

acceptAndOpen method

OBEX, 282

ServerSocketConnection, 260

SipConnectionNotifier, 322

StreamConnectionNotifier, 279

ACK method type, 320

ActionNameMap class, 63


games, 125

handlers, 56

names, 63

activate method, 174

Active MIDlet state, 37, 39

Adaptive Multirate Narrowband (AMR-NB), 328

addAddress method, 267

addBoolean method, 216

addCategory method

LandmarkStore, 372

PIMList, 219

addCommand method, 95

addContact method, 224, 228

addCredential method, 357

addDate method, 216

addFileSystemListener method, 209

addInt method, 216

addLandmark method, 372

addPlayerListener method, 332

addRecord method, 198

addRecordStoreListener method, 198

AddressInfo class, 372

addString method, 216

addTelephone method, 216

addToCategory method, 219

Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) standard, 331

Advanced Multimedia Supplements (AMMS) specification, 8, 327

3D audio, 345–347

audio special effects, 347

camera control, 347–348

capabilities, 328–329, 341

image format, 344–345

image processing, 342–344

music, 345

radio, 348–349

ALARM constant, 73, 75

AlarmRunnable class, 55–56

Alert class, 70

Alerts, 73–75

AlertType class, 73

Alpha compositing, 102

Alphabetizing strings, 239


images, 116

text, 109, 112

animate method, 180

Animated documents, 163–166

AnimationGauge class, 132–135

Ant tool, 16

ANY constant, 71

APDUConnection class, 355


core, 27–28

MSA, 7–9

Appearance class, 186

append method

Form, 87

LayerManager, 153

List, 82

appendChild method, 171

appendln method

FileExerciserMIDlet, 211

HTTPSInformationMIDlet, 256

SeraphimMIDlet, 232

SerialBoxMIDlet, 260

Application identifiers, 267

Application management software (AMS), 37–39

Application Protocol Data Units (APDUs), 353

Applications and application architecture, 375

desktop, 376–377

Internet, 376

Java ME, 375

multiple devices, 377

properties, 40–41

stretchy screens, 377–378

working, 377–379

Appointments. See Contacts and calendars


3D objects, 180

boolean, 83

color, 121–124, 185

images, 82

populating, 30–32

records, 198

string, 63

string fields, 218–219

Assembling game scenes, 153–154

Attributes for PIM, 216

Audio. See Sound and video

audio3d capability in AMMS, 341

authenticate method, 356

AUTHMODE_ constants, 197

Authorization in Bluetooth, 280

Automatic MIDlet starting, 47

content handlers. See Content handlers

network connections, 47–54

running at specific times, 54–56

available method, 30

availableSize method, 208


BabbleMIDlet class, 239–244

BACK constant, 77

BaldassareMIDlet class, 250–252

BangCanvas class, 147–149

Base names in resource files, 235

BASELINE constant, 109

Baselines for text, 109

BillHandler class, 306–307

BillMIDlet class, 304–306

Binary messages, 265–266

BinaryMessage class, 265–266

bind method, 169


Graphics3D objects, 180

ScalableGraphics objects, 169

bindTarget method, 169

Blender M3G Exporter tool, 179

BlueChew application, 283–293

BlueChewFinder class, 287–291

BlueChewMIDlet class, 284–287

BlueChewServer class, 291–293

BlueChewService class, 293

Bluetooth API, 275–276

application, 283–293

client connections, 278–279

device discovery, 276–278

devices, 276

hardware, 7

permissions, 282

push registry, 282

security, 280

server setup, 279

service discovery, 278

BluetoothStateException class, 276

BOTTOM constant, 109

BoxCanvas class, 103–104

BoxMIDlet class, 104–105

Browsers with MIDlets, 40

btl2cap connections, 279

BubblesMIDlet class, 171–174

Buffering for flickering, 102

buildForm method

BabbleMIDlet, 241–242

SerialBoxMIDlet, 259

Burst shooting, 348

BYE method type, 320

Bytecode verifiers, 28


Cache class, 200–202

CacheMIDlet class, 202–203

Calendar class, 32

Calendars. See Contacts and calendars

Callback methods, 21

Calls in MIDlets, 40

camera capability in AMMS, 341

Camera control, 347–348

CameraControl class, 348

CANCEL constant, 77

CANCEL method type, 320

canRead method, 207

Canvas and Canvas class, 101–102

games, 143–148

settings, 101–102

SVG, 168–170

video, 334–335

canWrite method, 207

Capabilities in AMMS, 328–329, 341

Capturing video, 338

CarCanvas class, 116–118

Carriers, 5


contacts, 219

landmarks, 372

Cell Broadcast Service (CBS), 7

Certificate Authorities (CAs), 356

Certificate Signing Request (CSR), 357

Certificates, 357

Change events, 95–97

characters method, 297–298

charsWidth method, 111

charWidth method, 111

CheapHandler class, 297–298

checkPermission method, 43

ChoiceGroup class

color swatches for, 93

events with, 95

traversal, 136

types, 87, 89

Cipher class, 359

CityGuide sample application, 373

Classloaders, 28

cleanCalendar method, 224, 230–231

cleanContacts method, 224, 231

Cleaning up

connections, 249

streams, 30–31

clearField method, 217

clearGauge method

BaldassareMIDlet, 252

FlickrMIDlet, 312

HTTPSInformationMIDlet, 256

clearImage method, 313

Client connections for Bluetooth, 278–279

ClientSession class, 281

Clipping, 124

clipRect method, 124

close method

Connection, 249

PIM, 221

Player, 332

CLOSED constant, 330

CMSMessageSignatureService class, 356–358

Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) networks, 331

Code signing, 44

Collections, 32

collidesWith method, 153

Collisions of sprites, 153


making, 102–105

manipulating, 121–124

COLOR_ constants, 103

Color swatches, 93

Command line, 16–17

commandAction method, 54

CommandListener interface, 24, 78, 83

Commands, 23–24

form items, 95–97

overview, 76–79

placement, 79–80, 127–128

CommConnection interface, 257–258

commit method

ContactList, 219

for contacts, 221

PIMItem, 216

Communication with smart cards, 355–356

compare method, 239

