Special Variables

There are a number of variables provided by the Korn shell that allow you to customize your working environment. Some are automatically set by the Korn shell, some have a default value if not set, while others have no value unless specifically set.

CDPATH search path for cd when not given a full pathname (no default)
COLUMNS window width for in-line edit mode and select command lists (default 80)
EDITOR pathname of the editor for in-line editing (default /bin/ ed)
ENV pathname of the environment file (no default)
FCEDIT default editor for the fc command
FPATH search path for auto-loaded functions pathname of the history file
HISTFILE pathname of the history file (default $HOME/ .sh_history)
HISTSIZE number of commands to save in history file (default 128)
HOME home directory
IFS internal field separator (default space, tab, newline)
LINES specifies column length for select lists
MAIL name of mail file
MAILCHECK specifies how often to check for mail (default 600 seconds)
MAILPATH search path for mail files (no default)
OLDPWD previous working directory
OPTARG value of the last getopts option argument
OPTIND index of the last getopts option argument
PATH search path for commands (default /bin:/usr/bin:)
PPID process id of the parent shell
PS1 primary prompt string (default $, #)
PS2 secondary prompt string (default >)
PS3 select command prompt (default #?)
PS4 debug prompt string (default +)
RANDOM contains a random number
REPLY contains input to read command when no variables given
SECONDS contains number of seconds since Korn shell invocation
SHELL pathname of shell
TERM specifies your terminal type (no default)
TMOUT Korn shell timeout variable (default 0)
VISUAL pathname of the editor for in-line editing

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