
Quoting is used to prevent the shell from treating characters or words specially. There are three methods of quoting: First, quotes the following character, unless it is at the end of a line, in which case both the and the newline are stripped. Second, a single quote (‘) quotes everything up to the next single quote (this may span lines). Third, a double quote (“) quotes all characters, except $, ‘ and , up to the next unquoted double quote. $ and ‘ inside double quotes have their usual meaning (i.e., parameter, command or arithmetic substitution) except no field splitting is carried out on the results of double-quoted substitutions. If a inside a double-quoted string is followed by , $, ‘ or “, it is replaced by the second character; if it is followed by a newline, both the and the newline are stripped; otherwise, both the and the character following are unchanged. Note: see POSIX Mode below for a special rule regarding sequences of the form “...`...”...`..”.

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