complete method, 343

Conditionally mandatory APIs, 7

CONFIRMATION constant, 73, 75

connect method

ClientSession, 281

ServerRequestHandler, 282

Connected Device Configuration (CDC) devices, 9, 56, 161

Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) devices, 4, 9, 28, 161

Connection strings

Bluetooth client connections, 278

GCF, 247

multipart messages, 267

OBEX, 282

push registries, 48

Connections and Connection class, 247

Bluetooth, 278–279

cleaning up, 249

HTTP, 248–249, 252–253

HTTPS, 254–257

image loading, 250–252

incoming, 49, 260–261

making, 247–249

network, 47–54

permissions, 261

threads, 250

tips, 253–254

types, 257–260

Connector class, 205, 247–248

Consistency, 379

Contact class, 216

CONTACT_LIST constant, 220

ContactList class, 217–220

Contacts and calendars, 215

categories, 219

example, 223–232

field labels, 219

importing and exporting, 221–222

lists, 219–220

methods for, 220

permissions, 222–223

PIMItem, 215–216

queries, 217–218

string array fields, 218–219

support for, 222

contains method, 291


3D, 180–183

SVG, 160–163

Content area for custom items, 131

Content Handler API (CHAPI), 9, 56–57

Content handlers, 56–57

invoking, 57–59

static registration, 65–66

testing, 64–65

writing, 59–64

Content IDs, 267

Content types

multipart messages, 267

sound and video, 331

ContentHandlerServer class, 63–64

Continuous noninteractive gauges, 90



camera, 347–348

sound and video, 332–333

Cookies, 253

Coordinate systems

screen, 105–106

viewports, 175

Core APIs, 27–28

Country locale codes, 234

countValues method, 217

create method, 206–207

createAnimatedTile method, 150

createAnimator method, 161

createContact method, 219

createDirectory method, 212

createElementNS method, 171

CreateEmptyImageDemo class, 171

createEvent method, 220

createFile method

FileConnection, 207

FileExerciserMIDlet, 212

createImage method

Image, 115, 119

ScalableImage, 160–161

createIndices method, 187

createInstance method, 168

createLandmarkStore method, 372

createMutable method, 120

createPlayer method

Manager, 335–336

Player, 330

createRGBImage method, 122

createSoundSource3D method, 346

createToDo method, 220

createUI method, 285

createVertexBuffer method, 188

createVertexColors method

CubeMeshGenerator, 187–188

SphereMeshGenerator, 191

createVertices method, 187

createWorld method, 191

cref program, 354–355

Criteria class, 370

Cryptographic Message Syntax, 356

Cryptography, 357

Bluetooth, 280

ciphers, 359

message digests, 357–358

signatures, 358

CubeMeshGenerator class, 186–188

Currency representation, 238

Current layout directive, 92

Custom items and CustomItem class, 131

events, 135–136

fonts, 137–141

internal traversal, 136–137

painting, 132

sizing, 131–132

wait indicator, 132–135

Custom screens, 101

clipping, 124

color, 102–105, 121–124

command placement, 127–128

creating images, 114–116

display information, 101–102

drawing images, 116–118

drawing on images, 119–120

drawing text, 109–111

event handling, 124–127

lines and shapes, 105–109

measuring text, 111–114

painting, 102

resources for, 118



landmarks, 372

record stores. See Record stores

DatagramConnection interface, 257–258

Date class, 32

DATE_ constants, 238

DateField class, 87, 89


displaying, 32

formatting, 237–239

DATETIME_ constants, 238

DECIMAL constant, 71

Decompiling, 17

DefaultHandler class, 297

defineCollisionRectangle method, 153

defineReferencePixel method, 152

delete method

ClientSession, 281

FileConnection, 207

List, 82

deleteAll method, 82

deleteCategory method

LandmarkStore, 372

PIMItem, 219

deleteRecord method, 198

deleteRecordStore method, 197

Desktop applications, 376–377

destroyApp method, 21

Destroyed MIDlet state, 37–39

Detecting sprite collisions, 153

Developer keys, 308

deviceDiscovered method

BlueChewFinder, 289

DiscoveryListener, 277

DeviceListener interface, 277


discovery, 276–278

testing, 18–19

DiamondFrameCanvas class, 169–170

digest method, 358


private, 208

streams for, 206–208

directorySize method, 207

disconnect method, 281

Discovery, device, 276–278

DiscoveryAgent class, 276–277

DiscoveryListener interface, 277

dispatchMouseEvent method, 174

Display class, 22

Displayable class, 78


3D content, 180–183

screens, 70–71

SVG documents, 168–170

Documentation for REST, 307


animated, 163–166

displaying, 168–170

manipulating, 166–168

doFinal method, 359

Domains, protection, 41–423

Double buffering, 102

DOWN constant, 125

DOWN_PRESSED constant, 146

drawArc method, 107


images, 116–118

on images, 119–120

lines and shapes, 105–109

text, 109–111

drawLine method, 107

drawRect method, 107

drawRGB method, 121

drawRoundRect method, 107

drawString method, 109

Dynamic push registration, 48


EclipseME tool, 13

editNickname method, 223–224, 228–229

Effects, audio, 347

ElevenMIDlet class, 148

EMAILADDR constant, 71


overview, 18

SATSA testing with, 354–355

Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC, 11–12

en-GB resource file, 237

en-US resource file, 237

Encryption, 357

Bluetooth, 280

ciphers, 359

message digests, 357–358

signatures, 358

endElement method, 297–298

enumerateRecords method, 199

Enumeration interface, 32, 207

EqualizerControl class, 345

ERROR constant, 73

EVENT_LIST constant, 220

EventList class, 220

Events and event handling

contacts, 222

custom items, 135–136

custom screens, 124–127

item change, 95–97

lists, 83–84

SVG, 174–178

exchangeAPDU method, 355

EXCLUSIVE forms, 87

EXCLUSIVE lists, 81–83

exists method, 207

EXIT constant, 77

Exporting contacts, 221–222

Exposure modes, 348

ExposureControl class, 348

