Other Edit Commands

Miscellaneous commands.

[count]ymotion y[count]motion Yank current character through character that motion would move the cursor to and puts them into the delete buffer. The text and cursor are unchanged.
Y Yanks from current position to end of line. Equivalent to y$.
u Undo the last text modifying command.
U Undo all the text modifying commands performed on the line.
[count]v Returns the command fc –e ${VISUAL:– ${EDITOR:–vi}} count in the input buffer. If count is omitted, then the current line is used.
^L Line feed and print current line. Has effect only in control mode.
^J (New line) Execute the current line, regardless of mode.
^M (Return) Execute current line, regardless of mode.
# Sends the line after inserting a # in front of the line. If line already commented, then remove the # character. Useful for causing the current line to be inserted in the history without being executed.
= List the file names that match the current word if an asterisk were appended it.
@letter Your alias list is searched for an alias letter and if defined, its value is inserted on the input queue.
% find the matching (), {}

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