Using your own wildcard certificate

Helm chart installation of GitLab supports TLS termination using the nginx controller. When you install GitLab, you have options. For improved security, you can use Cert Manager and Let's Encrypt or choose to use your own wildcard certificate. In this recipe, we will explain using your own wildcard certificates option, as follows:

  1. Add your certificate and key to the cluster as a secret:
$ kubectl create secret tls mytls --cert=cert.crt --key=key.key
  1. Deploy GitLab from the Helm chart using the following additional parameters:
$ helm upgrade --install gitlab gitlab/gitlab --namespace gitlab 
--timeout 600
--set global.edition=ce
--version 2.1.6
--set certmanager.install=false
--set global.ingress.configureCertmanager=false
--set global.ingress.tls.secretName=mytls
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