How Joomla! helps us work with the database

At this point we can start thinking about the database. Without that our component wouldn't be of much use. As you will see, Joomla!'s database class will be more helpful this time. For now, we are going to create the table that we are going to use. The query is as follows:

CREATE TABLE `jos_tinynews` (

As we can see, we have placed the prefix jos_ to our tinynews table name. That's the prefix that we usually use, but if you are using another prefix, place it there. Once we have the table created, we can start experimenting with it. The other two fields are title and text. Later we will be adding some more fields, but these will be okay for now.

We are going to see some basic examples of work, such as:

  • Inserting data into our table
  • Editing data from our table
  • Deleting data
  • And finally, selecting data

Ready? Let's get started.

Inserting data

This can be done in more than one way; we will be checking some of the methods available, so you can decide later which one to use. Though it's not so usual, we are only going to work with the following two files:

  • Our view—components/com_tinynews/views/tinynews/view.html.php
  • Our model—components/com_tinynews/models/tinynews.php

That's not the usual way of doing things, but for a demonstration it will be enough. We will start working on the model, so open the model file. We are going to add a new method called insertdata to it, as follows:

function insertdata($title = "default", $text = "default"){
                $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
                $news = new stdClass;
                $news->id = NULL;
                $news->title = $title;
                $news->text = $text;
                if (!$database->insertObject( '#__tinynews', $news, 'id' )) {
                echo $database->stderr();
                return false;
                return $news->id;

With this tiny piece of code, we will have created our new method. This method receives two parameters, $title and $text. We are assigning a default value to these two, just in case no data is passed to the method.

Our next step is to create an instance of the database object so that all its methods are available to us. We do this with $database =& JFactory::getDBO();. After this is done, we are going to create an object. For this type of database insert, we are going to use the following object:

$news = new stdClass;
                $news->id = NULL;
                $news->title = $title;
                $news->text = $text;

In order to create this object we are using the class stdClass. This is an empty class that comes with PHP. It has no methods or properties, so we can define it to our liking. After we have prepared our class with the values passed to our method, we will try to insert it and take care of any possible errors:

if (!$database->insertObject( '#__tinynews', $news, 'id' )) {
                echo $database->stderr();
                return false;

We use the insertObject method, and if things don't go well, we return false; otherwise we will return the last inserted ID with return $news->id;.

Once we have our method created in the model, we are going to make use of it in our view file. Open the components/com_tinynews/views/tinynews/view.html.php file and add the highlighted code to it:

function display(){
                $model =& $this->getModel();
                $news = $model->getallnews();
                $this->assignRef('news', $news);
                $insertnews = $model->insertdata("Our first news inserted", "This will be the text for our first news");
                echo "<br/><br/>Our newly inserted news has id: ".$insertnews."<br/><br/>";

First, we need to check if we are correctly loading our model using $model =& $this->getModel();.

If the model has been loaded, we will be able to make use of its methods. In our example, we will call our newly created insertdata method, passing some values to it. We will also assign its returned value to the $insertnews variable.

This returned value will be then rendered to screen, showing the ID of the inserted element. For example, if we try to load our site again by calling the URL, we will see something similar to the following screenshot:

Inserting data


Note that we have used #__tinynews instead of jos_tinynews. Joomla! will change #__ to jos_ or any other prefix that is being used in our Joomla! installation. This way we can install our component in any Joomla! installation without needing to change the prefix for each installation.

Now that we have successfully inserted our new record, we are going to see another way of doing it, just so you can decide which method you like best. We will be changing the insertdata method of our model, as follows:

function insertdata($title = "default", $text = "default"){
                $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
                $query = "INSERT INTO ".$database->nameQuote('#__tinynews'). "(title, text) VALUES (".$database->quote($title).",". $database->quote($text).")";
                if (!$database->query()) {
                echo $database->stderr();
                return false;
                return $database->insertid();

Though this is a bit different, we will have the same result. This time we are building the query in a more "classical" way. However, we are still using some Joomla! methods that will help us in our work. Take for example these two:

  • $database->nameQuote
  • $database->quote

These two methods are going to be very useful for us. The first method, nameQuote, will place backticks (` `) around our table name if we use MySQL. If we were using other database, Joomla! will place backticks or any other character that is necessary.

The quote method does something similar, but it's used for values instead of tables or field names. Not only will this method surround the values in quotes (' '), but it will also escape special characters that could harm our database, thus helping us prevent SQL injection attacks.


Want to know more about SQL injection? You can start here:

We have prepared our query and now we need to set it. We do that with $database->setQuery($query);. This sets the query for execution, but doesn't execute it. For that we need to use the $database->query() method.

We can check for errors much in the same way as in the first insertdata example. However, for taking the last inserted ID, we need to use the $database->insertid(); method.

And that's all. Any of these two ways will help us in inserting data into the database. We can do this a few more times by just reloading that URL.

Come on! Do it three or four more times so that we have some data to work with. Our next step will be to update data, which will be quite similar.

Updating data

Updating our data will be necessary from time to time, and it will be quite similar to our latest insert example. Open the components/com_tinynews/models/tinynews.php file if you haven't opened it yet. We are going to remove our insertdata method and replace it with an updatedata method as follows:

function updatedata($id = "0", $title = "default", $text = "default"){
                $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
                $query = "UPDATE ".$database->nameQuote('#__tinynews'). " SET ".$database->nameQuote('title'). "=".$database->quote($title).", ".$database->nameQuote('text'). "=".$database->quote($text)." WHERE ".$database->nameQuote('id'). "=".$database->quote($id);
                if (!$database->query()) {
                echo $database->stderr();
                return false;

As you can see, the only thing that really changes here is the query. But it's not very different from every other update query we have seen in other occasions. Next, I will show you a delete query.

