
Integer arithmetic is performed with the let and ((...)) commands. All of the operators from the C programming language (except ++, – –, and ?:) are supported by the Korn shell. The format for arithmetic constants is:


where base is a decimal number between 2 and 36 that specifies the arithmetic base. If not specified, the default is base 10. The arithmetic base can also be set with the typeset –i command.

Arithmetic Commands

let "arithmetic-expression" ((arithmetic-expression))evaluate arithmetic expression
integer variabledeclare an integer variable
integer variable=integer-valuedeclare an integer variable and set it to a value
integer variable="arithmetic-assignment-expression"declare an integer variable and assign it the value of the arithmetic-assignment-expression
typeset –in variable[=value]declare a base n integer variable, and optionally assign it a value

Arithmetic Operators

unary minus
! logical negation
bitwise negation
*, /, % multiplication, division, remainder (modulo)
+, – addition, subtraction
<<, >> left shift, right shift
<=, < less than or equal to, less than
>=, > greater than or equal to, greater than
==, != equal to, not equal to
& bitwise AND
^ bitwise exclusive OR
| bitwise OR
&& logical AND
|| logical OR
= assignment
*=, /=, %= multiply assign, divide assign, modulo assign
+=, –= increment, decrement
<<=, >>= left shift assign, right shift assign
&=, ^=, |= bitwise AND assign, bitwise exclusive OR assign, bitwise OR assign
(...) grouping (used to override precedence rules)

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