Installing KUDO and the KUDO kubectl plugin

Before you can install applications using KUDO operators, you need to install KUDO. We will install KUDO using brew, a package manager used in Linux for the simple installation of binaries on Linux; therefore, you will also need brew installed if you haven't done it already:

  1. Follow the Helm instructions in the Deploying workloads using Helm charts recipe to get Helm running.
  2. Install brew by using the following commands:
$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
$ PATH=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/:$PATH
  1. Install KUDO and the kudo kubectl plugin using brew install by running the following command:
$ brew tap kudobuilder/tap && brew install kudo-cli
  1. Install KUDO as follows:
$ kubectl kudo init
It is worth mentioning that Kubernetes operators are a developing concept in the Kubernetes community. There are multiple operator frameworks, such as the Red Hat Operator Framework, D2iQ's KUDO, and many others out there. Also, for each workload, you will find a number of operators developed by the community. I recommend testing a few flavors before you decide to use an operator to find the operator that fits your use case.

Now you have the KUDO controller installed to test some stateful running applications using Kubernetes Operators.

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