Deleting records

Again, we will be doing this in a similar way to what we could have been doing without Joomla!. Take a look at the deletedata method:

function deletedata($id = "0"){
                $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
                $query = "DELETE FROM ".$database->nameQuote('#__tinynews'). " WHERE ".$database->nameQuote('id')." = ".$database->quote($id);
                if (!$database->query()) {
                echo $database->stderr();
                return false;

Not much to say here. Why don't we go to something more interesting such as reading data? Joomla! has some interesting methods for reading data. Let's get started with them!

Reading data

Reading data is going to be the most interesting part of our work with the database, mostly because here Joomla! has more methods to work with. For example, there is the loadResult method, which we will start with.

We will continue working on the following two files:

  • Our view: components/com_tinynews/views/tinynews/view.html.php
  • Our model: components/com_tinynews/models/tinynews.php


This one is used to get just one value from our database, like a field from our table. Let's try it; we are going to create a get_title method in our model:

function get_title($id = 0){
                    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
                    $query = "SELECT ".$database->nameQuote('title'). "FROM ".$database->nameQuote('#__tinynews'). " WHERE ".$database->nameQuote('id')." = ".$database->quote($id);
                    $query = "SELECT ".$database->nameQuote('title'). "FROM ".$database->nameQuote('#__tinynews'). " WHERE ".$database->nameQuote('id')." = ".$database->quote($id);
                    $result = $database->loadResult();
                    return $result;

This method will receive an ID, which will be used to retrieve the value we want from the database. Our first step, as always, is to get an instance of the database class. Then we prepare the query we are going to use to retrieve the title from the record with the ID equal to the one passed to the method.

The next step is to set the query with the setQuery method. Then only one thing still needs to be done—calling the loadResult method. This method, as many others we are about to see, automatically calls the query method so that we don't need to call the query method to execute the query. It will be automatically executed by the loadResult method.

Once that's done, we return the value. Take a look at the following highlighted code:

function display(){
                    $model =& $this->getModel();
                    $news = $model->getallnews();
                    $this->assignRef('news', $news);
                    $title = $model->get_title('1'),
                    echo $title."<br/><br/>";

If we add the code to our view display method, we only need to load our usual URL. A phrase like Our first news inserted will be shown on our screen. But what if we want more than just one value returned? Well, there are other methods for that, and we are about to see them. Take for example the loadObject method.


The loadObject method will return a full record instead of a single value. We will see this better with an example. Let's modify the get_title method in our model. Call it get_record and modify its code as follows:

function get_record($id = 0){
                    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
                    $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$database->nameQuote('#__tinynews'). " WHERE ".$database->nameQuote('id')." = ".$database->quote($id);
                    $result = $database->loadObject();
                    return $result;

See, we have changed our loadResult method to our loadObject one, but mostly the method remains exactly as it is except for the query. We are returning all the fields now. So our model doesn't need many changes, but what about our view? We will change the display method of our view as follows:

$record = $model->get_record('1'),
                    echo $record->id."<br/><br/>";
                    echo $record->title."<br/><br/>";
                    echo $record->text."<br/><br/>";

This will render something like this on our screen:

1 Our first news inserted This will be the text for our first news

So the loadObject method has created an object, each field of the record being a property of the object. This is my favorite way of returning and working with a single record. But there are others, such as:

  • loadRow()—works in mostly the same way, but instead of returning an object, returns an indexed array (so our previous example would work in a similar manner)
  • loadAssoc()—is a method that can be used to return an associative array, instead of an indexed one

At this point, we have only seen the tip of the iceberg. The database class has many, many other methods, which we can use to fulfill all our needs. If you want to check them all, you can go to the following page:

But before going there, stay with us, as we are going to see one last method, called loadObjectList.


loadObjectList is probably one of the methods that we are going to use most of the time. It returns an array of objects. For this example, we will modify the getallnews method of our model. It will look as follows:

function getallnews(){
                    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
                    $query = "SELECT * FROM ". $database->nameQuote('#__tinynews').";";
                    $result = $database->loadObjectList();
                    return $result;

Again, there aren't many changes here—only the loading method and the query. We have removed the WHERE part of the query, and so we get all the results from the table. The next thing we need to change is our view file, as follows:

function display(){
                    $model =& $this->getModel();
                    $news = $model->getallnews();
                    $this->assignRef('news', $news);

Not many changes here either, but then, this time we need to change our template componentscom_tinynewsviews inynews mpldefault.php file, as follows:

                    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'),
                    foreach($this->news as $new){
                    echo "<p><b>".$new->title."</b></p><br/><br/>";
                    echo "<p>".$new->text."</p><br/><br/>";

This code is almost self-explanatory; for each element of the $this->news array we create a new variable, $new. Each one of these variables will be an object, much like our loadObject example. This code will result in a screenshot as follows:


With all these methods, we will be able to insert, edit, delete, and retrieve data from our table. All this will not only be necessary when building the admin zone of our component, but also on the frontend of our module so that we can retrieve the data in order to show it to our site visitors.

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