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 295

parsing, 296, 301–303

with REST, 307

ExternalResourceHandler class, 160–161


FACE_ constants, 110

Feeds, RSS, 298–301

Fields for contacts, 215, 218–219, 222

fileconn.dir properties, 208–209, 331

FileConnection class, 195–196, 205–206

FileExerciserMIDlet class, 210–213

Files, 205

example, 210–213

permissions, 209–210

pictures and music, 208–209

roots, 209

streams for, 206–208

fileSize method, 207

FileSystemRegistry class, 209

fillArc method, 107

fillCells method, 150

Filling rectangles, 105–107

fillRect method, 104, 107

fillRoundRect method, 107

fillTriangle method, 107

finally keyword, 31

findByUsername method, 308

Finding resources, 235–236

FIRE constant, 125

FIRE_PRESSED constant, 146

FirenzeCanvas class, 111

FlashControl class, 348

Flickering, double buffering for, 102

Flickr photo sharing service, 308–317

FlickrMIDlet class, 308–314

FlickrPhotoListHandler class, 309, 315–317

FlickrUserHandler class, 309, 314–315

Floating-point numbers for currency, 238

flushGraphics method, 146

FM radio, 349

FocusControl class, 348

focusOn method, 175

Font class, 110–111

FontChoice class, 138–141


custom items, 137–141

lists, 86

text, 109–111

formatCurrency method, 238

formatDate method, 238

formatMessage method, 238

formatNumber method, 238

formatPercentage method, 238

Formats for images, 344–345

Formatter class, 237–238, 242, 244

Formatting numbers and dates, 237–239

Forms, 86–88

gauges, 89–90

items. See Custom items and CustomItem class; Items

limitations, 92–95

Frames and frame sequences for sprites, 151–152

frizz method, 122–123

fromSerialFormat method, 221

Fundamental classes, 27


GAME_ constants, 125, 146

GameCanvas class, 143–148

Games, 143

actions, 125

blocky example, 154–158

canvas, 143–148

layers, 148–151

scene assembly, 153–154

sprites, 151–153

Gauge class, 87, 89–90

Gauges, 89–90

generate method, 186

generateCSR method, 357

Generic Connection Framework (GCF). See Connections and Connection class

GET connection type, 252

get method

Cache, 200, 202

ClientSession, 281

ResourceManager, 234

getAppProperty method, 41

getArrayElementLabel method, 219

getAttribute method, 316

getAttributeLabel method, 219

getBestImageHeight method, 74

getBestImageWidth method, 74

getCategories method

LandmarkStore, 372

PIMItem, 219

getColor method, 103

getColorImage function, 93, 95

getCommPorts method, 258–260

getConnectionURL method, 278

getContactName method, 224, 231–232

getControl method

for cameras, 348

Player, 332

getControls method, 333

getDate method, 89

getDefaultFont method, 110

getDefaultTimeout method, 73

getDisplay method, 70

getDocument method, 166

getDocumentElement method, 166

getElementById method, 166

getFeatureID method, 363

getFieldLabel method, 219

getFinishedTimestamp method, 363

getFont method

Font, 110

FontChoice, 139

getFormatter method, 241

getGameAction method, 125, 135

getGameActionName method, 126

getGraphics method, 119–120, 146

getHeaderField method, 253

etHeight method

Canvas, 101

Font, 111

getHTTPSInformation method, 256

getImage method, 82

getInitialReference method, 356

getInstance method

Cipher, 359

Graphics3D, 180

LandmarkStore, 372

LocationProvider, 370

MessageDigest, 357

PIM, 220

Signature, 358

getInteractionModes method, 135–136

getKeyName method, 125

getKeyStates method, 146

getLastKnownLocation method, 371

getLayerAt method, 153

getLocalDevice method, 276

getManager method, 235, 237

getMethod method, 322

getMinContentHeight method

AnimationGauge, 134

CustomItem, 131

FontChoice, 140

getMinContentWidth method

AnimationGauge, 134

CustomItem, 131

FontChoice, 140

getName method, 303

getNSID method, 315

getOrientation method, 373

getPhotoURLs method, 315

getPrefContentHeight method

AnimationGauge, 134

CustomItem, 132

FontChoice, 140

getPrefContentWidth method

AnimationGauge, 134

CustomItem, 132

FontChoice, 140

getPresetNames method, 342

getProperty method, 29

getPublicPhotos method, 309

getQualifiedCoordinates method, 370

getReceiveMTU method, 279

getRecord method, 198

getRecordSize method, 198

getRepeat method, 220

getRequest method, 64

getResources method, 240–241

getRGB method, 121–122

getRoot method, 211

getSelectedFlags method, 83

getSelectedIndex method, 83

getServer method, 64

getSize method, 153

getSizeAvailable method, 198

getSnapshot method, 338

getSpeech method, 304

getState method, 363

getString method

List, 82

ResourceManager, 234

TextField, 89

getSupportedContentTypes method, 331

getSupportedFormats method, 345

getSupportedMediaProcessorInputTypes method, 342

getSupportedProtocols method, 331

getSupportedRepeatRuleFields method, 220

getTargetComponent method, 161

getText method, 303

getTightRGB method, 121, 123

getTimestamp method

Location, 370

LocationProvider, 371

getTitleTileImage method, 119–120

getTrait method, 167

getTransactionID method, 363

getTranslateX method, 105

getTranslateY method, 105

getTransmitMTU method, 279

getURL method, 289

getWidth method, 101

getWrapHeight method, 111, 113

getX method, 152

getY method, 152

Global Positioning System (GPS), 369

current location, 370–371

landmarks, 372

orientation, 373

proximity, 371

simulating device location, 373–374

updates, 371

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), 331, 354

GlobalManager class, 342

Google Maps, 376

GoSIP example, 323


3D. See 3D graphics

custom items. See Custom items and CustomItem class

custom screens. See Custom screens

games. See Games

SVG. See Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Graphics class, 8, 107

