Idea 17: The power to simplify

When the solution is simple, God is answering.

Albert Einstein, German physicist

Analytical ability stresses the power to simplify: either what is complex or complicated (as by separating it into its constituent parts), or what is chaotic and confused (as by a reorganization that shows the relation of the details to each other and the whole).

In derogatory use analytical may imply a tendency to multiply subdivisions unnecessarily, but in favourable or more neutral use it points to the power to systematize, clarify and interpret. It is distinguished from the power to create or invent.

The essence of all science is trying to reduce things to a few simple rules so that the human mind can understand it.

Simplicity is an elusive, almost complex thing. It comes from discipline and organization of thought, intellectual courage – and many other attributes more hard won than by short words and short sentences. For plain talk – honest plain talk – is the reward of simplicity, not the means to it. The distinction may seem slight, but it is tremendously important.


‘Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not more simple.’

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