have – even when you are the speaker?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_9n_000100 What is your record in judging people? In selecting and promoting individuals, which of the following statements characterizes your approach?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_9n_000100 You can always pick a winner, and never consult anyone else or seek specialist advice.

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_9n_000100 You go by first impressions. Even if you think you are wrong you usually return to them in the end.

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_9n_000100 You take people-decisions slowly. You like to consult others who know the person, often on a confidential basis.

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_9n_000100 You do not trust your own first thought.

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_9n_000100 You like to see a person in a variety of different situations before making up your mind. Track record is an important factor to you, more so than psychological tests and the like.

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_9n_000100 You rarely choose a person on technical grounds alone, unless they are working on their own. You try to see them in the context of being a team leader or member, and judge whether they will get on well with the individuals in that group.

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_9n_000100 How do you rate yourself as far as judgement in decision making is concerned:

  • Good: Your decisions usually have the predicted results, you can foresee consequences and are rarely surprised at outcomes. You are shrewd and discerning at all times.
  • Average: Your predictions of consequences are accurate about half the time. Your common sense is often proved right.
  • Weak: Poor judgement often mars your performance. You tend to guess too much what will result from a given decision, and are frequently wrong.

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_9n_000100 Can you think of two individuals you know – a man and a woman – who show in their lives and business practical wisdom, that rare combination of intelligence, experience and goodness?

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