Graphics3D class, 180

Grayscale display, 102


content. See Content handlers

event. See Events and event handling

parser, 296–298


HanzUndFranzMIDlet class, 344

HashTable class, 32

hasMore method

HermesMessageReader, 273

MessageConnection, 271

hasNextElement method, 199

hasPointerEvents method, 127

hasPointerMotionEvents method, 127

hasPreviousElement method, 199

hasRepeatEvents method, 125

HCENTER constant, 109

HeaderSet class, 281

height method, 111

HELP constant, 77

HermesForm class, 270

HermesMessageForm class, 270

HermesMessageReader class, 270–272

HermesMIDlet class, 269–270

hideNotify method

AnimationGauge, 133–134

BangCanvas, 147

BubblesMIDlet, 174

Canvas, 127, 163

LayersCanvas, 157

MeshCanvas, 190

SimpleAnimatorMIDlet, 165

SimpleM3GCanvas, 182

SVGEventMIDlet, 177

TypicalCanvas, 144

TypicalGameCanvas, 145


alerts, 73

OBEX, 280

Hot swappable devices, 354


advanced techniques, 252–253

connections, 248–249

image loading via, 250–252

threads, 250

HttpConnection class, 249, 253

HTTPS, 254–257

HttpsConnection class, 254

HTTPSInformationMIDlet class, 254–257


Identified third-party domains, 42


content, 267

record, 198–199

IllegalArgumentException class, 72, 74

ImageEffectControl class, 342

imageencoding capability in AMMS, 341

ImageFormatControl class, 344–345

ImageItem class, 87–88

imagepostprocessing capability in AMMS, 341

Images, 74

alerts, 73

creating, 114–116

drawing, 116–118

drawing on, 119–120

formats, 344–345

in lists, 82–83

loading, 250–252

processing, 342–344

ImageTransformControl class, 343

Immediate mode in M3G, 184

Immutable images, 115

IMPLICIT lists, 81–83

import method, 221

importAppointment method, 224, 229–230

importContact method, 220

importEvent method, 220

Importing contacts, 221–222

importToDo method, 220

Incoming connections, 49, 260–261

Incremental noninteractive gauges, 90

incrementTime method, 175

INDEFINITE constant, 90

IndexBuffer class, 186


layers, 153

list items, 82–83

PIMItem, 216–217

records, 198

INFO constant, 73

information method, 224, 227–228

Inheritance, resource, 237


INITIAL_CAPS_WORD modifier, 72

initRequest method, 322

initResponse method, 322


desktop applications, 376–377

reading, 31–32

streams for, 30–32

Input modes, 72–73

InputConnection class, 249

InputStream class, 30–32, 206, 221

InputSubset class, 72

inquiryCompleted method

BlueChewFinder, 289

DiscoveryListener, 277

insert method

LayerManager, 153

List, 82

insertBefore method, 171

Interactive Audio Special Interest Group (IASIG) guidelines, 345

Interactive custom item example, 137–141

Interactive gauges, 89–90

Interactive MIDI player, 336

Internal traversal of custom items, 136–137

Internationalization. See Mobile internationalization

Internet Mail Consortium, 221

Internet strengths, 376

INVITE method type, 320

InvocationRunnable class, 62–63

invoke method, 57, 59

invokeAndWait method, 168, 171

invokeLater method, 168, 171

Invoking content handlers, 57–59

IOConnection class, 249

IOException class, 74

isColor method, 102

isDirectory method, 207

isDoubleBuffered method, 102

isHidden method, 207

isSupportedArrayElement method, 222

isSupportedAttribute method, 222

isSupportedField method, 222

isValid method, 370–371

Item class, 87, 92

ItemCommandListener class, 95

ItemMIDlet class, 96–97

Items, 87–89

change events and commands, 95–97

custom. See Custom items and CustomItem class

layout, 90–92

lists, 217–220

working with, 88–89

items method

ContactList, 217–218

EventList, 220

ToDoList, 220

itemsByCategory method, 219

itemStateChanged method, 95, 97

ItemStateListener interface, 95–97

Iterating through records, 199


J2ME Polish compiler, 17

J2ME Wireless Toolkit, 11

jar tool, 16

Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP), 9

Java Archive (JAR) files, 14 class, 72

Java Card RMI, 355–356

Java Community Process (JCP), 4 package, 27, 30, 205

java.lang package, 27

Long class, 29

Runtime class, 29

String class, 28

System class, 29

UnicodeBlock class, 72

Java ME strengths, 375 package

MessageDigest class, 357

Signature class, 358

Java Specification Requests (JSRs), 4–5

Java Technology for Wireless Industry (JTWI), 5–6

java.util package, 27

Date class, 32

Random class, 32

java.util.concurrent package, 29

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 4–5

javac compiler, 16

JavaCardRMIConnection class, 355–356

JavaFX product line, 10

javax.bluetooth package, 275

javax.bluetooth.UUID class, 277

javax.crypto.Cipher class, 359

javax.microedition.amms package, 342

javax.microedition.amms.control.audio3d package, 346

javax.microedition.amms.control.audioeffect package, 347 package, 348

javax.microedition.amms.control.imageeffect package, 343

javax.microedition.amms.control.tuner package, 348

javax.microedition.apdu.APDUConnection class, 355

javax.microedition.content.Registry class, 57 package, 233 package, 247 package, 282 package, 282 class, 48–49

