Korn Shell Options

The Korn shell has a number of options that specify your environment and control execution. There are options that cause background jobs to be run at a lower priority, prevent files from being overwritten with redirection operators, disable filename expansion, specify the vi-style in-line command editor, and more.

Table 7.2 lists some of the Korn shell options, along with the default values (these may differ on your system). All of the options are listed in Appendix E.

Table 7.2. Some Korn Shell Options
set –a, set –o allexport automatically export variables when defined
set –o bgnice execute all background jobs at a lower priority
set –o emacs, set –o gmacs use emacs/gmacs in-line editor
set –o ignoreeof do not exit on end of file; use exit (default Ctl-d)
set –o markdirs display trailing / on directory names resulting from file name substitution
set –m, set –o monitor enable job control (system dependent)
set –n, set –o noexec read commands without executing them
set –o noclobber prevent I/O redirection from truncating existing files
set –f, set –o noglob disable file name expansion
set –u, set –o nounset return error on substitution of unset variables
set –h, set –o trackall make commands tracked aliases when first encountered
set –o vi use vi-style editor for in-line editing
set –x, set –o xtrace display commands and arguments as they are executed

Enabling/Disabling Options

Korn shell options are enabled with the set –ooption or set –option command. For example, the noglob option disables file name substitution and can be set using either of these commands :

						$ set —f


						$ set —o noglob

Options can also be enabled by specifying them on the ksh command line. Here, a Korn subshell is started with the emacs option enabled:

						$ ksh —o emacs

Options can be disabled with the set +o option or set +option command. In this example, the noglob option is disabled:

						$ set +o noglob

The ignoreeof Option

If this option is enabled, you get this message when you try to log off using Ctl-d:

							$ set —o ignoreeof
							$ Ctl-d
							Use 'exit' to terminate this shell

By default, this option is disabled.

The markdirs Option

When enabled, a trailing / is appended to directory names resulting from file name substitution. It's like the ls –o or –F options, except that you only see the results on file name substitution, not on directory listings. This means that / is added to directory names when you do this:

							$ ls *

but not this:

							$ ls

By default, the markdirs option is disabled.

The noclobber Option

The noclobber option prevents I/O redirection from truncating or clobbering existing files. Let's enable the option and give it a try:

							$ set —o noclobber
							$ ls>ls.out
							$ ls>ls.out
							/bin/ksh: ls.out: file already exists

If noclobber is enabled, and you really want to overwrite a file, use the >| operator:

							$ ls>|ls.out

By default, this option is disabled.

The nounset Option

If the nounset option is disabled, then the Korn shell interprets unset variables as if their values were null.

							$ unset X
							$ print "X is set to: $X"
							X is set to:

If enabled, the Korn shell displays an error message when it encounters unset variables and causes scripts to abort:

							$ set —o nounset
							$ unset X
							$ print $X
							/bin/ksh: X: parameter not set

Displaying the Current Settings

The setting of the current options is displayed with the set –o command. The first field is the option name, and the second field shows if the option is enabled or disabled:

						$ set —o
						allexport        off
						bgnice           on
						emacs            off
						errexit          off
						gmacs            off
						ignoreeof        off
						interactive      on
						keyword          off
						markdirs         off
						monitor          on
						noexec           off
						noclobber        off
						noglob           off
						nolog            off
						nounset          off
						privileged       off
						restricted       off
						trackall         off
						verbose          off
						vi               on
						viraw            on
						xtrace           off

Command-line Options

Besides the options from the set command, the following options can also be specified on the ksh command line:

–c string read and execute the commands from string
–i execute in interactive mode
–r run a restricted shell
–s read commands from standard input

These cannot be enabled with the set command.

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