Command Execution

The primary prompt (PS1 - default $ or # for super-users) is displayed whenever the Korn shell is ready to read a command. The secondary prompt (PS2 - default >) is displayed when the Korn shell needs more input.

Command Execution Format

command1 ; command2execute command1 followed by command2
command &execute command asynchronously in the background; do not wait for completion
command1 | command2pass the standard output of command1 to standard input of command2
command1 && command2execute command2 if command1 returns zero (successful) exit status
command1 || command2execute command2 if command1 returns non-zero (unsuccessful) exit status
command | &execute command asynchronously with its standard input and output attached to the parent shell; use read –p/print –p to manipulate the standard input/output
command continue command onto the next line
{command;}execute command in the current shell
(command)execute command in a subshell

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