javax.microedition.jcrmi.JavaCardRMI-Connection class, 355–356

javax.microedition.lcdui package, 22

CustomItem class, 131

Display class, 70

Displayable class, 69

Font class, 110 package, 115, 143

javax.microedition.location package, 369, 373

javax.microedition.m2g package, 160 package, 332 class, 329 package, 329

javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet class, 21

javax.microedition.payment package, 361

javax.microedition.pim package, 215

javax.microedition.pki.UserCredential-Manager class, 356–357

javax.microedition.rms package, 196

javax.microedition.securityservice.CMS-MessagesSignatureService class, 356

javax.microedition.sip package, 320

javax.obex package, 275

javax.xml.parsers package, 296

jaxp.xml.parsers.SAXParser class, 296

JEnable compiler, 17

JPEG format, 342

JSR 172, XML parsing without, 301–303

Juinness tool, 180


K Virtual Machine (KVM), 28

KEY_ constants, 124, 135

Key codes, 124–125

Key states, 146

KeyCanvas class, 125–126

keyPressed method

BubblesMIDlet, 174

Canvas, 124, 127

CustomItem, 135

FontChoice, 140

GameCanvas, 146

KeyCanvas, 126

SimpleAnimatorMIDlet, 165

SVGEventMIDlet, 177

TypicalCanvas, 144

keyReleased method

BubblesMIDlet, 174

Canvas, 124

CustomItem, 135

GameCanvas, 146

KeyCanvas, 126

SimpleAnimatorMIDlet, 165

SVGEventMIDlet, 177

keyRepeated method, 125–126, 146

KickButtMIDlet class, 22–24, 38–39

KToolbar tool, 11, 22

kXML 2 parser, 301–302

KXmlParser class, 302–303


L2CAP protocol, 278–279

L2CAPConnection class, 248, 279

L2CAPConnectionNotifier class, 279


command, 77

contact fields, 219

Landmarks in Global Positioning System, 372

LandmarkStore class, 372

Language locale codes, 234

lastModified method, 207

Latched key states, 146

Layer class, 148

Layer managers, 149

LayerManager class, 151, 153–154


tiled, 148–151

view windows, 153

LayersCanvas class, 154–158

LAYOUT_ constants, 92

Layout directives, 88, 90–92

LCDUI screens, 69–70, 377–378

LEFT constant

games, 125

text, 109

LEFT_PRESSED constant, 146

Life cycle of MIDlets, 37–40

Lines, drawing, 105–109

list method, 207

listConnections method, 49, 53


for media, 332

for parsers, 296

listPIMLists method, 221

listRecordStores method, 197

listRoots method, 209

Lists and List class, 81–82

advanced control, 86

creating, 82–83

events, 83–84

examples, 84–86

PIMItem, 217–221

selections, 83

load method, 180

loadBytes method, 249, 252

Loader class, 180

loadImage method, 123

loadImages method, 116–118

LocalDevice class, 276–277

Locales, 233–234

Location API, 8–9, 369

current location, 370–371

landmarks, 372

orientation, 373

proximity, 371

scripts, 373

simulating device location, 373–374

updates, 371

Location in multipart messages, 267

LocationControl class, 346

LocationException class, 370, 373

LocationListener interface, 371

LocationProvider class, 370–371

locationUpdated method, 371

Log class, 293

Long class, 29

Long labels for command, 77

lookupPicture method, 310, 314

lookupPictures method, 310, 313–314

lookupUser method, 310, 313


M3G Exporter for 3ds Max 5.1 and 6.0 tool, 180

M3G files, 179–180

M3GToolkit tool, 180

makeBubble method, 173

makePart method, 267–268

Manager class, 329–331

Mandatory APIs, 7

Manufacturer domains, 42

Mascot Capsule M3GConverter tool, 179

maxCategories method, 219

Measuring text, 111–114

MediaException class, 329, 336

MediaProcessor class, 342–343

MediaProcessorListener interface, 343

Mesh class, 184

MeshCanvas class, 189–191

Meshes, 184–191

MeshMIDlet class, 189

Message digests, 357–358

MessageConnection class, 248, 263–264, 268, 271

MessageDigest class, 357–358

MessageListener class, 268–269

MessagePart class, 268

messageReceived method, 287

Messages, 263

application, 269–273

purpose, 263–264

receiving, 268–269

sending, 264–268

microedition-locale property, 234

MIDI. See Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) standard

MIDIControl class, 336

MIDlets, 13–14, 21–22

application properties, 40–41

browser and calls, 40

building, 15–16

colors, 102–105

contents, 14–15

life cycle, 37–40

permissions, 42–44

protection domains, 41–42

signing, 44

starting automatically. See Automatic MIDlet starting; Content handlers

MIDletStateChangeException class, 39



Minimum size of custom items, 131

Mirroring sprites, 152

mkdir method, 206–207

MMMIDlet application, 339–340

Mobile 3D Graphics (M3G) API, 179–180

Mobile client for Flickr, 308–317

Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) overview, 3

future, 9–10

Java technology, 4–5

avaFX, 10

MSA APIs, 7–9

umbrella specifications, 5–7

wireless devices, 3–4

Mobile internationalization, 9, 233

example, 239–244

locales, 233–234

number and date formats, 237–239

resources, 234–237

sorting strings, 239

Mobile Media API (MMAPI), 8, 327–329

Mobile payments, 361

process, 362–363

providers, 364

provisioning information, 365–366

security, 366

Mobile Service Architecture (MSA) specification, 6–9, 11


exposure, 348

input, 72–73

M3G, 179, 184

Modifiers in TextField, 72


payments. See Mobile payments

representation, 238

Multimedia, 8

AAMS. See Advanced Multimedia Supplements (AMMS) specification

messaging. See Messages

sound and video. See Sound and video

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), 7, 12, 263–264, 266

Multipart messages, 266–268

MutipartMessage class, 266–267

MultiParts class, 266

Multiple devices, developing for, 377

MULTIPLE forms, 87

MULTIPLE lists, 81–83

music capability in AMMS, 341

Music files, 208–209

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) standard, 328

content files, 330–331

interactive player, 336

tones, 329

volume control, 332–333

Musical tetrahedron, 346–347

Mutable images, 115


NAME_ constants, 218


contacts, 218

files and directories, 207

PIMItem, 216–217

resource files, 235

Native methods, 28

NetBeans Mobility Pack, 13–14


advanced, 7

Bluetooth. See Bluetooth API

connections. See Connections and Connection class

messages. See Messages

OBEX, 275–276, 280–282

SIP. See Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) API

web services, 295–296, 303–317

XML, 295–296, 301–303, 307

newDatagram method, 258

newMessage method, 264

newSAXParser method, 296

next method

HermesMessageReader, 273

kXMLParser, 302

MessageConnection, 271

nextFrame method, 151

nextRecord method, 199

nextRecordId method, 199

Nicknames, 216–217

Nodes in 3D graphics, 184

NON_PREDICTIVE modifier, 72

Noninteractive gauges, 89–90

Note numbers, 329

Notifications, alerts for, 73

Notifiers in SIP, 321

notify method, 269

notifyDestroyed method, 39

notifyIncomingMessage method, 268–269, 271–272

notifyPaused method, 39

notifyResponse method, 322

numAlphaLevels method, 102, 121

Number formatting, 237–239

numColors method, 102

NUMERIC constant, 71


OBEX API, 275–276, 280–282

ObexImageReceiver class, 281

ObexImageSender class, 280

Obfuscators, 17–18

Object finalizers, 28

Object3D class, 180

OK constant, 77

onConnect method, 282

onGet method, 282

onPut method, 282

open method

Connector, 205, 247–248, 260, 279, 282

Invocation, 64

