
The first step the shell takes in executing a simple-command is to perform substitutions on the words of the command. There are three kinds of substitution: parameter, command and arithmetic. Parameter substitutions, which are described in detail in the next section, take the form $name or ${...}; command substitutions take the form $(command) or ‘command‘; and arithmetic substitutions take the form $((expression)). If a substitution appears outside of double quotes, the results of the substitution are generally subject to word or field splitting according to the current value of the IFS parameter. The IFS parameter specifies a list of characters which are used to break a string up into several words; any characters from the set space, tab and newline that appear in the IFS characters are called IFS white space. Sequences of one or more IFS white space characters, in combination with zero or one non-IFS white space characters delimit a field. As a special case, leading and trailing IFS white space is stripped (i.e., no leading or trailing empty field is created by it); leading or trailing non-IFS white space does create an empty field. Example: if IFS is set to ‘:’, the sequence of characters ‘A:B::D’ contains four fields: ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘’ and ‘D’. Note that if the IFS parameter is set to the null string, no field splitting is done; if the parameter is unset, the default value of space, tab and newline is used.

The results of substitution are, unless otherwise specified, also subject to brace expansion and file name expansion.

A command substitution is replaced by the output generated by the specified command, which is run in a subshell. For $(command) substitutions, normal quoting rules are used when command is parsed, however, for the `command` form, a followed by any of $, ‘ or is stripped (a followed by any other character is unchanged). As a special case in command substitutions, a command of the form < file is interpreted to mean substitute the contents of file ($(< foo) has the same effect as $(cat foo), but it is carried out more efficiently because no process is started). NOTE: $(command) expressions are currently parsed by finding the matching parenthesis, regardless of quoting. This will hopefully be fixed soon.

Arithmetic substitutions are replaced by the value of the specified expression. For example, the command echo $((2+3*4)) prints 14. See Arithmetic Expressions for a description of an expression.

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