Building a Helm chart

Let's perform the following steps to build a custom Helm chart to be published in your local chartmuseum repository:

  1. Create a chart called mychart:
$ helm create mychart
  1. Edit your chart structure as you like and test the templates for possible errors:
    $ helm lint ./mychart
    ==> Linting ./mychart
    [INFO] Chart.yaml: icon is recommended
    1 chart(s) linted, no failures
    1. Test your application using --dry-run:
    $ helm install ./mychart --debug --dry-run

    4. Build the Helm chart. By running the following command, you will generate a tarball package of your Helm repository from the mychart location:

    $ helm package .
    1. Replace the Helm repository server address with your Helm server and upload this Helm chart package using a URL:
    $ cd mychart && curl --data-binary "@mychart-0.1.0.tgz"

    Now you have learned how to create, lint, test, package, and upload your new chart to your local ChartMuseum-based Helm repository.

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