openComm method, 259

openDataInputStream method, 206

openDataOutputStream method, 206

openInputStream method, 206, 249

openOutputStream method, 206

openPIMList method, 221

openRecordStore method, 196–197

Operator domains, 42

Optional APIs, 5

OPTIONS method type, 320 class, 302–303

org.w3c.dom.event package, 166

org.w3c.dom.svg package, 166–167

org.xml.sax.helpers package, 296

Orientation class, 373

Orientation in Global Positioning System, 373

Origins in coordinate systems, 105

Output streams, 30–32

OutputStream class, 206


Packaging with jar tool, 16

Packed integers for color, 102–103

packRecord method, 201–202

paint method, 102


custom items, 132

custom screens, 102

parse method

BillMIDlet, 306

TopTenMIDlet, 301

parseRecord method, 201

parseToHandler method, 314


handlers, 296–298

RSS, 298–301

XML, 296, 301–303

PASSWORD modifier, 72

Pathnames for files, 208

pause method, 161

pauseApp method, 21–24

Paused MIDlet state, 37–39

Payment API, 361

payment providers, 364

security, 366

Payment provisioning information, 364

Payment update files, 364

Payments, mobile. See Mobile payments

PDA Optional Packages, 205


audio recording, 337

Bluetooth and OBEX, 282

connections, 261

contacts, 222–223

files, 209–210

MIDlets, 42–44

RMS, 195

SIP, 320

Personal Information Management (PIM) API, 9, 195, 215, 222

PHONENUMBER constant, 71

Picture files, 208–209

PIMItem class, 215–221

PIMList class, 217–221

platformRequest method, 40

play method, 161, 163

PlayerListener class, 332

Players and Player class, 327, 329–331

audio recording, 337

cameras, 348

controls, 332–333

sampled audio content, 333

threading and listening, 332

video, 333–335

playerUpdate method, 332

playTone method, 329

POINTER_ constants, 135–136

Pointer events, 127

pointerDragged method, 127, 135

pointerPressed method, 127

BubblesMIDlet, 174

SimpleAnimatorMIDlet, 165

SVGEventMIDlet, 177

pointerReleased method, 127

BubblesMIDlet, 174

SimpleAnimatorMIDlet, 165

SVGEventMIDlet, 177

POPUP forms, 87, 89

Ports for messages, 265

Positioning sprites, 152

POST connection type, 252

Preferred size for custom items, 131

prefetch method, 330, 336

PREFETCHED constant, 330

Premium Priced SMS (PPSMS) transactions, 364

Preprocessors, 17

Preset images, 342–343

Preverified class files, 16

prevFrame method, 151

previousRecord method, 199

previousRecordId method, 199

Primitive types, 28–29

Priorities for command, 77–78

process method, 362

processCharacters method

BillHandler, 306

DefaultHandler, 298

TopTenHandler, 301

processed method, 363

processKeys method

BangCanvas, 147–148

LayerManager, 15

LayersCanvas, 157

SimpleM3GCanvas, 183

TypicalGameCanvas, 145

processStart method

DefaultHandler, 298

FlickrPhotoListHandler, 315

FlickrUserHandler, 315

ProGuard obfuscator, 18

Properties for application, 40–41

Protection domains, 41–43

Providers for mobile payments, 364

providerStateChanged method, 371

Provisioning information for mobile payments, 364–366

proximityEvent method, 371

ProximityListener interface, 371

ProximityListeners interface, 373

Pseudorandom number generators, 32

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), 354

Push parsers, 296

Push registries, 7, 47–54, 282

PushRegistry class, 48–49

PushyMIDlet class, 49–54

put method, 281


QualifiedCoordinates class, 372


PIM lists, 217–218

record stores, 199


Radio, 348–349

Random class, 32

Random numbers, 32

Raster format, 159

RateControl class, 333

Raw images, 342

RDSControl class, 348–349

read method

Cache, 200–201

InputStream, 30

readAll method

BaldassareMIDlet, 250, 252

FlickrMIDlet, 314

InputStream, 32

readFile method, 212

Reading input data, 31–32

Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), 331

realize method, 330

REALIZED constant

Player, 330

video, 334

receive method

Connector, 279

Datagram, 258

MessageConnection, 268

Receiving messages, 268–269

reconcile method, 287–288, 290–291

Record Management System (RMS) API, 195–196

Record stores, 195–196

databases, 196

example, 200–204

iterating, 199

manipulating, 198

queries, 199

working with, 196–198

RecordComparator class, 199

RecordEnumeration class, 199

RecordFilter class, 199

Recording audio, 337

RecordStore class, 196–197

RecordStoreException class, 196–197

RecordStoreListener class, 198

Rectangles, filling, 105–107

Reference pixels in sprites, 152

Reflection, 28

Register command, 53, 65

register method, 65

REGISTER method type, 320, 322

registerAlarm method, 40, 54

registerConnection method, 48

RegisterContentRunnable class, 61–62

RegisterRunnable class, 51, 54


content handlers, 65–66

push registries, 48–49

Registry class, 57

releaseTarget method, 169, 180

Remote Method Invocation (RMI), 303, 355–356

Remote objects with smart cards, 355

RemoteException class, 304

remove method

Cache, 200, 202

LayerManager, 153

removeContact method, 219

removeCredential method, 357

removeDirectory method, 212

removeEvent method, 220

removeFile method, 212

removeFromCategory method, 219

removeToDo method, 220

rename method, 207

render method, 169

BangCanvas, 148

LayersCanvas, 157–158

MeshCanvas, 190

SimpleM3GCanvas, 183

TypicalGameCanvas, 145

repaint method

Canvas, 102

CustomItem, 132

Repeat events, 125

RepeatRule class, 220

Representational State Transfer (REST) approach, 295–296

Flickr photo sharing service, 308–317

principles, 307–308

requestResource method, 161

Requests in SIP, 321–322

ResourceManager class, 234–237


for custom screens, 118

inheritance, 237

internationalization. See Mobile internationalization


to network connections, 47–54

SIP, 322

resumeRequest method, 39

Retained mode in M3G, 179

retrieveDevices method, 278

ReverbControl class, 347

RFCOMM protocol, 278, 281

RGBCanvas class, 122–123

Rich Site Summary (RSS) parsing, 298–301

RIGHT constant

games, 125

text, 109

RIGHT_PRESSED constant, 146

rootChanged method, 209

Roots, file, 209


sprites, 152

trademark symbol, 167–168

runImagePostProcessingJPEG method, 344

runImagePostProcessingRaw method, 344

Runnable class, 168

Runtime class, 29

runURL method, 286–287


Sampled audio content, 333




SATSA-PKI API, 356–358

SATSADemos application, 355

SAXParser class, 296

SAXParserFactory class, 296

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), 159–160, 378

adding elements, 171–174

animated documents, 163–166

content, 160–163

displaying documents, 168–170

event handling, 174–178

manipulating documents, 166–168

ScalableGraphics class, 168–169

ScalableImage class, 160

Scene graph API, 179


games, 153–154

with layers, 148–151

Screen classes, 22–23

SCREEN constant, 77


custom. See Custom screens

displaying, 70–71

LCDUI, 69–70, 377–378

stretchy, 377–378

searchServices method, 277–278

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 254

SecureConnection interface, 257

Security and transactions, 8, 351, 361, 363

application architecture. See Applications and application architecture

audio recording, 337

Bluetooth, 280

cryptography, 357–359

GPS. See Global Positioning System (GPS)

mobile payments, 361–366

smart cards, 354–357

Security and Trust Services APIs (SATSA), 353–354

application testing with emulator, 354–355

certificates, 357

cryptography, 357–359

smart cards, 354–357

SecurityException class, 43, 249

Selections in lists, 83

selectService method, 278

send method

Datagram, 258

L2CAPConnection, 279

SIPClientConnection, 321

sendBinary method, 265–266


binary messages, 265–266

messages, 264–265

multipart messages, 266–268

RIP requests, 321–322

SIP responses, 322

SendMIDlet class, 53

sendMultipart method, 266

sendText method, 264, 270

SENSITIVE modifier, 72

Sensitive operations, 41

SeraphimMIDlet class, 223–232

SerialBoxMIDlet class, 258–260

Server setup for Bluetooth, 279

ServerRequestHandler class, 282

ServerSocketConnection class, 260

Service discovery for Bluetooth devices, 276, 278

serviceAdded method, 287

ServiceRecord class, 278

serviceRemoved method, 287

servicesDiscovered method

BlueChewFinder, 289–290

DiscoveryListerner, 277

serviceSearchCompleted method

BlueChewFinder, 290

DiscoveryListerner, 277

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) API, 7, 319–320

development tools, 321

examples, 323

notifiers, 321

overview, 320

requests, 321–322

responses, 322

set method, 200, 202

setAnimatedTile method, 151

setCell method, 150

setClip method, 124

setColor method, 103

setCommandListener method, 24

setCurrent method, 70

setDate method, 89

setDisplayFullScreen method, 334

setFileConnection method, 207

setFitPolicy method, 86

setFont method

Font, 110

List, 86

setFrame method, 152

setFrameSequence method, 151

setFullScreenMode method, 71, 101

setInitialInputMode method, 73

setInput method, 342–343

setItemCommandListener method, 95

setItemStateListener method, 95

setLocationListener method, 371

setMode method, 197

setOutput method, 342

setPath method, 281

setPayloadText method, 264

setPosition method, 152

setpreset method, 342

setReadable method, 207

setRecord method, 198

setRefPixelPosition method, 152

setRepeat method, 220

setRequestMethod method, 252

setRequestProperty method, 253

setSelectedFlags method, 83

setSelectedIndex method, 83

setStrokeStyle method, 107

setTimeout method, 73

setTrait method, 167, 171

setTransform method, 152

setup method, 154–156

setupConnections method, 285

setViewWindow method, 153

setWritable method, 207

SHA-1, 358

ShapeCanvas class, 107–108

Shapes, drawing, 105–109

Short labels for command, 77

Short Message Service (SMS), 7, 12, 263–265, 267

showCalendar method, 223, 226

showContacts method, 223, 226–227

showForm method, 232

showNotify method, 127

showSVGImage method

BubblesMIDlet, 172–173

SimpleAnimatorMIDlet, 165

SimplePlayerMIDlet, 162

SVGEventMIDlet, 176–177

TMTweakerMIDlet, 167–168

sign method, 356

Signature class, 358

Signatures, 356–358

Signed MIDlet suites, 41–42

Signing MIDlets, 44

Simple API for XML (SAX) standard, 296

SimpleAnimatorMIDlet, 164–165

SimpleM3GCanvas class, 181–183

SimpleM3GPlayer class, 181–182

SimplePlayerMIDlet class, 161–163

Simulating device location, 373–374

SIP. See Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) API

SipClientConnectionListener class, 321–322

SipConnectionNotifier class, 321–322

SIPDemo example, 323

SIPS method type, 320

SipServerConnection class, 322

SipServerConnectionListener interface, 322


canvas, 101–102

custom items, 131–132

custom screens, 118

fonts, 110

MMS messages, 266

SIZE_ constants, 110

sizeChanged method

BubblesMIDlet, 174

Canvas, 102

CustomItem, 132

SimpleAnimatorMIDlet, 165

SVGEventMIDlet, 177

Smart cards, 353–354

communication with, 355–356

for signatures, 356–357

testing interaction with, 354–355

SnakeCharmerMIDlet class, 57–59, 64–65

SnapshotControl class, 348

Snapshots, 338

SocketConnection interface, 257

Soft keys, 127

SONERA provider, 364

Sorting strings, 239

Sosnoski, Dennis, 17

Sound and video, 327

background information, 327–329

content selection, 338–339

controls, 332–333

example, 339–340

interactive MIDI player, 336

players, 329–331

sampled audio content, 333

sound recording, 337

sound special effects, 347

supported content types, 331

threading and listening, 332

tone sequence player, 335–336

tones, 329

video capture, 338

video content, 333–335

SoundSource3D class, 345–346

Source code, online, 25

SP-MIDI standard, 328

Spacer class, 87, 92

Special audio effects, 347

SphereMeshGenerator class, 191

Sprite class, 115, 148, 151–153

Sprites, 148, 151–153

Stack class, 32

Stacks, 4, 6

StandMIDlet class, 373

start method, 29

startApp method, 21, 37

STARTED constant, 330

startElement method, 297–298

startInquiry method

DiscoveryListener, 277–278

LocalDevice, 277


key, 146

MIDlets, 37–40

Static registration

content handlers, 65–66

push registries, 48–49

STOP constant, 77

stop method


contacts. See Contacts and calendars

files. See Files

record stores. See Record stores

Store-and-forward networks, 264

Stream classes, 27

StreamConnection class, 206, 279

StreamConnectionNotifier class, 279

Streams, 27

for files and directories, 206–208

input and output, 30–32

Stretchy screens, 377–378

stringArraySize method, 218

StringBuffer class, 29

StringComparator class, 239

StringItem class, 87–88, 96

Strings and String class, 28–29

for contacts, 218–219

sorting, 239

stringWidth method, 111

Stroke style, 107

STYLE_ constants, 110

Subscriber identity module (SIM) card, 354

Subsets in MSA, 6

substringWidth method, 111

Sun Java Wireless Toolkit, 11–13, 18

Supported sound and video content types, 331

supportedSerialFormats method, 222

SVG. See Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

SVG Tiny, 160

SVGAnimator class, 160–161, 163

SVGAnimatorMIDlet class, 164

SVGElement interface, 166–167

SVGEventListener interface, 163, 174

SVGEventMIDlet class, 175–176

SVGImage class, 160–161, 169, 174

SVGMatrix class, 167

System class, 29

System methods, 28–29



content handlers, 64–65

devices, 18–19

smart card interaction, 354–355

Tetrahedron, musical, 346–347


alerts, 73

drawing, 109–111

measuring, 111–114

messaging. See Messages

TextBox, 71–72

TEXT_WRAP_ constants, 86

TextBoxes and TextBox class, 71–72

displaying, 22–23

example, 74–75

TextField class, 71, 87, 89

TextMessage class, 264

Third-party domains, 42

Threds, 29–30

connections, 250

game canvas, 144

media, 332

3D audio, 345–347

3D graphics, 179

content display, 180–183

M3G files, 179–180

meshes, 184–191

.3g2 format, 331

tick method

MeshCanvas, 190

SimpleM3GCanvas, 181, 183

Tickers, 76–77

Tiled layers, 148–151

TiledLayer class, 148–151, 154

TIME_ constants, 238

Timeouts for alerts, 73

timeStep method, 132, 134

TimeZone class, 32

Title bars for images, 120


alerts, 73

lists, 81

TitleTileCanvas class, 119–120

TMTweakerMIDlet class, 167–168

To-do lists, 215

methods for, 220

PIMItem, 215–216

TODO_LIST constant, 220

ToDoList class, 220

Together3DCanvas class, 346–347

Tone sequence player, 335–336

Tone sequences, 329

ToneControl class, 335

Tones, 329

TOP constant, 109

TopTenHandler class, 301

TopTenMIDlet, 298–301

toSerialFormat method, 222

toString method, 29

totalSize method, 208

Trademark symbol, 166–168

TRANS_ constants, 115, 152

TRANSACTION_ constants, 363

Transaction identifiers, 362

TransactionListener interface, 361–362

TransactionModule class, 361–362

TransactionRecord interface, 361, 363

Transactions. See Security and transactions

translate method, 105

Transparency of colors, 102

Transport Layer Security (TLS), 254

Traversal of custom items, 136–137

TRAVERSE_ constant, 136

traverse method

CustomItem, 136–137

FontChoice, 140–141

traverseOut method

CustomItem, 137

FontChoice, 141

TriangleStripArray class, 186

truncate method, 207

Trust Services API, 8

tuner capability in AMMS, 341

TunerControl class, 348

Types of command, 77

TypicalCanvas class, 143–144

TypicalGameCanvas class, 145–146


UIOneMIDlet class, 74–75

UITwoFormMIDlet class, 93–95

UITwoMIDlet class, 84–86

Umbrella specifications, 5–7

UNEDITABLE modifier, 72

UnicodeBlock class, 72

Unidentified third-party domains, 42

Universally unique identification numbers (UUIDs), 277, 279

UNREALIZED constant, 330

Unregister command, 53

unregister method, 63

unregisterConnection method, 48

UnregisterContentRunnable class, 62

UnregisterRunnable class, 51, 54

UnsupportedLocaleException class, 237

Untrusted domains, 42

UP constant, 125

UP_PRESSED constant, 146

update method

Cipher, 359

Signature, 358

Updates for Global Positioning System, 371

URL constant, 71


files, 208

REST, 307

User interface, 69–70

alerts, 73

commands, 76–80

example, 74–76

forms. See Forms

images, 74

input modes, 72–73

lists. See Lists and List class

screens, 70–71

TextBox, 71–72, 74–75

ticker, 76–77

UserCredentialManager class, 356–357

Utilities and tools

classes for, 27

Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC support for, 11

UUID class, 277

UUIDs (Universally unique identification numbers), 277, 279


VCENTER constant, 116

Vector class, 32

Vector format, 159

Vector graphics. See Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Vectors class, 270

verify method, 358

VertexBuffer class, 185

Vertices in 3D graphics, 184–187

Video. See Sound and video

VideoControl class, 334, 338

View windows, 153


coordinate system, 175

SVG, 161

Virkus, Robert, 17

Volume controls for MIDI, 332–333

VolumeControl class, 333, 345


Wait indicator, 132–135

wait method, 269

WakeUpMIDlet class, 54–55

WARNING constant, 73

wasMissed method, 363

WavHandlerMIDlet class, 60–65

Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file, 303

Web services

overview, 295–296

REST, 307–317

width method, 111

Wireless devices, 3–4

Wireless Messaging API (WMA) API, 263

WMA Console, 53

Word wrap, 86, 111–114

World class, 180–181

wrap method

Font, 111–112

WrapCanvas, 113

WrapCanvas class, 112–114

wrapImplementation method, 113–114

Wrapping text, 86, 111–114

write method, 201

Write Once, Run Anywhere, 377

Writing content handlers, 59–64

WS-* web services, 295–296, 303–307


X axis, 105

X-CCARD adapter, 366

XML, 295

parsing, 296, 301–303

with REST, 307


Y axis, 105


ZoomControl class, 348

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